February 2023 District Newsletter
💬 A Message from our Superintendent 💬
Dear Hingham School Community,
Welcome back from winter break! We are welcoming our students back with some wintery weather. However, we might consider the old folklore, “If March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb.” We might then predict some glorious spring weather soon.
On Monday, February 27th, the Hingham School Committee voted to approve the level service budget, which would allow the schools to maintain current programming and staff. In addition to the level service budget, the school committee voted to include several unmet needs in their budget proposal. As a reminder, this level service budget will require an override with a majority vote at both town meeting and on the ballot. The budget process continues to move through town boards, including continued votes and discussions at the Select Board and Advisory Committee.
The following are the upcoming meetings where the school’s budget will continue to be discussed:
Thursday, March 2nd at 7 PM - Advisory Committee will hold a discussion on the school budget.
Tuesday, March 7th - Select Board Meeting will possibly vote on the budget.
Thursday, March 9th at 7 PM-Advisory Committee will continue discussing the school budget.
Monday, March 13th at 7 PM- School Committee Meeting
Tuesday, March 14th at 7 PM-Advisory Committee will possibly vote on the budget.
Monday, April 24th Town Meeting
Saturday, April 29th Ballot Vote
We ask that you continue to be engaged with the budget process over the next few weeks. The Town of Hingham has established a website for information about the override. All of the budget information for the schools is also posted on our website here.
We thank the community for engaging in the process thus far.
Margaret Adams
🗓️ Upcoming Dates 🗓️
⏰ March 1 - Early Release. See early release times HERE.
🎭 March 1 - HHS Drama - a preview of the METG Festival one-act show: 7pm Hingham High School
📌 March 1 - Cyber Safety and Wellness Forum: 7pm, Hingham Middle School
📌 March 2 - Hingham Middle School Program of Studies Night, 7pm Hingham Middle School
🎭 March 4 - HHS Drama - METG Festival Preliminary Round, 430pm, Marshfield High School. Info here.
🎵 March 7 - All-Town Band Concerts (Grades 5-12): 7pm Hingham High School Gym
🎵 March 9 - All-Town Orchestra Concert (Grades 5-12): 7pm HMS Auditorium
📌 March 11 - SAT Testing: 7:30 AM @ Hingham High School
🎵 March 14 - Hingham High School Chorus Talent Expo: 7pm Hingham High School Auditorium
🎭 March 18 - HHS Drama - METG Festival Semifinals
📌 March 21 - College Admissions Panel and Discussion:7pm-9pm Hingham High School
📌 March 28 & 29 - MCAS English Language Arts - Sophomores, Hingham High School
🎭 March 29 - HHS Drama - METG Festival State Finals
📝 Survey 📝
How informed do you feel about the FY24 budget process?
Please take a minute to answer this month's survey.
FY 24 Budget Process
Budget Key Words
Level Service Budget: This budget will allow us to maintain current programming. This budget assumes that the Town Meeting provides an operational override. For more information on the operational override and what that will mean for residents, click here.
Balanced Budget or Reduced Service Budget: The second budget we will be presenting outlines a series of reductions that would be needed if an operational override is not passed. The town refers to this as the balanced budget because under state law they are required to present a budget that complies with current funding levels.
Town of Hingham Override Information
- Override definitions and explanations
- Why the town and schools need it to maintain current programming
- FAQs
- Important dates
Cyber Safety and Wellness Forum
Visit HMS tomorrow night from 6:30 PM-7:30 PM to learn about cyber safety and wellness. Hear from our experts on the topic, HPS School Resources Officers and HPS School Counselors.
Opry the Comfort Dog will also be in attendance! 🐶
World Cultures Night
Visit HMS on March 16th from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM to celebrate the cultural diversities we have right here in Hingham. Join World Cultures staff in an evening of fun, food, and community togetherness.
New Student Registration
New Student Registration is now open! Please share this information with anyone you know that is relocating to Hingham or is now of age to join HPS!
Hingham Middle School Program of Studies Night
You are invited to join us on Thursday, March 2 at 7:00 PM for the HMS Program of Studies presentation for parents and caregivers of 6th and 7th graders.
During this presentation, you will learn about the course selection process, how to navigate Aspen, and what choices are available to your middle schooler for next year. There will also be representatives from the various departments on hand to answer any questions you may have.
Why HMS?
i-Ready, an Assessment and Instruction Tool - Results
On Monday, February 28th, Interim Assistant Superintendent Katie Roberts and ELA/Math directors Mary Andrews and David Jewett presented an update on middle-of-year (MOY) diagnostic data used to inform targeted instruction through our multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS). Data from our K-2 literacy screener (Acadience-Dibels) and the iReady diagnostic used in K-6 Math and Gr. 3-5 ELA indicated strong growth for students across domains.
HHS Drama - METG Festival
The METG Theater Festival will take place this Saturday, March 4 at Marshfield High School. HHS drama will perform at 4:30pm, but this is an all-day event with several districts from the South Shore performing. Tickets are $15 at the door and the event is open to the public. The schedule of performances for the day is located here.
HHS drama will also host a preview of their one-act performance for the Hingham community tomorrow, Wednesday March 1 in the HHS auditorium at 7pm. This show is free and open to the public, but Parents for Drama will be collecting donations for the Anna Quinlivan Scholarship Fund.
If students advance in the competition, here are the dates for the following rounds:
Preliminary Round: Saturday, March 4, 2023 (snow date: March 5, 2023)
Semi Finals Round: Saturday, March 18, 2023 (snow date: March 19, 2023)
State Finals: Wednesday, March 29 - Saturday, April 1, 2023
✨ February Spotlight ✨
East Elementary
PTO volunteers and East Adjustment Counselor Lauren McClain have partnered on an initiative, Planting Seeds of Kindness. This program highlights opportunities for kindness among the students and within our school community. January & February's theme was "Share a Smile" and March's theme will be "Compliment a Classmate"
Foster Elementary
Plymouth River Elementary
South Elementary
Students in grades 3-5 were chosen at random to be either the principal, assistant principal, specialist teachers, or counselors for the morning on Friday, February 17. It was a great morning and all of the students took on their "roles" enthusiastically!