St Luke's Catholic Primary
Message From The Principal
Dear Parents and Carers
There was lots of energy around St Luke’s on Monday as students and teachers returned to school and shared their holiday experiences. We warmly welcome the new students and their families who have joined our school community this term, we hope you have a long and happy association with our school.
Term 3 is busy with many varied learning experiences for all. These include:
- Sacramental preparation -Years 3 & 4
- First Holy Communion
- Numeracy parent workshops
- Sporting Carnivals
- Tournament of Minds for Shine students
- Performing Arts – Years 3 & 5
- Book Week
- Science Week
- Father’s Day celebration
- Disco
Please keep up to date with our school calendar for any change of events.
Education Minister’s Running Challenge
The Paris Olympic Games begin on Friday 26th July. To embrace the Olympic spirit students and staff are encouraged to get active in the 2024 Minister’s Running Challenge which is open to all Western Australian school staff and students from Kindergarten to Year 12.
The Education Minister’s Running Challenge encourages students to run regularly, develop a love for physical exercise and improve health and fitness levels. It’s a great excuse to get together, have fun with friends and get active at the same time.
Any running, walking or wheeling can be counted towards the challenge, this includes our Friday morning running club.
Participating means being in the running for some great rewards:
- Weekly prizes will be awarded to primary and secondary students who have logged activity that week. Prizes include Apple Airtags, Fitbits, Wonderboom Bluetooth Speakers and mini‑golf vouchers to name a few.
- Exciting rewards for some schools when weekly activity is logged.
- Free registration for students in the Perth Running Festival Burswood Park 4km Dash on Sunday 6 October at Optus Stadium. Registrations are now open.
The challenge commenced on Monday 15 July 2024 and will run for nine weeks until 13 September 2024. Register via ministersrunningchallenge.wa.gov.au
My goal is to walk 270 km; I encourage all students and staff to join me for this good cause.
Capital Development Plan Update
Due to escalating building costs, in consultation with CEWA and our School Advisory Council the decision has been made for the TSH/Sports office to remain and to refurbish the science room to a Year 3 classroom for 2025 -2028. Our focus going forward will be improvements to the undercover area.
A Numeracy Hub has been created in the two offices adjoining the Visual Arts space to be used for small group work with students. New lighting has been installed across the front of the school and security cameras will be upgraded in the coming weeks. This will coincide with new fencing from the teacher carpark access to the office to ensure greater safety for our students during the day.
Goodbye Crumble, Midnight and Cleo
It is with great sadness that we share that Crumble, Midnight and Cleo were unfortunately killed by a predator while on holidays at Mrs Farcich’s home during the school holidays. These three gave many students (and their younger siblings) lots of joy sharing their antics with us in the Cluck Club and they were very loved. It was always a delight seeing a freshly laid egg in the nesting box in the mornings and seeing their delight when they ate the leftover food from the Locavora lunches. Chickens have great little personalities and our three were no different. Crumble always loved a cuddle, Midnight was easy to spot with the darker feathers and Cleo was named after Cleopatra as she had dark colours around her eyes when she was a chick. We will be getting some more chicks soon, and when they are big enough, they will be back in the Cluck Club delighting us all over again. In the meantime, we will share photos of our newest members on our social pages.
We look forward to journeying with you this Semester.
Message from the Assistant Principals
Carpark Safety
A friendly reminder as we commence a new school term to please be mindful when driving and parking around the school. We have lots of children crossing roads and using footpaths during drop off and pick up time, so please use extra caution during these periods.
Reading Superstars!
One of the best parts of being an Assistant Principal is when children come to the office to share their learning. Recently, a group of Year 1 superstars came in to share their amazing reading fluency. We are so proud of their hard work and can't wait to see them continuing to shine!
Mini Vinnies
A huge thank you to the St Luke's community for their generosity in supporting the 2024 Mini Vinnies Toiletry and Beanie Appeal. A large number of donations were collected at the end of last term and have been passed on to assist in providing support to the vulnerable members of our local community.
