Dr. Hall's Cougar Communicator
Families & Students October 6, 2023
Hispanic Heritage Month
October 9
Hispanic Breakfast 8:30am
Beta Induction 6:00pm
October 10
Hispanic Heritage Night 5:00pm
Volleyball v. Chapin Away
October 11
Volleyball Home Game (Dig Pink Game!)
October 12
No School
October 13
No School
Celebrating Others
RSVP for Upcoming Events
Excellence in Education
Super Citizens for September
Welcome Ms. Davis our new bookkeeper!
Positive Office Referrals
September Tireless Teacher
Hispanic Heritage Spirit Week
In the Know
Attendance Matters
Parents if a child has 4 or more absences right now he/she is chronically absent. Help us continue to decrease our chronically absent by ensuring your child is at school
Hispanic Heritage Celebration
October 10, 2023 at Northside Middle School with food trucks, music, crafts, and more.
Academic Celebration
All students who were met or exemplary on SCREADY along with students with all A's for the 1st 9 weeks will receive a free Tropical Smoothie on October 19, 2023.
Dreambox Leaders
Over 98% of our students logged in last week. Every class averaged over 5 lessons.
ID Badges Required
IDs are required in order to get on our buses and for safety purposes. Students must get a temporary badge if they do not have one. It costs $1. After 3 temporary badges, they will be required to purchase a new ID, which will cost $10.
Parental Supervision
Just a reminder, students must have parental supervision at athletic events.
Northside Middle School
Dr. Tiffany Hall, Principal
Bryson Summers, Assistant Principal
Brooke Oxendine, Assistant Administrator
Website: https://nms.lex2.org/
Location: 157 Cougar Drive, West Columbia, SC, USA
Phone: (803) 739-4190
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NMSCougars/
Twitter: @NMScougars