Nobles County Clover Digest
June 21, 2024

Nobles County Fair Registration is Due on July 3
Twelve days remain to complete your registration for the Nobles County Fair.
Registration for the county fair is now open in FairEntry (http://nobles-county.fairentry.com). During the fair registration process, youth declare which projects they are showcasing at the county fair. This process is separate from 4-H Online animal identification. All county fair registration is due on July 3 for general and animal science projects.
Please note, families will attach their identified animals to a specific class in FairEntry. MN 4-H policy allows animals to move between siblings up until the county fair check in point.
A good rule of thumb might be to break all animals to be registered up such that each family member gets about the same number of the animals in their name.
For example, if the John Doe family has ID’d 12 animals and there are three siblings in the John Doe family, you might consider registering in FairEntry 4 animals in each sibling’s name. It is also a good practice to put at least one animal under each sibling. The determination of which sibling exhibits which animal at the county fair can then be delayed until the ID checkpoint at the county fair. It is at the county fair ID checkpoint for each species that animals must be declared by a specific sibling and cannot be switched to another sibling after that.
The 2024 Nobles County Premium Book is available at z.umn.edu/NoblesPremiumBook. All youth and families should read the premium book for a comprehensive understanding of showcase expectations.
H5N1 Virus Testing for Lactating Cows
The Minnesota Board of Animal Health announced last week new testing requirements for lactating dairy cows attending exhibitions, effective Tuesday, June 18. All lactating– currently producing milk– dairy cows must have both a negative H5N1 test result and certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI) to attend any exhibition in Minnesota. The requirements are effective until Dec. 31, 2024. If you intend to show a lactating dairy cow at your county fair, you must contact your veterinarian to get the testing scheduled.
Fair Helper Sign Up
The fair helper sign up genius is now open. We have a variety of jobs that let you use your skills and talents to make our fair go smoothly. There are a few "adult only" jobs so please consider everyone helping out!
Youth who wish to receive state fair funding must fill a position. Youth will be asked to complete a short form at the State Fair meeting sharing where they worked. Sign up now.
July Federation Meeting
The Nobles County 4-H Federation will meet on Monday, July 15 at the Nobles County Fairgrounds. The Advisory Board will meet at 6:30 pm and the Federation will meet at 7:00 pm. Final county fair announcements and officer elections will take place at this meeting. A special treat will be served at the meeting.
Federation Officer Applications & Advisor Board Members
All youth in grades 6 and up are invited to apply for a Federation Officer Position. The president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and officer at large guide county meetings and decisions throughout the year. This year, elections will take place at the July Federation meeting. The new officers will be installed at the October Federation meeting. Complete the Federation Officer application by July 1.
All adult volunteers are invited to apply for an Advisory Board position. These members mentor and guide youth Federation officers during their term. Each advisory board member serves a two-year term. In 2024-2025, three advisory positions are open. No more than two adults from each club may serve on the advisory board. In 2024-2025, we will have representation from Elk Tip Toppers and Grand Prairie Rockets. Complete the Advisory Board application by July 1.
Livestock Check In Training
Species leaders and volunteers assisting with county fair livestock check in must attend the Livestock Check In Training on July 16 at 5:30 pm at the Nobles County Fairgrounds. These volunteers will then be in charge of their species’ check in.
State Fair Chaperones Needed
Nobles County 4-H is looking for State Fair chaperones. All chaperones must be at least 21 years of age and be currently enrolled and approved as Minnesota 4-H volunteers, which includes completing the mandatory volunteer application and screening process.
Nobles County youth will participate in Livestock Encampment (August 22-25) and General Encampment 2 (August 27 - 29).
In order for youth to stay in 4-H housing, we must provide chaperones. Please reach out to Anna if you are interested in chaperoning State Fair.
Become a Judging Genius!
Are you hoping to better understand the 4-H project judging experience? Join Nobles County youth leaders to learn more about the general and livestock judging process. This informational event will be held at the Nobles County Fairgrounds and is open to all youth in grades 3-5. Registration is required by July 8.
July Cloverbuds
The Clovers 4-H club is hosting the July Cloverbud event on July 11 starting at 5:30 pm at the Nobles County Fairgrounds. Registration is required at https://z.umn.edu/NoblesCloverbudRSVP by July 2.
Upcoming Office Closure
The Extension Office will be closed on Thursday, July 4, all day for Independence Day
Regional, State and National Events
Regional Judging Contests
Many surrounding counties are hosting livestock judging contests. Check out the links below for more information:
4-H Stock Talks
Hey livestock exhibitors: share what you know with a 4-H Stock Talk! A Stock Talk is a short video presentation about an animal science topic of your choice! Be creative, be funny, be serious, just be you! Interested? Go to z.umn.edu/4-HStockTalks for more information. Submissions are due by June 30.
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