Highlander Times
October 11, 2023

Highlander Times October 9, 2024
From the Principal
- Clubs are actively meeting. It is not too late to join most of our clubs. Find information here.
- College and career staff are meeting with all seniors. I highly encourage you to attend our college fair this Thursday, October 10 from 6:30-8:00 in the SHS cafeteria. Open to students and families from all grades.
- We are just over halfway through a very successful fall athletics season. Click here to see schedules of competitions.
- Tickets for the homecoming dance are on sale during all three lunches (details below).
- Progress reports (information about your student's grades) have been mailed out. You can also access them on Aspen in the "published reports" section. Please don't hesitate to reach out to a teacher with questions or concerns. First quarter grades close on November 1.
- Per my email earlier this week, the PTSA is asking for you to vote for the parent/guardian representatives for the SHS School Improvement Council. Voting closes Sunday at 9pm and the first meeting will be Wednesday, October 16 from 6:30-8:00pm. While only elected members can vote, the meetings are open to the public and anyone can attend. Click here to vote.
Important Updates and Reminders
Homecoming Dance Friday October 18 6-9:00 pm
Somerville High School's fall dance theme is "New York Fashion Formal." The dance will be held on Friday, October 18 from 6:00-9:00pm at Somernova 8 Tyler Street, Somerville.
*Tickets can be purchased during the school lunch block. We will only sell 550 tickets so please buy tickets early.
*Permission slips must be signed by parents/guardians before students can purchase a ticket; Students should pick up permission slips in their communities or at lunch where tickets are sold.
*Tickets are $20 and include food.
*Attendance at dances and games is a privilege; students with excessive unexcused absences or significant conduct incidents may have this privilege revoked. Reach out to your student's assistant principal or dean with questions or concerns.
Yearbook Senior Pictures
It's time to submit senior pictures for the yearbook! All senior photos should be turned in by November 8th. If a photo is not submitted, the picture day photo will be used. CTE Graphics will be taking photos for those who would like them. More information soon. Picture specifications:
- Photos should be a minimum of 4 x 5 inches and 300 pixels per inch
- Note: Larger is OK, but all photos will be sized and cropped to a similar 4 to 5 ratio.
- Acceptable File types: JPEG, PNG and TIFF
- Please email photos to: yearbookatshs@gmail.com
Senior Costume Day Guidelines
Following a long standing tradition, seniors can dress up in costumes on October 31. Seniors will have a special lunch with costume contest from 11-12, and will be dismissed at 12. Students may stay at school if they wish but will need to attend classes. Guidelines for costumes are below:
Only seniors may wear costumes.
Seniors must go to class and should not wander the hallways
Costumes may not be demeaning to any ethnic group, race, religion, nationality, disability, gender or individual (staff or student) at the school.
Costumes should not make light of serious issues (ex: No P. Diddy/Sean Combs)
Costumes may not cause a disruption or distraction to the school program
No weapons, toy weapons, or props replicating weapons (sorry no light sabers either!) are to be brought to school.
No costumes are allowed that would completely hide the identity of the student, i.e. Hazmat suit, gorilla suit, “Scream” character. Face paint shouldn’t cover more than 50% of the face .
No full face masks are permitted (they may not be worn OR carried)
Costumes may not show obscene materials or prohibited substances.
If you have questions about the appropriateness of your costume please ask your assistant principal
If costumes are not appropriate, students will be asked to change.
From the PTSA
Survey Fixed!! Please sign up if you're willing to help the PTSA with fundraising and events!
Many of you let me know that this survey did not work. It now works! The PTSA and SHS are interested in raising funds and hosting some events. We need some folks with ideas and energy. Please let us know if you're interested in helping out. Proceeds will go toward SHS students, including making sure that all seniors can participate in prom, graduation, and other senior traditions. We're no longer thinking a big "gala" but we'd like to start up some new traditions! We need team of staff and parents/guardians/community members to make this happen. If interested, please fill out this interest form.
Action Needed!
Please sign these forms!
Thank you to the approximately 40% of parents/guardians who completed our annual mandatory form sign off in PowerSchool. For the other 60% of you, we still need you to sign off on these forms! Please click here to access a digital acknowledgement form. You will need to sign the SPS photo release, review and sign off on the SHS Handbook, apply for SAT/AP and other fee waivers, and complete the military opt-out form (optional). In the near future we will be sending an email to everyone asking you to make sure your contact information in Aspen is correct.
