In the Know - July 22, 2024

July 22, 2024
AHEF "Putt-ing" Kids First Golf Tournament set for Saturday, Sept. 7
⛳ The Anoka-Hennepin Educational Foundation (AHEF) annual "Putt-ing" Kids First Golf Tournament is set for Saturday, Sept. 7 at Green Haven Golf Course in Anoka. Registration for the 65th Annual event is now open. Your registration includes golf, lunch, games and prizes. Join us for a fun day of supporting Anoka-Hennepin students, schools and foundation.
Dayton Elementary spotlight video
At Dayton Elementary, the relationships built and the connections made have created a rich learning environment. Our students and staff are excited to be here and feel at home. Learn more in the Dayton School Spotlight.
It's more than just free meals: Apply for educational benefits for the 2024-25 school year
All Anoka-Hennepin families are encouraged to apply for the educational benefits program for the 2024-25 school year. A new application must be submitted each school year.
The enrollment window for the 2024-25 school year begins Aug. 1, 2024.
Although school meals are still free, your family may still qualify for other educational benefits. If your family needs access to educational benefits available to your student, an application can be completed by visiting ahschools.us/freereduced.
Anoka-Hennepin asks that all families complete an online application to provide additional school funding to support all students in the district. By filling out this application, your school can earn funding and you can save money.
Educational benefits include:
- Athletics fees: Eligible students may qualify for fees to be waived or reduced.
- SAT, ACT, AP Fees: Students may be eligible for discounted fees for academic tests and some lab fees.
- Other high school activities: Students may qualify for discounts on speech, debate, theater, band and others.
- Additional benefits and cost savings: Chromebook device protection, Comcast Internet Essentials discount, Amazon Prime membership discounts, discounted bus fares with Metro Transit, Xcel Energy account assistance, discounts at museums and theaters.
Only one application is needed per household. Please contact the child nutrition department with any questions or assistance at 763-506-1240 or staff.CnpEnrollment@ahschools.us.
Free school meals program information
Every student may receive one breakfast and one lunch at no cost during the 2024-25 school year. The state’s Free School Meals program will cover the cost of one breakfast meal and one lunch meal for every student daily, however the cost of a la carte items, such as milk, other drinks, or extra meal items will not be covered. Students will need to have funds in their meal accounts to purchase any additional food items.
Back-to-school verification open now; families are required to update emergency contact information and review school policies each year
Families may complete the verification online by logging into A-HConnect.
Why it matters: Verification ensures that each student’s school has confirmed emergency contact information and releases for the safety of each student.
Deadlines: It’s important that each family completes the verification process before the first day of school. Verification is easy to do online, on your own time, whenever it’s convenient.
- Even if families’ contact information has not changed, it’s important to log in to access a variety of other student information in the coming weeks, including class schedules and teacher assignments, attendance, school handbooks, progress reports and grades for middle and high school students.
- High school students will not be able to enroll in fall activities until the back to school verification process is complete.
Login details: Families may visit A-HConnect to complete back-to-school forms for the upcoming school year.
- Parents/guardians can access back-to-school forms by clicking the lock icon and “Login” at the top right corner of any district or school website.
- Then, select, "My Student Information."
- Next, choose “Online registration.”
- Select “Back-to-school annual verification.”
- View the tip sheet for directions.
If families need help finding their login/password, direct them to email 506help@ahschools.us or call 763-506-HELP for assistance.
Middle and high school families: Back-to-school verification also includes the option to enroll in an optional protection plan for district-issued Chromebooks, which are assigned to students in grades 6-12 to ensure access to technology systems that support classroom learning. Visit ahschools.us/techprotect to learn more.
District serves up meals through the USDA Summer Food Service Program
The Anoka-Hennepin School District will participate in the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) once again this summer. Meals will be provided to all children 18 and under at no cost.
🥕 The details: Meals will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis, at 16 sites across the district. The program will start Thursday, June 13 at most sites. Meal availability and serving times vary from site to site and are subject to change. Review a list of sites and meal times for more information.
Meals will be served inside school buildings. Parents accompanying their children may purchase a meal. Adult breakfast is $3.00 and lunch is $5.25. Exact change is required, and no checks will be taken.
🍎 More about the program: The SFSP was created by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to ensure that children could continue to receive nutritious meals during summer break, when they may not have access to school breakfast or lunch.
For more information, please contact Anoka-Hennepin child nutrition at 763-506-1240 or staff.CnpEnrollment@ahschools.us.
Make a difference: District to host summer hiring event on Thursday, July 25
The Anoka-Hennepin School District will host a summer hiring event from 1-5 p.m. on Thursday, July 25 at the Educational Service Center (ESC), located at 2727 N Ferry St. in Anoka. The hiring event will take place in the Erling Johnson rooms. Please enter Door 7 at the ESC.
Anoka-Hennepin Schools has employment opportunities for any phase of your work life or experience. Full-time, part-time and substitute positions are available, including flexible weekly schedules with hours ranging from early morning, mid-day, late afternoon, or evening opportunities for the employee groups listed below.
Representatives from the following work groups will be present:
- Child nutrition (food service).
- Buildings and grounds (custodial).
- Special Education (para).
- Teachers Assistants (elementary para - recess and lunchroom, secondary para, ESL para and others).
- Transportation (crossing guards and bus helpers) *Bus companies utilized by Anoka-Hennepin will be present.
- Community Education (assistants, instructors, coaches, water safety instructors, lifeguards).
- Adventures Plus (before and after school child care).
- Early Learning (Preschool and ECFE assistants).
- Technology (tech para, tech assistant, tech support).
- Substitutes for various operational and teacher positions (any bachelor's degree qualifies for a substitute license).
- Employee Services (answering general questions and information about all other positions).
Anoka-Hennepin Schools is a great place to live, work, learn and play. Join us on Thursday, July 25 to learn more about employment opportunities and determine what role(s) would be the best fit for your interests, skills and schedule.
Everyone plays a role in student achievement; help your community succeed by applying today!
Visit ahschools.us/jobs or call 763-506-JOBS for more information.
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This e-newsletter is published by Anoka-Hennepin Schools. It's sent to all Anoka-Hennepin staff on a weekly basis during the school year, excluding breaks (and periodically during the summer). Questions, comments or concerns about In the Know e-newsletter? Contact us.