Raider Roundup
October 28, 2024
Dear Raider Parents/Guardians,
The end of the 1st quarter is Thursday, October 31, 2024. We dismiss 3 hours early on this day. We encourage everyone to check your student's grades through Schoology and their attendance in FOCUS. Students are encouraged to check in with their teachers regarding their grades.
Academic achievement is paramount to everything we do at Loch Raven High School. We implemented social eligibility this year and were able to get the attention of a number of our students with their eligibility for Homecoming activities. Messages will continue to be sent home regarding student grades and social eligibility. Students who have 2 or more E's are ineligible to attend after school activities of any kind. During the second semester this will change to 1 or more E's. This has the potential to impact the eligibility for students to attend the Junior and Senior Proms.
Attendance in each class is important. Students are to be in class prior to the late bell ringing and remain in class for the entirety of the class period. Any student who misses more than 10 minutes will be marked as Truant. Please encourage your students to be on time to school and class and take advantage of the opportunities.
Important dates and information from our departments, clubs, athletics, and parent groups are included below.
Thank you for partnering with us for our students.
Janine Holmes
Stay Positive, Work Hard and Make it Happen!
Bi-Weekly Calendar
Monday, October 28
Tuesday, October 29
- PSAT Day - 10th & 11th Graders testing
- PTSA Trunk or Treat - 5:30 - 7:30
Wednesday, October 30
- JV Football @ Randallstown HS, 4:00 (canceled)
- Schools Close 3 hours early for student
- V Football v Randallstown HS, 4:00
- Schools Closed for Students
Monday, November 4
- Beginning of the Second Quarter
Tuesday, November 5
- Schools Closed for Election Day
Wednesday, November 6
- NHS Induction
Thursday, November 7
- Fall Recital, 6:00 - 8:00 (Instrumental and Choral)
Friday, November 8
- Football Playoff possible
BCPS has made the decision to move away from the McGraw Hill StudySync pilot and move all schools to the Saavas myPerspectives learning platform. Due to this change, students in all English classes at Loch Raven will be shifting gears and moving to the new learning platform at the start of the second quarter.
Teachers are engaging in professional development and will be well supported during this transition. Students will also have some time to get used to the new platform and curricula. As such, the novels and course outlines shared in syllabi and at Back-to-School night might be altered slightly due to the changes. If you have questions about what your student might be reading, please reach out to their English teacher for an updated list of novel choices.
As always, if there is anything you need, please reach out to Krissy Bujanda, English Department Chair, at kbujanda@bcps.org.
Physical Education/Health
Team Sports and Fitness classes are outside enjoying this weather finishing up their flag football unit and next week they start soccer and speedball. Please remember to have the kiddos pack warm clothes for PE class because we will continue to go outside till the middle of November. Weight training classes are doing 1st q. Max-outs and finishing up on weight training chart #2. Health 9/10 students are currently working on unit 3, the Substance Abuse Prevention unit. In this unit students have begun to learn about the dangers of marijuana, electronic cigarettes and prescription drugs. Later in this unit students will learn about and practice drug refusal skills. In this unit students will also learn about the dangers and consequences of alcohol and opioid abuse. Health 11/12 students are now into unit four evaluating risks with substance use and abuse. Students will analyze and evaluate risk and protective factors that relate to substance use and abuse at each level of the Socio-Ecological model.
If your child still has not purchased their purple shirt for $10 please send in cash or credit card using the link below. Any questions please email Ms. Miller, PE and Health Department Chair jmiller27@bcps.org
Diverse Learning
Raider Buddies will be starting to regular meetings starting on 10/30/2024 at 2:45-3:30. Raider Buddies is a group that embraces and promotes inclusivity that is based on the international group, Best Buddies (https://www.bestbuddies.org/). This group pairs students that have learning differences, such as Autism, with a peer. Raider Buddies meetings will include games, snacks, cooking activities, crafts, and service opportunities. Students can earn service learning hours by participating. If students are interested they can join the Schoology group: MWVT-4V44-MMW7W.
Allied Bocce will start 12/3. Allied sports is a totally inclusive program that affords students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in interscholastic sports along-side their non-disabled peers.
The goals of the Allied Sports Program and those of the existing interscholastic athletic program are similar. Both programs strive to teach students good sportsmanship, to build positive self-esteem, to acquire new sport-specific skills, to improve physical fitness, to foster new friendships, and to develop the concept of teamwork.
World Languages
Read the information below about the Seal of Biliteracy.
Visual and Performing Arts
Hello from the Art and Music Department!
