Hyatt's Updates for January
Office Greetings
Dear Hyatt Elementary Families,
Happy New Year, and we hope you all had a great holiday break! The first semester is nearing its end and there are always numerous events and updates occurring in our school community. Below are some helpful tidbits to help keep you all informed and up to date. We have been getting a few calls concerning attendance, illness, and winter recess. Obviously, attendance is important as it is easier to maintain and expand our learning when we are present at school. If your child has been physically ill, had a fever, or similar symptoms, they should remain home for at least 24 hours until their symptoms improve without medication. Please send in a doctor's note when possible, as this is beneficial in situations where there are multiple days of absence. Another question we have been getting recently is, "At what temperature do you keep the children inside for recess?" When the "feels like" temperature is below zero and below we will keep the children inside, yes, this includes the wind chill. The long term forecast has temperatures averaging above freezing, so we will definitely be enjoying lots of January fresh air!
We hope you find all of this information and the updates below helpful. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Mr. Strickert and Mrs. Carter
Every Child Every Day!
Welcome Officer Jeremy Williams
As you see Officer Williams, please help us in welcoming him to our school family!
Welcome Teri Martin to Hyatt!
Little Caesars Fundraiser
Martin Luther King Day - Monday, January 16th
Semester Ends and Report Cards
Dress for the Weather
Popcorn Updates
SOAR Expectations
Upcoming Dates
1/03-2/02 Little Caesars Fundraiser
1/13 End of the First Semester
1/16 No School
1/19 Lockdown Drill
1/20 Report Cards are Sent Home
2/14 Valentine's Day
2/20 No School - President's Day
3/24 No School - Teacher Professional Development
3/27-3/31 Spring Break
4/7 No School - Good Friday
4/10 MSTEP Assessment Window Opens
5/29 No School - Memorial Day
6/2 Last Day of School