Survey from Special Education Parents Advisory Council (SEPAC)
SEPAC is asking for your anonymous feedback to drive Somerville SEPACs path forward during the ‘24-’25 school year and beyond. You and your student’s feedback is essential for SEPAC to effectively advocate for the needs of all students in Somerville Public Schools. Your feedback will support ALL SPS families navigating general education and special education. Please click here to access the survey.
Field Trip Chaperones Need
Do you have a flexible schedule? Enjoy spending time and learning with some wonderful young adults? Then sign up to chaperone a field trip! We are looking for volunteers to help us out on field trips by chaperoning. All that is required is a CORI check and a good attitude. If interested/available, please fill out this form.
SFLC/SHS Winter Coat Drive
We are looking for winter gear in good condition. If you have coats, boots, mittens, hats and gloves that you can donate, please drop them off in the SFLC donation bin by the main office. Thank you in advance for helping keep our students warm!
Upcoming College and Career Planning Events for Seniors
- College Fair (students & families welcome)- October 10, 6:30-8pm in the SHS cafeteria. More information here.
- Upcoming college & career lunch visits: These are times that colleges and other programs will come to visit SHS. You do not need to sign up or register. They will be at a table in the cafeteria during lunch times and anyone can go talk to them!
Upcoming Events
- October 10: College fair for students and families, 6:30pm - 8:00pm, SHS cafeteria
- October 14: No School - Indigenous People's Day
- October 16: School Improvement Council 6:30-8:00 pm (note new date)
- October 16: PSAT administration - students should register with Melanie Kessler
- October 18: Homecoming "New York Fashion Formal" Dance, 6:00pm - 9:00pm @Somernova
- October 31: Senior Costume Day
- November 1: Last Day of First Quarter
- November 5: No School - Election Day
- November 11: No School - Veterans Day
- November 13: School Improvement Council 6:30-8:00pm
- November 14: Parent Guardian Conferences 5:00-7:00 pm
- November 19-21: Winter Sports Clearance
- November 21: Picture Retake Day
- November 27: 1/2 day
- November 28-29: No School - Thanksgiving Break
Highlander Highlights
Cosmetology opens to the public two days a week
This week, the cosmetology clinic opened its doors to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 10:00 a.m. People should call to make appointments: (617) 629-5250, extension 611550.
Our senior students do amazing work. We are so proud of their professionalism and talent. This week, Mary who is 100 years old, came in for a permanent wave and cut. Cosmo student Camila did a wonderful job!
Cosmetology seniors ready for business
Open to the public!
Open to the public!
Summer Reading Celebration
Participants from the 2024 summer reading challenge gathered in the library for games, snacks, and prizes to celebrate their summer reading accomplishments. Several prizes were given away to twenty recognized readers. The English and Library Media Departments co-hosted the event. Forty students read 155 books!
ChileMass organizes a visit to SHS
As part of their annual innovation day meeting in Boston organized by ChileMass, seven teachers from Chile visited SHS and observed a series of STEAM classrooms, including physics, biology, chemistry, math, photography, ceramics, and studio art. They interacted with teachers and students and were eager to learn about the work done at Somerville Public Schools.
SHS host Cristian Medina would like to thank all the teachers who were willing to open their classroom and is particularly thankful for the students who did a great job as tour guides.
For More Information....
Class of 2025!
School Counseling
Career and College Corner
We invite all SHS parents, guardians, students, and staff to join the PTSA, and welcome your ideas for helping our school and community. For more information, please contact us by email at shsptsa1@yahoo.com. You can visit our website and fill out a membership form here: shsptsa1.wixsite.com/shsptsa Also, please join our SHS Friends and Family Facebook page at SHS Friends and Family Page | Facebook to stay informed about PTSA and SHS activities. PRESIDENT Caroline Rosas; CO-VICE-PRESIDENT: Laura Beretsky; CO-VICE-PRESIDENT: Lisa Tatterson; SECRETARY Nicole Hoxholli; TREASURER: Kim Doherty