Thank you to all the families who are sending their children to school in the correct uniforms. It is wonderful to see how smart and neatly presented you all look! It is important that parents ensure their child is not mixing the sport uniform and formal uniform. We are seeing an increase in students wearing the sport jacket over their formal shirt. Please do not allow this. Let's all work together in assisting our students to wear their uniforms with pride and uphold the school's uniform policy.
A reminder that the two-year transition period into our new school uniform is coming to an end, and all students will be required to be in the new uniform at the start of 2025. Information about the St Luke's Uniform Policy can be found here on our school website.
Please pay particular attention to the section that pertains to accessories:
- Hair ties, clips, scrunchies and hair bands in the school colours.
- A watch, plain single stud or sleeper earrings and a fine necklace with a religious medal are acceptable.
- Smart watches must be disabled with no messaging or call capability during the school day. If this is not possible, the same requirements as per mobile phones must be followed and the watches need to be handed in at the front office at the beginning of the day and collected at the end of the day.
Please also be mindful when purchasing shoes for your children that the formal uniform requires closed in black formal shoes (no sandals are permitted for safety reasons) and sport shoes should be black or white- not coloured.
Action for Happiness: Happier Kinder Together
You may be interested in the free Action for Happiness app for iOS and Android, for more info click this link: https://actionforhappiness.org/all-calendars
Please click here for this week's Kids' Bulletin and activities.
Have a wonderful end to the week and an even better weekend!
Kristy Graffin & Sarah Williams
Assistant Principals
Upcoming Events
As calendar dates can be subject to change, please always confirm events by checking our online calendar - https://www.stlukeswoodvale.wa.edu.au/community-calendar
Week 1
Friday 19th July
- Whole School Mass- Feast of Blessed Francis Jordan 9:00am
Week 2
Monday 22nd July
- Mathematics Parent Workshops 8:40-9:30am & 5:30-6:30pm
Wednesday 24th July
- Religious Education Assessment Practice Testing (Year 3 & 5 students)
Friday 26th July
- Merit Award Assembly 2:20pm
Sunday 28th July
- Family Mass- World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly 9:30am
Week 3
Wednesday 31st July
- Religious Education Assessment (Year 3 & 5 students)
Thursday 1st August
- Year 3-6 Jumps and Throws Carnival
Friday 2nd August
- P&F Fathering Group iPlay and Pizza Night
Week 4
Book Week
Tuesday 6th August
- Kindy Athletics Carnival
- Holy Communion Parent & Child Workshop (4 White 4:00-5:00pm, 4 Blue 5:15-6:15pm)
Wednesday 7th August
- Book Week Costume Parade 8:45am
Thursday 8th August
- Whole School Mass- Feast of Mary MacKillop 9:00am
Friday 9th August
- PP- Year 6 Athletics Carnival
Saturday 10th August
- P&F Fathering Group iPlay and Pizza Night
Performing Arts Festival
The dance and choir students have been very busy over the last term preparing for the 2024 Performing Arts Festival. This year we have our Year 3 and 5 dance students performing, as well as our choir students from Years 3-6. If you would like to come down and support our talented St Luke’s performers, you can purchase tickets via the Ticketek website.
Choir Students (Year 3-6)
19th August 2024
9.30am – 10.30am
Vasto Club, Balcatta
Tickets are now available - https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1205321
Dance Students (Year 3 & 5)
29th August 2024
6.30pm – 9.30pm
Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre
Tickets will be available from the 31st of July. To access tickets, click on the link below and select “Section P: Dance” to find the Ticketek link. - https://www.spiritofthearts.com.au/performing-arts-festival/
Mathematics Parent Workshops
In an effort to support our student's mathematical understanding, we are running parent workshops on Monday, 22nd July. The workshops will run at 8:40-9:30am and 5:30-6:30pm in the Dance Hall. Tea and coffee will be provided
The workshops will cover:
- Practical ways to support your child's learning at home
- Hands on activities
- Using consistent language at home and school
- Games and activities to engage children at home
- How we learn and teach mathematical concepts
We look forward to working with you to support your children on their learning journey.
