Lee Family Bulletin - September 12
We're getting into the swing of things!
Back to School Night
Wednesday, Sep 18, 2024, 05:30 PM
Jason Lee Elementary School, Northeast 92nd Avenue, Portland, OR, USA
Back to School Night is Coming Up!
We're excited to host our families and students next week for Back to School Night!
We will start in the cafeteria with Staff introductions and a presentation by Principal Velázquez before we move into classroom visits. You will get a chance to hear about our school and special programs and services we provide for our students, as well as the many different ways you can get involved. Most importantly, you will get to hear from your child's teacher about this year and ask any questions you may have.
5:30 p.m. Schoolwide Presentation in the Cafeteria.
6:00 p.m. Classroom visits - Rotation 1
6:20 p.m. Classroom visits- Rotation 2
6:40 p.m. Classroom visits- Rotation 3
7:00 p.m. Q & A with principal and staff in the cafeteria.
The same schedule as the classroom visits will be followed by specialists. You may hear about TAG, ELD, Learning Center, Library, music, counseling and more! We will have pizza.
This month we will practicing a Lockdown Safety Drill - please discuss at home
Lockdown actions are initiated whenever there is an active threat against the safety of our school. This action includes “Locks, Lights, Out of Sight” and works to create a time barrier until our first responders can arrive at the scene. Lockdown emergency actions save lives, and conducting such drills helps to better prepare our staff and students if a threatening situation were ever to occur at our school.
The drill is scheduled for Wednesday, September 18 at 1 p.m.
We understand that these types of active threat drills can cause some anxiety for students and staff. Please know that our staff are working to connect with students in advance of the drill in an age appropriate way to help ease any anxiety and better support students who may be negatively impacted.
As a parent/caregiver, we wanted to share some additional resources that could help in connecting with your child(ren) in advance of this drill: Please click this link
Career Fair This Fall: Can you help?
Our annual Career Fair will be held earlier this year on Friday, November 15th from 8:45-11 AM. We would love to have as many jobs represented as possible, kids are so curious to learn! Please fill out this form (https://forms.gle/y1oKnXD5DinzzKPc7) and Mrs. Capps will be in touch with you soon!
Thank you for the donated snacks!
Thank you for your generous donations of snack items to your child's teachers! As you may remember, our daily Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Snack program has been significantly reduced this year. It won't start until October and it may go down to once per week. We appreciate any donations of healthy snacks that you may make to your child's classroom.
Do you know any five-year-olds ready for school who have yet to enroll?
Please let them know we want to get them enrolled as soon as possible. Kindergarteners have a staggered start to school in the fall, and we want our families to come in for a meeting with teachers and a "practice" school day before their official first day with their class on September 3. Send them our way!