Lakeshore's Family & Community Link
August 25, 2024
Welcome to the New School Year!
Welcome, Lakeshore Families!! As we are about to begin another exciting school year, we want to extend a warm welcome to each of you! This is such an exciting time of year, full of new beginnings, opportunities, and friendships for our children. We are thrilled to have your support and partnership as we work together to create a nurturing and enriching environment for our students!
Throughout the year, we will explore new subjects together, continue learning how to be leaders of ourselves and others, and celebrate our many achievements together!! We will offer lots of opportunities for you to be involved with our school community and your child's education over the course of the school year. We want to hear your hopes and input about how to make our school community better for our kids and families, and we want to celebrate your children's hard work and successes with you!!
I am looking forward to seeing our returning families and meeting and getting to know our new families very soon! We hope you'll join us for our Summer Social on Thursday night, or if you're a parent of a 3rd grader, we hope to see you on Wednesday evening for our Parent Information Session. Please don't be shy about introducing yourselves, and please don't ever hesitate to reach out with questions or ideas. Here's to a fantastic year ahead filled with growth, discovery, and joy!
Warm regards,
Mrs. Tsang, Principal
Home-School Communication
Throughout the year, we plan on keeping you informed about the many things going on at Lakeshore. We will also reach out to get your ideas and impressions about how things at Lakeshore are going this year. Our virtual Lakeshore Family and Community Link newsletter will be our primary means of getting information like this out to you. You'll receive the link to this newsletter in your email on a weekly basis. Additionally, your child's teacher will reach out at the beginning of the school year with information about how they will be communicating with you. In addition to sharing information with you, please don't ever hesitate to reach out to us with questions and ideas!
2024-2025 Car Rider Dismissal Form
Please make sure to follow the link below and fill out the form if your child will be a regular car rider during the 2024-2025 school year. Any questions, please feel free to call the main office.
Attendance Reminders
The team at Lakeshore is excited to welcome you to a new school year filled with opportunities to learn and engage!
Getting into the habit of daily attendance is more important than ever. It helps to:
reduce stress
make it easier to connect with friends and teachers
support learning
Please call us if you need help with your child's attendance at school. Mrs. Warren, our school social worker, is happy to support you and your child. She can be reached at 966-3940, or via email at amy.warren@greececsd.org.
We are working to make our school environment a place where everyone can feel safe, be healthy, and engage in their learning. We will do our best to listen and partner with you so that our children have a successful year. Do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Warren, your child's teacher, or the school team with questions or concerns. Please make sure we have your correct email and the best phone numbers where we can reach you! We are looking forward to seeing your children at school soon!
Arrival and Dismissal Updates
We know that the first days of school can be a little bit hectic, with new procedures and routines to learn. We will make sure to provide you with information and updates frequently about the things we know you'll want information about as the year begins.
Although you received this particular information in our Summer Mailing, we wanted to make sure we shared our Arrival and Dismissal procedures with you all again before the first day of school, since we know this is something that most parents will have questions about!
If you plan on dropping your child off in the morning or picking your child up at dismissal time, here are a few reminders that will help contribute to a safe and quick process at the end of the day:
For Arrival:
1) Please use the car rider loop for student drop off in the morning. Cars will not be permitted in the bus loop at any time.
2) Students may be dropped off in the car rider loop any time between 8:20 a.m. and 8:40 a.m. Our caring staff will be there to greet your child and make sure they enter our building safely through the cafeteria doors.
3) After 8:40 a.m., please park your car in the visitor lot and walk with your child to the Main Entrance to sign your child in to school with our Main Office Staff.
For Car Rider Dismissal:
1) Please follow the specific directions in our summer mailing regarding how to register for PikMyKid, our app for Car Rider Dismissal.
2) To avoid your child being put on the bus, any changes to your child's mode of transportation MUST be made in PikMyKid by 2pm. If you miss this deadline, we will be able to assist you in the Main Office up until 2:30 pm. Please note that no changes will be made to your child's mode of transportation after 2:30 p.m.
3) When you're in the Car Rider Line at dismissal, please have the 'announce' screen ready on your phone in the PikMyKid app to keep our process running smoothly. If you are not users of the PikMyKid app, we encourage you to start for a smoother dismissal process for you and your child!
4) To avoid safety and traffic issues on Latta Road, please make sure that you pull your car up as close as possible to the car in front of you in line.
5) We begin dismissing our car riders at 2:57 pm, so please ensure that you are in the car rider line at that time so that we can check you in and release your child to you more quickly.
Thank you so much for adhering to these routines and procedures so that your child can have a safe pick up at Lakeshore this year!
Information and Reminders About Student Medication
If you wish your child to receive medication during school hours (including Over the Counter medications), these will need to be brought into school from home. NY State regulation requires written permission from both parent and health care provider for ALL medications (even Over the Counter); this must be renewed annually. Non prescription medications MUST be in new un-opened bottles. For safety reasons, prescription medications must have the prescription labels on them, as well as Epi-pens and inhalers, and an adult designee must bring medication to school. Other arrangements can be made with the school nurse if necessary.
The Nurse will be in the office periodically before the first day of school to check mail/messages. Please leave a message at 966-3905 if you would like to make arrangements to bring in medication for your child before school begins. Thank you.
Upcoming Events
8/26/24: District Back to School Bash
8/28/24: 3rd Grade Parent Information Night at Lakeshore
8/29/24: Summer Social on the Back Playground at Lakeshore
Please Consider Joining!
We hope you consider joining our PTA this year. Membership is one per family/household; you do not need separate memberships for multiple parents in the household. The more members we have the stronger we are and the more people we can reach so that we can best support our Lakeshore kids!
Here's the link to join:
GCSD Neighborhood Navigation Center
Virtual Backpack - contains flyers for events or sports
Reading Resources for Families - Book Lists by IRLA level available hereLakeshore Elementary School
Website: https://www.greececsd.org/Domain/20
Location: 1200 Latta Road, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: 585-966-3900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LakeshoreElementarySchool
Twitter: @Lakeshore1200