Stewart Stampede
August - 2021 #4
From the Principal
I hope everyone is doing well this weekend. As we get ready for another week at Stewart, I wanted to update you with regards to the positive COVID cases on campus. To date, we had 37 confirmed student cases between August 13 and August 22. Our highest number was on Wednesday, August 18 and there were only 3 reports on Friday, August 20. This is good news and we are hopeful the downward trajectory continues.
We saw more students and staff wearing masks last weak and I am hoping more will wear them this in the coming days. I have asked our staff to wear masks in hopes that our students will feel more comfortable doing the same. We have had staff members out and filling the vacancies with substitutes can be challenging.
While mask wearing may not be the only answer, we do feel it helped slow the spread last year along with social distancing. We are simply trying to do everything we can to keep our staff and students well and our campus doors open. If we are forced to shut down for a period of time, we will not be able to offer virtual teaching and learning. The only option currently, is to make up the time lost by adding days to the school year or extending the length of the school day.
Please consider allowing your child to wear a mask and quarantine children who have been exposed to a positive family member, friend or neighbor. Please keep them home if they are sick and consider having them tested. We will continue evaluating our protocols and procedures on campus and work quickly to implement necessary changes. Let's all continue to work together to keep everyone from getting sick and keep the doors open at Stewart. Our students want and need to be at school.
I am always available for questions or suggestions. Please feel free to contact me.
The next campus newsletter will be sent on September 1st. Please look for all campus letters to be sent out the first of each month.
The positive notifications will continue to be sent home each day we receive notice of a positive test result. I will continue to update you as necessary so you may stay informed. If you want to see updated information about the positive COVID-19 cases in our county, district or campus, please click on this link.
Take care.
Dr. Julie English
From Nurse Patty
Parents can schedule FREE COVID testing with CISD for your students via your child’s SSO Portal. You will sign to the portal and click on the COVID Central App, then click on “schedule a test”. This testing site is available M-F from 8AM-6PM and Saturday 8AM-4PM.
If your child does test positive for COVID, please contact Nurse Patty via phone (936-709-4215) or email (
Birthday Treats
Dress Code Reminders
1. Shorts must the be mid-thigh length.
2. Mid-drift and halter tops are not allowed.
3. Muscle shirts are not allowed.
4. Spaghetti straps or straps that are not at least the width of two adult fingers are not allowed.
5. Jeans with rips or holes that are above the mid-thigh are not allowed, unless there is a patch under the rip or fray.
6. Sandals and flip flops are not allowed at school. Toes may not be exposed.
7. Work out type yoga pants or leggings are allowed ONLY if the length of the shirt/top reaches the top of the thigh.
8. Hair must be a natural color. Pink, blue, green, not a natural hair color and therefore not appropriate for school.
9. Undergarments should not be visible.
10. Make-up is not allowed. Our Mustangs are natural beauties!
A complete dress code requirement list will be sent to you during the first week of school.
Please remember that students should NEVER transport medications to school themselves.
Dismissal Tags
Change of Transportation
As a reminder...if you need to change the way your child goes home during the school day, please email Angie Creech at before 1:30PM. She can only make changes from a written or emailed request. Please refrain from emailing your child's teacher to change the way they go home during the school day as they may not see the communication until we are finished with dismissal.