Rhino Report
October 2024
Important Dates:
- Oct 5 : Rhino Olympics
- Oct. 10 : Parent Teacher Conference at 3:30 to 6:30
- Oct. 11: No school Parent Teacher Conferences at 8 am to 11:40 pm
- Oct 16 : 2nd grade field trip to Autumn Acres Pumpkin Patch
- Oct. 17/18 : No School (Teacher Work Day & Staff Development Day)
- Oct. 22 : Picture Retakes
- Oct. 23 : Vision Screening
- Oct. 24 : 3rd Grade Music Program at 5:30pm
- Oct. 24 : 4th Grade Music Program at 6:30pm
- Oct 29 : DC Fire Dept. visiting Kinder-2nd grade
- Oct 29 : Title 1 Activity Scavenger Hunt 5:30 to 6:30
Attendance Matters!
Join the Reading Fun!
Reading Title 1 Night!
Grade Level Updates
Kindergarten- Mrs. Slattery, Mrs. Del Real, Mrs. Vigil, Mrs. Blackburn
Math Update
- The students will continue to count, order and draw up to 10 objects. Please continue to practice at home.
- Module 2 will begin at the end of October. Module 2 is on 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes.
- Key Vocabulary: positional words such as; Above, below, in front of, behind, next to. Flat - 2D shapes. Solid-3D shapes.
ELA Update
The students have learned letters A-Z. Continue to practice their name and sound. They are also learning story elements, which include: character, setting, and main idea.
Students will also continue to work on sight words.
- Students will also be working on rhyming words and identifying the middle (CVC) sound of a given word.
Quarterly Reading Goal
- Continue reading together at home to help your child meet their reading goal.
Math Home Connection
1st Grade- Miss Theis, Miss Adi, Mrs. Burkhart, Mrs. Veeder
- Add and subtract within 10
- Understand equal sign
- Solving word problems to add and subtract within 10
- Knowing if 2+5=7 then 5+2=7
ELA Update
- Understanding key details in a text
- Understanding the central message using illustrations
- Writing: opinion and explanatory (explain experiences)
Quarterly Reading Goal
- Read two books
Math Home Connection
2nd Grade- Mrs. VanArsdale, Mrs. Hessman, Miss Loera , Ms. Montes
- ENY Math Module 3: Students will be working on place value of a number. Standard form, word form, expanded form and unit form of a number.
- Comparing two numbers: greater than, less than.
ELA Update
ELA focus: Students will focus on retelling the beginning, middle, and end of a story.
Students will use temporal words to show the sequence of events.
Phonics: Students will work on digraphs ((CH, SH, TH, WH) and R controlled vowels ( OR, AR)
Reading Goal
- October reading goal sent home. Read 20 minutes minimum each night. Reading goals due November 2nd.
Math Home Connection
3rd Grade- Ms. Phelps , Ms. Kazuba , Ms. Martinez, Ms. Vargas
Please continue practicing your multiplication facts and skip counting.
We will begin exploring time, capacity, weight, and length.
Ask your child to tell the time to the nearest minute using a non-digital watch or an analog clock. Play with the clock or watch hands to create different times to tell.
At the store, ask your child to use the food scale in the produce section. Have them guess the metric weight (in grams or kilograms) before they put an item on the scale.
ELA Update
We will do an informative writing piece about a topic that they will research and present to the class. Discuss the details that writers use to convey the central message.
While reading with your child, ask your child to recall important ideas from their story.
We are focusing on the central message of stories. Discuss the lesson that can be learned from the story.
Quarterly Reading Goal
- The reading goal is due October 16th
Math Home Connection
4th Grade- Miss. Murillo, Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Hager, Mrs. Albright
This month we will be working in module 2, a short unit on metrics measurement. We will then start module 3 over multi-digit multiplication and division.
At home, notice measurements around the house. What can you measure? How are the measurements comparing?
Your family can continue working towards mastery of multiplication facts through 12’s. This is a long unit with many concepts taught.
ELA Update
- This month we will start unit 1, module B. We will compare and gather ideas from multiple sources in informational texts. In writing we will conduct research based on questions about informational text.
- At home, ask your child to summarize (retell) what they are reading. Make sure they are including important details from the text.
Quarterly Reading Goal
(All books are at the student's reading level)
- 2 book reports- genre and projects are teacher discretion
Math Home Connection
5th Grade- Mrs. Botello, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Juel, Mrs. cook
- After working with place value, we will be moving to multiplication and division of multi-digit numbers in Module 2. We will start with whole numbers and then we will work with decimal numbers and various operations using different models for practice. Parental math guide’s have been sent home with students to help parents understand the math curriculum and lesson strategies.
ELA Update
- During the month of October we will be primarily determining the relationships between individuals, concepts, and events based on information provided in texts. Within writing, our focus is developing a topic with given facts, definitions, and concrete details.
Quarterly Reading Goal
- One fiction book report
One nonfiction book report
One personal choice book report
- Read 20 minutes a day to help students develop their fluency.
- Students have reading logs to fill out Friday to Thursday.
Math Home Connection
Music- Miss Corwin and Mrs. Bennett
- Kindergarten- loud and soft/Counting Creatures-steady beat
- 1st Grade- Piano (soft) / Forte (loud)
- 2nd Grade- crescendo/decrescendo (gradually getting louder or softer)
- 3rd Grade-Students are learning VERY LOUD and very soft (fortissimo and pianissimo)
- 4th Grade- Listen to your favorite song for the introduction and the ending
- 5th grade- Listen to your favorite songs that have more than one vocalist at a time.
Physical Education- Coach Burkhard & Coach Applegate
Library- Mrs. Fairbank
What: Students and staff may decorate a pinecone to represent a character from a book. We encourage you to have fun painting and decorating your pinecone to represent a character from a book.
When:: You can bring your pinecone to the library between October 1st and October 31th. We will keep them on display for parents and kids to see in the library. We will send home the pinecones in November.
Who: Any student or staff at Ross Elementary. Please be sure to put your name and teacher’s name on your project.
Example Book Character Pinecone Picture Here!!!!
After many years of having kids bring in decorated pumpkins, we have decided it was time for a new FALL challenge! Plus, as an added bonus, PINECONES don’t rot and stink up the library or bring tears to kids when their project is destroyed when the pumpkin goes bad! Have FUN being creative!
Student Support Services- Ms. Alarcon
Hello, Ross Families
In October, we will focus on bullying, growth mindset, and medicine safety in honor of Bullying Prevention Month and Red Ribbon Week. The students will understand the importance of acknowledging and preventing bullying, having a growth mindset, and medicine safety. They will learn ways to recognize, report, and refuse bullying, change a negative mindset to a positive one, and learn about medicine safety. Below, I will list books you can read with your child that focus on these topics.
- · The Dot
- · Your Fantastic Elastic Brain
- · Sarah’s Sick Day
Feel free to contact me if I can assist your family in any way.
-Ms. Alarcon
School Psychologist- Mrs. Millershaski
Six Things to Say to Your Anxious Child
- I am here and you are safe.
- Tell me about it.
- Let’s draw your “worry”
- What does if feel like in your body? Where is the worry?
- Match your breathing to mine.
- What is something we could do to make you feel better?
Contact us!
Email: diaz.jayne@usd443.org
Website: https://usd443.org/index.php?pageID=543510_3
Location: 3001 6th Avenue, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 620-471-2103
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/551631258225474