Lion Links

Spirit Wear!!!
You can now order Spirit Wear any time right to your home!
Our lost and found is overflowing!
Our lost and found is overflowing! We’d like to get these back to their owners! Parents are welcome to come and check the lost and found. Please remind your child if they have lost something.
We will be donating March 8th. Thank you! —
📸Spring Pictures Day February 27, 2024 📸
LM Families-Spring Picture Day is Almost Here!
O'Connor Photography will be at our school on Tuesday, 2/27 to take Class Group Photos as well as each student has the opportunity to be photographed for a Spring Individual Green Screen Portrait. Please do not have your child wear solid green or white as those colors disappear on the green screen! We have a limited number of paper order forms, please contact the office if you would like to have one sent home with your student.
Only students who pre-order an Individual will be photographed. All students will be photographed in the Class Group photo. If you would like your child to get a Portrait taken or to order their Class Group photo, click below to pre-order their 2024 Spring portraits today!
~You can also purchase by visiting our website at: www.oconnorphotographystudio.com
If you have any questions or need assistance please give our studio a call at 1-800-993-4929.
Skate Night this Tuesday Night!!!
Click below for our Health Newsletter⬇️
Regular attendance supports a student’s social-emotional well-being, mental health, sense of belonging, and academic outcomes. Attendance at Little Mountain has been trending down since before the holiday season. We need your help to move our trends back up! Ask your child about our February attendance challenge and encourage them to do their part to support their class by having regular attendance. Classrooms can win prizes and rewards for having the top attendance.
What You Can Do
Avoid missing school unless your child is truly sick. Seek help if chronic illness is a challenge.
Avoid scheduling vacations while school is in session.
Schedule dental, medical, and mental health appointments at the beginning or end of the day. If appointments fall in the middle of the day, send your child to school before and after the appointment if the care provider deems it appropriate to do so.
Develop a back-up plan for getting to school with a family member, neighbor, or another parent. Your child’s school is happy to help you connect with other parents.
If your child seems anxious about or is refusing to go to school, contact the school to work together to provide support.
Our Commitment to You
We know there are many reasons students are absent from school. There are people at your child’s school prepared to help if you or your child face challenges getting to school regularly and/or on time. Please do not hesitate to contact the school office for assistance and or support.
Please see the current illness advisory sheet for clarification on when your child should stay home from school and rest.
Reading Challenge!
Keep up the great work reading at home! We have about 81% of our students completing their nightly reading. Students should be reading or being read to for 30 min. every night. We have students already reaching their 100 steps!! Let's get to 100% of students reading nightly!
Students Reading Proficiency
The benchmark for 1st Grade will be moving this Friday.
Reading at Home has Improved!
Keep up the reading at home!!
Febuary Lunch Menu
What's Happening
02/16: Early Release @ 1:30pm
02/19: No School President's Day
02/21: Early Release @ 1:30pm
02/27: Spring Pictures & Skate Night
02/28: Early Release @ 1:30pm
02/29: TK Field Trip
Ashleigh Moe, Principal & Nate Shepherd, Assistant Principal
Mission and Vision Statement
Students at Little Mountain Elementary have
voice and power in their learning experiences!
At Little Mountain we seek to cultivate student voice by valuing students’ diverse experiences, strengthening family partnerships, and providing high quality teaching.
Our students and families' voices matter.