Growing Together @ STL
August 28 , 2024

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Leadership Message
~ Meet St. Luke's New Principal ~
Blessings St. Luke Catholic School Families,
It is a delight and gift to lead St. Luke Catholic School! I have had the pleasure of getting to know many students and families before the school year begins as well as connect with our incredible teaching and learning team! It's going to be a fantastic year!
The staff have been working very hard getting learning spaces ready for your precious children. We extend big thank yous to our amazing custodians, Mr. Ople and Mr. Draghici, who have worked extremely hard over the summer to help make our school sparkle! Thank you!
The weekly newsletters will be our hub of information and all parents are encouraged to read through the "Growing Together @ STL" newsletter each week. You are also encouraged to check back to it and reference it often. Many questions are quickly answered in the newsletter. They will come out every Friday.
I had had the absolutely pleasure hosting a St. Luke table at the SCL Farmer's Market last week. I will be there again this week - feel free to come by and say hi! I would love to meet you!
Growing Together in Christ,
Mme Gravelle
School News & Events
Thursday, August 29
- Staggered Entry for PreK to Grade 4 students! Welcome!
- First Day of School for Grades 5-8! Looking forward to seeing you!
- Mrs. McCann & Mrs. Scoggins @ STL
- Say Hi to our new Principal, Mme Gravelle at the South Cooking Lake Farmer's Market tonight!
- Staggered Entry for PreK to Grade 4 students! Welcome!
- Second full day for Grades 5-8
- Mrs. Scoggins @ STL
- Have a great September Long Weekend!
Tuesday September 3
- First full day for all students!
- Nature Infused PreKinder & Kinder in class
- Growing Together As Community (AKA Praise & Worship Liturgy) @ 8:15am in library - All parents are invited!
- Mrs. McCann @ STL
Wednesday, September 4 - Early Dismissal
- Students dismissed at 1:40pm
- School Spirit Day: Wear St. Luke Colours & Swag!
- Mrs. McCann @ STL
- Nature Infused PreKinder & Kinders in Class
- Mrs. McCann & Mrs. Scoggins @ St. Luke
Friday, September 6
- Mrs. McCann & Mrs. Scoggins @ St. Luke
Monday, September 23 @ 6:00pm - School Council Meeting
Complete Your Consent Forms
It is that time of year again when we need parents to log into your Powerschool account and fill out your yearly consent for technology use, communication and fieldtrips. Please note that these forms must be completed before your child's first field trip or they may be unable to participate.
If you have not filled out the Demographic form sent out in June please complete it. This gives the school the most current information for your child and family. Alberta Ed requires families to complete this form yearly.
Thank you for taking time to do this. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Bilyk, St. Luke's fantastic secretary. She is delighted to help.
School fees will be added On October 1st. Teachers are still confirming this years fieldtrips.
Introducing St. Luke's Awesome Team 2024-2025
Student Support & Leadership Team
Principal - Mme Pamela Gravelle
Family Wellness Worker - Mrs. Sarah McCann
Inclusive Learning Facilitator - Mrs. Andrea Kroeker
Chaplain - Miss Andria Diduck
Teaching Team:
Nature Infused Pre-Kindergarten - Mrs. Lynne Shurek
Nature Infused Kindergarten - Mme Monique Jean-Burns
Nature Infused Grade 1 & Grade 2 - Ms. Sam Boehm
Grade 2&3 - Mrs. Andrea Kroeker & Mr. Cory Mak
Grade 4 - Ms. Katie Winnick (Workun)
Grade 5&6 - Ms. Andria Diduck
Grade 7&8 Team : Ms. Ashley Baldo, Mrs. Madeleine Kozitzky, Mr. Cory Mak & Mrs. Angela Marple
Music Specialist - Mrs. Angela Marple
Support Team:
Administrative Assistant - Mrs. Brooke Bilyk
Educational Assistants - Mrs. Selene Sorenson & New Team Member TBD
Learning Commons & Library Tech - Mrs. Tracy Scoggins
Custodians - Mr. Richard Ople & Mr. Daniel Draghici
Welcome Back Barbeque Wednesday September 11th
Come join us this Thursday at 5:30pm for a barbeque hosted by our wonderful School Council and school staff.
This is a great time to meet the staff, see our amazing school, and visit with our school families.
We will launch the evening together in the gym at 5:30pm. We hope to see you there!
Faith Integration
2024-2025 Faith Theme
We excitedly share this year's Faith Theme of "Rooted in Christ." You will see this theme and our Faith integrated throughout our school, interwoven into each subject area and our daily interactions with each other. We are excited to "Grow Together in Christ at St. Luke Catholic School"
Learners and Learning
What will my child learn this year?
In our Catholic School, the Alberta curriculum is infused with our Catholic Faith through the guidance of the Growing in Christ, Growing in Faith curriculum as well as our acts of service projects to support our community.
Alberta Education outlines the curriculum that is to be taught at each grade in Alberta. You are invited to visit the Alberta Education parent page to understand what your child will be learning this year. For your convenience the link is here, and also linked in the button below.
Cell Phones in School
As you may be aware, Alberta Education has put into place standards or use of Personal Communication Devices (PCD) in schools.
As part of our collaborative commitment to fostering an environment that supports student learning, safety, and well-being, we are implementing procedures for the use of PCDs at St. Luke Catholic School in collaboration with all EICS Catholic Schools. Numerous studies have highlighted the impact of excessive screen time and social media use on children and adolescents.
