Meet The School Improvement Team
Genesee Valley BOCES
Director of School Improvement: Stephanie Burns
Email: sburns@gvboces.org
Website: www.gvboces.org
Location: 80 Munson Street, Le Roy, NY, USA
Phone: 585.344.7923
Twitter: @stephburns410
Administrative Coordinator of Instructional Services: Kevin Kirkwood
Email: kkirkwood@gvboces.org
Website: www.gvboces.org
Location: 80 Munson Street, Le Roy, NY, USA
Phone: 585.344.7582
Twitter: @KevinRKirkwood1
Coordinator of Instructional Services: Jessica Petrosino
Email: jpetrosino@gvboces.org
Website: www.gvboces.org
Location: 80 Munson Street, Le Roy, NY, USA
Phone: 585.344.7926
Twitter: @JPetrosino85
Coordinator of Instructional Services: Nick D'Amuro
Nick D’Amuro joined the School Improvement Team in the fall of 2023. Nick is certified in Adolescent Social Studies (7-12) and also has a background in political science. Before joining, Nick spent 10 years in the Holley Central School District instructing a variety of courses in social studies for grades 7-12. While at Holley, he constructed and implemented a new curriculum based on inquiry at the eighth-grade level and created innovative electives to engage students outside of ordinary coursework. Nick was also instrumental in piloting and managing the New York State Seal of Civic Readiness at Holley through a senior capstone project that he helped develop. He's spoken at several state and national forums on the importance of civic engagement within our schools, and how civics can align with other practices like SEL to promote political depolarization. Outside of the classroom, Nick has experience coaching track & field at SUNY Geneseo and continues to coach varsity sports at Holley. Currently, Nick facilitates the social studies cohorts at Genesee Valley BOCES and other professional learning opportunities. His instructional passions include inquiry, teaching through primary sources, civic engagement, and colonial history.
Email: ndamuro@gvboces.org
Website: www.gvboces.org
Location: 80 Munson Street, Le Roy, NY, USA
Phone: 585.344.7922
Twitter: @socialstudies65
Coordinator of Instructional Services: Janelle Baker
Janelle Baker has held a 17-year tenure in the field of education. She dedicated nine years to serving as an elementary educator in the Holley Central School District and subsequently made a significant impact during her eight years as a math teacher and math interventionist in the Warsaw Central School District. Janelle's leadership as the Lighthouse Coordinator at Warsaw led the school to achieve Lighthouse status. Notably, Janelle incorporated social-emotional lessons into her instructional cycle and advocated for the integration of Building Thinking and Learning Classrooms in the mathematics framework. Her commitment to professional growth is evident through her expertise in word problems, student engagement, collaborative relationship building, and restorative practices. Janelle eagerly anticipates the opportunity to collaborate with districts on enhancing mathematics instruction, structuring fluency practices, and achieving standards alignment.
Email: jbaker@gvboces.org
Website: www.gvboces.org
Location: 80 Munson Street, Le Roy, NY, USA
Phone: 585.344.7538
Twitter: @BakerJanel41401
Need Support?
Website: http://www.gvboces.org/services.cfm?subpage=208119
Location: 80 Munson Street, Le Roy, NY, USA
Phone: 585.344.7923