Book Week 2024- Reading is MAGIC!
St Luke’s will be celebrating Book Week with our annual Dress Up Parade on Wednesday 7th August at 8.45am. All are welcome to join in the magic!
Please visit our magical Library for our Book Fair!
Tuesday 6th August – Thursday 8th August
Mornings: 8.15 – 8.45am
Afternoons: 2.30 – 3.15pm
Friday 9th August
8:15-8:45am (due to Athletics Carnival)
Monday 12th August
Raffle drawn
More information to come!
A Note from our P&F
Save the Dates
The School Disco will be held Friday 6th September in the school Dance Hall. This is an event for St Luke's students only. Tickets will be available soon via Flexischools.
Father's Day Breakfast and gift stall will be Friday August 30th.
More details to follow closer to the day.
Student Spotlight
If you have any good news stories about our students that you would like to share with the community, please send any photos and a short blurb to natalie.vennitti@cewa.edu.au
Student Leave During School Term
Families not Returning to St Luke's in 2025
If your child is not returning to St Luke's in 2025, we kindly ask that you provide written notice of this a minimum of 10 weeks in advance to admin@stlukeswoodvale.wa.edu.au
School Social Media
- St Luke's Facebook
- St Luke's P&F
- P&F Fathering Group
- St Luke's Twitter
- St Luke's Instagram- @stlukeswoodvale
- Lulu the St Luke's Dog Instagram- @luluthestlukesdog
Each year level also has a Facebook group for families to join which are managed by our class representatives. These groups are a great way to keep in contact with other families in your child's year level and can be found here.
Young Engineers
St Luke's Parish
Welcome to Mass everyone and a big welcome to all new parishioners and visitors to our
Parish of St Luke, Woodvale.
If you are new to our parish, we invite you to complete the Visitors' Book in the foyer.
Fr Stan would also love to meet you, so please introduce yourself at school or after Mass. You are welcome to visit the pastoral office on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9.30am—2.30pm.
For more information about our wonderful St Luke's Parish and to read the current
Bulletin please click here.
Families are invited to attend the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly Family Mass on Sunday, 28th July. We would love to see as many St Luke's families there as possible. It would be appreciated if you could bring along a small plate of food to share with your fellow parishioners after mass.
Children's Liturgy will be held most Sundays during the school term. All children are welcome to attend as part of the 9:30am mass at St Luke's Parish.
The liturgy is conducted in the church hall for the first 20-30 minutes of mass. After the sermon, children will rejoin their families.
Kindly note there will be no Children's Liturgy on 28/7 or 18/8 due to Family Mass and Sacramental Mass.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Thinking about becoming a Catholic?
The process for preparing and welcoming new members into the Catholic Church is called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). This process offers a way to grow in the knowledge of Christ and the Catholic faith in the company of others on a similar journey. It helps each person explore more deeply their personal connection with Jesus through prayer, worship and the Gospels.
If you are interested in becoming a Catholic, wish to learn more about or deepen your understanding of our faith, we invite you to join us at St Luke's Catholic Church for an enquiry session on Thursday 8th August, from 7 to 8pm. This will be followed by weekly sessions at the same time.
If you have any questions, please contact me on 0409 021 135.
Yours in Christ,
Michelle Dastlik
St Luke's Catholic Church, Woodvale
Church Cleaning Roster
The Parish is urgently looking for volunteers to help clean the Church. It takes approximately 1 hour every two months. If there is anyone who would like to join this dedicated team, please contact the Parish office, 94096291, email, woodvale@perthcatholic.org.au or Sylvie Roumier on 0400 787 672 . Thank you.
Youth Group Report
Last Friday at 24:7 Woodvale, We hosted a games night to finish off the school holidays with a bang! We played some classic youth group games with about 30 young people who seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves! It was a night filled with fun and memorable moments for everyone involved.
Our next youth group will be on the 26th of July and we can’t wait to dive into our Term Theme!
God Bless, Trinity & Michael
24:7 Woodvale Youth Ministers