Hudson Hawk Band Updates
Summer 2024
Summer Updates
Band Placements for 2024-2025
We are so excited about the future of the Hudson Band program! You can find band placement results for 2024-2025 here. If your name is not on this list, you are either moving to a different instrument and in a beginner class again, moving schools, selecting a different elective, or we have made a mistake. If we have made a mistake, please let us know ASAP!
Summer Music Packets
Unfortunately, we weren't able to give out physical summer music packets the last week of school like we usually do. Please use this link to find a packet of music to work on over the summer. This includes warm-ups, technique exercises, football music, scales, and more. If you can be prepared to play much of this music when the school year starts, you will feel excited and accomplished!
Advanced Bands Required Supplies
Much like the beginner band year, as students continue with band there are new/different/extra supplies that will be needed. Many of these are the same supplies that we requested for this past year, so if your student will be an 8th grader, they likely already have these supplies. Please make sure your student has these supplies when we begin summer band rehearsals on July 22.
HMS Summer Band Camp!
We will hold our annual summer band camp for HMS band students on July 22, 23, 24, 29, and 30. This year's camp will take place at Sewell Elementary, since our campus is off limits to us due to construction. Camp will take place each day from 8:30-12:00pm for Wind Symphony students and 9:00am-12:00pm for Honors and Symphonic Band students. (Camp will extend until 1:00pm for Jazz Band students on July 23, 24, and 28.) We will have a summer band concert on July 30th at 12:00pm in the gym at Sewell, and will follow that up with a trip to Hawaiian Waters (optional) that ends at 5:00pm. We expect that students who are in town make arrangements to be at camp so we can have a really great start to our year! All camp details can be seen on this flier.
2024-2025 Jazz Band Audition Results
Thanks to all of those who auditioned for the HMS jazz band! If you planned to audition for the rhythm section (drumset, piano, guitar, bass) and didn't have a chance to do so, we will hold rhythm section auditions at the end of our first day of our summer band rehearsals, July 22 at 12:00pm.
Here is the current roster of jazz band members.
2024-2025 Band Aides
Thanks to everyone who turned in applications to be a band aide for next year. We are so happy that so many of you want to serve the band in this way! Congratulations to this list of band aides for 2024-2025.
Summer Practice Challenge
How many students have already said "I'm bored."?! We have something to occupy your time and give you something to make you less bored! Students who practice for 40 days this summer, will be invited to an ice cream party at the end of the 2nd week of school. Parents should initial each day that students practice for at least 20 minutes. Make sure you find your summer music packet above to have some music to work on! All Summer Practice Challenge papers are due by August 16th.
Summer Camps!
2023-2024 Wrap Up
We had almost 130 beginner band students this year who learned a ton, made us laugh, and represented our program so well at solo contest, All-Star auditions, and festivals and concerts. The Hawk Select Band even earned the first Best In Class award that any Hudson band has earned in at least 10 years. They have such a bright future ahead!
We had more advanced band students than EVER earn chairs in the GISD All-District and TMEA Region 3 All-Region Bands, more students than ever earned 1st divisions on their solos and were selected as Outstanding Soloists, and we were the ONLY GISD school to have all 3 advanced bands earn superior ratings on stage at UIL! It was a hugely successful year!
Our 8th graders are leaving a lasting legacy and with over 140 incoming 6th graders next year, our program is in a very healthy place. We are so thankful to the band parents who have served as chaperones, volunteered at school, helped with fundraisers, and supported us this year! We want to extend an extra special thank you to the parents who serve on our booster club board and work tirelessly to make sure our students have a great band experience at Hudson - we couldn't do it without them!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for sharing your wonderful children with us! We hope you all have a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you on July 22nd, after we've all recharged our batteries and spent some much-needed time relaxing!
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Band Events = Clear Bag Policy
GISD VIP Pass for Seniors
Volunteer Application REQUIRED
About Us
Dan Urban - Assistant Director
Ryan Neff - Assistant Director
Email: hdbecker@garlandisd.net
Website: www.hudsonband.org
Phone: 972-675-3070
Facebook: facebook.com/hudsonmsband
Twitter: @hudsonhawkband