The guidelines at St. Luke Catholic School align with the recently issued Ministerial Order (#14/2024) - Standards for the Use of Personal Mobile Devices and Social Media in Alberta Schools and EICS’ Administrative Procedure (AP 145) on the Use of Personal Communication Devices (PCD).
What does this look like at St. Luke
Status Quo. It has been a practice at St. Luke Catholic School that cell phones (Personal Communication Devices) not be used during the day. This practice will continue and is in alignment with educational best practices and guidelines set forth by Alberta Education.
No Cell Phones are used during Instructional Time or Unstructured Times: Students in Grades PreK - Grade 8 will refrain from using their PCDs during either instructional time or unstructured times (recess or lunch breaks). If a student brings a PCD to school, it must remain in their locker (or a designated location) for the duration of the school day.
We appreciate your partnership in reinforcing these school guidelines at home.
These guidelines are also articulated in the Student Handbook located at the front of your child's agenda and printed prior to the Ministerial Order. We were ahead of the game. "Proper etiquette dictates that personal electronic devices not interrupt the learning environment. Hence, students are expected to place their personal electronic devices in their lockers and only bring them to class if approved by the teacher. Students are not permitted to use cell phones to take pictures on school property or during student activities as it is a violation of privacy laws covered by FOIP. Students are not permitted to use their devices at lunch or at recess."
Call Us. We can help.
If you need to contact your child, please call the office at (780) 922 - 5920. In any instance requiring an emergency communication with a student, our school team will assist your child, a parent, or other responsible adult with that situation by using a school telephone.
An office telephone is available for students to use before/after school, during recess, and lunches should there be an appropriate need to contact you. All classrooms are also equipped with an outgoing landline.
There will be an opportunity to review this cell phone and Ministerial Order at the St. Luke Catholic School Council meeting on September 23 at 6:00pm. You are invited to the table for the conversation.
Systemic Wellness
Student Safety
Student Drop off and Pick ups
To ensure student safety please follow these guidelines:
Bused students will be dropped off (8:00am) and picked up first (2:40pm) and will enter the school first.
After all of the buses pull away, parents are invited to drop students off at the front of the school.
If you need to drop or pick up sooner please use the gravel parking space located on the East side of the school.
For children's safety, when using the pull up/drop off/pick up lane at the front of the school, thank you for stopping and letting the children out/picking up on the passenger side of the vehicle.
Thank you for working together to keep all students, staff and families safe!
Breakfast Program
We are very grateful for our Nutrition Grant! We will be officially launching our Breakfast program mid September. Until then, thanks to Mrs. Sorensen, breakfast grab & go items will be available to students such as apples, oranges, cheese and other healthy food items. Stay tuned for more details about our Breakfast program!
Calming Room Call Out
We are excited to create a calming space for students and provide a sensory-friendly environment. We could use your help to get started! If you have any of the following items to donate, we will be very grateful. We could use items such as:
- leather or faux-leather bean bag chairs
- weighted blanket
- cooling eye mask
- live plants
- salt lamp
- indoor water fountain
- play-dough
- rocking chair or glider
Starting to think about Field Trips!
While it may be a little while before your child heads out on a field trip, it's best to be proactive with permissions to attend. Please access your PowerSchool Parent portal to sign your annual consent forms for technology and field trips. As well, please update your communication permissions and contact information.
Doing this early ensures your child is able to enjoy all of the rich learning experiences brought forward by our amazing team, and that you get all of important information about them!
Fee Waiver
If returning to school is a stressful time for your family, you may be eligible to have your school fees waived. Please read more about the EICS fee waiver policy and complete the following form if applicable. 2023-24 Fee Waiver Application.
Nut Aware School
St. Luke Catholic School is a nut-aware environment. This school policy is put in place to provide a safe environment for our children and staff who have life-threatening allergies to nut and nut products. We ask parents to monitor this closely with their children as they prepare snacks and lunches to be brought to school. Thank you for helping a safe school community for all!
Community Engagement
If you haven’t already, please join our School Council and Parent Association Facebook page! We are excited to offer this official space to share news and updates about events, fundraising, and more!
Questions or Want to Volunteer?
If you are interested in helping with the Welcome Back BBQ, get involved in events or have questions for St. Luke's School Council, please email stlukeparentcouncileics@gmail.com
Mark Your Calendars!
Our first School Council Meeting is in person on Monday, September 23 at 6:00pm. All parents with children at St. Luke are part of School Council and welcome to join each meeting. Together we plan events, discuss topics and support all children in successful learning and growing!
Community Events
Supporting Those Affected by the Jasper Wildfire
As you may know, the Edmonton Archdiocese has set up a special fund to collect donations in support of the Our Lady of the Lourdes parishioners who were affected by the Jasper wildfire. Should you wish to donate, here is the link https://caedm.ca/donate-to-the-jasper-fire . Please click here to read Archbishop Smith's statements on the Jasper Wildfire.
OLPH Parish News!
Quick Links and Resources
Parish Contact Information
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link. https://www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark/videos/
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacramental preparation.
St. Francis of Assisi Parish is administered by Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Sherwood Park. Please contact the parish for confession times and more information.
Clergy: Reverend Jim Corrigan, Pastor
Mass Time: Sunday 11:00
Email Address: StFrancisAssisi.Tofield(at)caedm.ca
5523 - 50 Street Tofield, AB T0B 4J0
See map: Google Maps
Phone: 780-467-5470School Contact Information
St. Luke Catholic School
Email: Stl@eics.ab.ca
Website: stl.eics.ab.ca
Location: 22139 South Cooking Lake Road, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-922-5920
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stlukeeics
Twitter: @stlcs_EICS