November 21st is our annual Coffee House from 3-6. We are looking for both food and money donations to support the NAHS and TRI-M Honors Society for the event. If you want to donate money, please write a check to Loch Raven High School and write Coffee House Donation in the memo. Dunkin Donut or Weber's Farm gift cards are welcome as well for the coffee, hot cocoa and spiced cider. If you want to sign up to donate gift cards, water and individually wrapped snacks (chips, cookies, etc.) please use the link below. All Donations need to be dropped off prior to November 21. Email Emily Hall at ehall2@bcps,org for any questions.
Any student who wants to participate is encouraged to register using this link by October 31. https://forms.gle/xQddV5W4PAhGbo4d8
We have two NAHS Seniors working on a mural in the front lobby. We are really excited about the design and students have started painting this week. We want to share the design for parents to see! (design is attached). And new exhibition in the lobby, stop by and see our talented artists!
Please take note of the following important dates:
2024-2025 Music Department Concert Dates
Nov.7: Fall Recital 6-8 PM (Both Instrumental and Choir)
Nov. 21: Coffee House 3-6PM (NAHS/TRI-M Student Event, not required and welcome to anyone)
Jan. 9: Winter Choral Concert 6-8 PM
Jan.16: Winter Band and Orchestra 6-8 PM
March Assessment: TBA
April 24: Spring Choral Concert 6-8 PM
May 1: Spring Band and Orchestra Concert 6-8 PM
Counseling Corner
October is National Bullying Prevention Month
How to talk to your teenager about bullying?
Talking about bullying can be difficult for everyone. There are many ways to raise the subject of bullying and start the conversation before bullying happens or if you are concerned that it may be happening.
How to make communication with your child easier:
Initiate talks in the car, before or after homework, over dinner or breakfast, or when doing something together. Keep it casual and curious. Talk about the daily schedule. Listen. Show that you trust them. Ask open ended questions about their day or activities.
- What’s the funniest thing that happened today?
- What was the best and worst thing that happened to you today?
- What new thing did you learn about a friend or another student this week?
- What would you change about today?
Excerpted from stopbullying.gov; please visit website for more information:
Career Navigation
Great things are happening in the world of Career Navigation at LRHS!
11th Grade AVID students recently traveled to the NACAC College Fair in Baltimore and Seniors participated in Senior Mock Interview Day. Students recieved resume and interview support from the Department of Workforce Development. What a great partnership!
Coming up this month, as we move into exploring careers in the Health Professions some upperclassmen will visit CCBC's Health Profession programs at the Essex campus. Sheffield will also be here to speak to students about careers in Broadcasting. Some Loch Raven students will also attend the AICPA's Youth Leadership in Accounting Conference at CCBC for some more career exposure and preparation!
Lastly, we were excited to attend the opening of the new Towson Place Chick fil a! Greet the many Loch Raven students who are now working there after a great hiring event we had at Loch Raven.
It's time to begin registering for winter sports. The following will assist in the registration process.
Student Government Association (SGA)
Homecoming was a great success!!!
Class of 2025
Class of 2025 Spirit Wear store closes Thursday, October 31st. Class of 2025 Spirit Wear
Senior Prom Friday, May 9th at Valley Mansion from 7 to 11 pm
Ms. Miller will be sending emails to the primary parent in FOCUS for all seniors. If you are not seeing these emails, please email her at jmiller27@bcps.org. Make sure your senior is also part of the Class of 2025 Schoology group (Join Code is ZPJ8-PXWJ-G34MH)
Attention Senior Parents/Guardians,
A few pieces of information as we start Senior Season!!
- Graduation will be on June 5th 2025 at 10am at TU Arena.
- Cap and Gown ordering has begun - deadline 12/6. Detailed directions are on flyers given out next week or on the Class of 2025 schoology page.
- Students will be asked to verify names/spellings for diplomas in the next few weeks - tell your students to be on the lookout for that announcement.
- Questions: Email Lvoos@bcps.org or Jmadrid@bcps.org
Please take a few minutes to join the PTSA using the following link:
Sports Boosters
Student Support Network
Loch Raven High School receives support from the Student Support Network. We have a room at LRHS called the Haven, where we have school supplies (e.g. backpacks, notebooks, pencils and pens, etc.) as well as limited food and toiltery items. If your family is in need, please reach out to Ms. Putchat, our School Social Worker, in the Counseling office @ cputchat@bcps.org or 443-809-1933. Students can also stop by the Counseling office before school, in between classes, or after school to see Ms. Putchat for this assistance. We will also be offering food distributions prior to school breaks; please be on the look out for further information about these events later in the school year.
Follow us on Instagram for all things LRHS!