PCK Weekly News
September 22nd, 2022
Hello Parents,
It's been a great week at PCK! The weather from the past few days sets us up perfectly for fall, which is ushered in officially tomorrow, September 23rd. Something that you may or may not know....
When you think about it, it's kind of strange that fall is the only time of year with two names: spring, summer, and winter each only have one name, while fall is also known as autumn. The season once had a third name as well—in 12th- and 13th-century Middle English, fall was called "haerfest," which was the act of taking in crops. Eventually, it was known as "harvest" because the full moon closest to the autumn equinox is called the harvest moon.
High School Information Night for Middle School
If you are the parent of a middle schooler, you won't want to miss PCK's High School Information Night from 5:00 - 6:30pm on September 28th. Representatives from most of the area high schools will be on hand to answer questions about their schools so you can make an informed decision about where to send your student after PCK.
Fall Fest
A great way to get your Volunteer hours in.....We need you for the Fall Festival! We need Volunteers to help set up, clean up, man the games, sell tickets, help with crafts and more! We cannot make the festival a success without you! Please feel free to sign up for more than one slot if you are available. Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers who need volunteer hours are also welcome! Set up and cleanup is a perfect opportunity for dads and strong teens :)
Hearing and Vision Screening Tuesday, October 4th
Parent/Guardian Information
Colorado Law (C.R.S. 22-1-116) states that grades K,1,2,3,5,and 7 shall be tested each year for vision and hearing. The school may also screen students in Special Education (SPED), new to the district, or referrals.
It is important to note that this is a screening, not a complete exam.
If your child has prescription glasses or contacts for distance vision, please have them wear or bring them to the screening.
Screening results:
Children with concerns should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.
You will receive a referral letter if your child does not pass.
Please take the referral letter to your appointment and have the provider complete the bottom of the form and then return it to your school’s health office/school nurse
*Students that do not pass hearing in DCSD will be rechecked by the DCSD Audiology Department and you may also schedule a sound-booth appointment.
Standards for hearing and vision are available at:
Please contact Jacenta Wirth or Shera Mace with any questions.
The school has contracted with Tender Care Consulting, LLC to provide screening services. 303-359-9553
Save the Dates!
Calling all Book Lovers! It's Almost Time for the Scholastic Book Fair...
Homework Help
"NJHS is officially excited to announce the start of their Homework Help program this year! For any interested K-6 students, NJHS is offering 30 minute one-on-one sessions in which your student will have the opportunity to ask any questions and get their homework done with the assistance of a qualified NJHS member.
Homework help sessions will run from 3:10-3:45 at Core Care Club (which is currently held in the sports gym after school). After the session concludes, your student will exit to the south parking lot for pickup. Each session costs $10 and all sessions must be paid for in advance through MySchoolBucks. A link to this payment will be provided once you are assigned an NJHS student.
If you are interested in having an NJHS student help your child with homework, please contact Mr. Robbins at drobbins@ckcs.net. In your email, please specify your student’s name, grade level, the number of sessions you wish to purchase, and the day(s) of the week you would like your student to receive help. An NJHS member will be assigned to your student shortly after receiving your request."
Lunchtime News
The Lunchroom staff would like you to remember to...
- make sure that you have updated your child's grade and teacher with Wholesome Foods.
- pack silverware for your child's lunch from home, as the plasticware at the school is reserved for hot lunches only
Kneaders is NO LONGER an available vendor through Wholesome Foods. Costa VIda will now be the only Friday lunch.
*Please note, effective Oct. 1st, the price of milk will be 50 cents due to the rising cost of milk!
Upcoming Spirit Nights
**Last weekend the Music Theatre Department moved from our off-site storage unit into the McCarthy family's barn. We want to thank the McCarthy family again for their generosity and the following Parents, Students, PCK Alumni, and Directors' Spouses for helping us with the move. Your time is appreciated; we couldn't have done it without you!
Chris Allen
Julie and Shannon Crist
Traci and Reagan Landers
Magda Lantz
Jason, Alex, and Jack McCarthy
Craig and Callie Myers
Caleb Pack
Lokesh, Krishna, and Amulya Thakkapatti
Linda and Sienna Zoz
Safety Dad Superhero
**Thank you very much to Lokesh Babu Thakkalapatti for serving as Safety Dad this week!
Did you know that PCK has official school Instagram and Facebook pages? Join us on Instagram at pck_charter_school, and on Facebook at Parker Core Knowledge Charter School. You can also use the links on the homepage of our new website. These pages are trusted sources of information about school happenings.