Bethel Flame

A Message from the Principal
As we begin the second semester of our school year, we often think of these as the doldrums of the winter. However, there are a lot of fun and exciting things happening to help ensure that our school spirit stays strong!
Next week, we will be holding a green and white day on Wednesday. The reason for this is that our girls’ varsity basketball team will be participating in the Cedar Rapids Mid-Winter Tournament. We have been participating in this tournament since 2006, and it is always a fantastic experience for all who attend. The dates for this tournament are Friday, January 17 through Sunday the 19th. To honor our team, we will be introducing them at chapel.
On Friday, January 24, we will be celebrating our 100th day of school! We will be doing several fun activities that day. For the special dress for this day, we are encouraging students to either dress like they’re 100 or wear clothing with numbers on them.
The kitchen project is progressing. We had a series of town hall meetings in December where three major projects were presented to our congregation. The kitchen remodel received the most support. So, we are currently developing plans and prices for approval from our church council. Cost will be a factor in getting the final go-ahead for the project. We currently have $40,000 given toward this project. If you wish to donate funds toward this, it would be greatly appreciated and helpful to get it passed. Checks may be given to the school office and made out to Bethel Lutheran School. Please notate that it is for the kitchen remodel in the memo line.
There is more information to follow in this newsletter about the pancake breakfast coming up on February 9, but I wanted to give it another plug here. This is one of our marquee events of the year. We have close to a thousand people from the congregation and community coming into our building, several of whom are coming to check out our school for their children. To help make this event a success, please consider volunteering and encouraging your friends to as well.
As mentioned above, winter is here! Living in central Illinois, there is always the possibility of cancelling school due to weather conditions. If we decide to close school, we have two means of notification. First, announcements will be posted on the local news channels. Second, there will be a school all-call involving a phone call, a text message and an email.
As we start to move through the latter part of the year, it is with thanksgiving on my part for your continued faith in and support of our school.
Coming to Bethel on May 9, 2025, the Spring Musical!
Mark your calendars! Auditions will be held on Saturday, January 11 and Tuesday, January 14, and are open to any student in 5th grade through high school. This is a no-cut production, and a variety of roles are needed. See Mr. Dollinger or Mrs. Duke for more information.
Use THIS LINK to reserve an audition time. After you sign up, you will be sent materials to help you prepare for your audition.
National Lutheran Schools Week
National Lutheran Schools Week is coming up quickly, and plans are made for an exciting week at Bethel. Please click on the graphic for information about special dress days and activities taking place throughout the week. Friday, February 14 will be our annual special person day with fun classroom activities and a chapel service for your student and a special guest; school on that day will be held from 9:00-11:00 AM.
2025 Pancake Breakfast & Open House
Join us for a fantastic breakfast and bring your friends along to check out our wonderful school! Bethel's annual pancake breakfast and open house will be held on Sunday, February 9, from 7:30 AM to 12:30 PM. NEW this year will be a silent auction added to the fun!
Click HERE to download the ticket pre-order form, along with the pork sausage take-home order form. Sausage orders with payment are due before January 18, and breakfast tickets may be picked up starting on February 2 in the school or church office. You may also purchase tickets at the door on February 9, and we'll have our drive-thru option too!
This is one of our largest events, and we cannot do it without the help of our wonderful families and students. We would greatly appreciate any donations or your time serving our school and church community, all while enjoying delicious pancakes and sausage from Little Blue’s Farms!
HERE is the link to sign up for donations and volunteer opportunities. Please encourage your seventh and eighth graders to volunteer too; they will earn funds for their Chicago and Washington, D.C. trips.
We can't wait to see you there!
2025-2026 Bethel Registration
Bethel's 2025-2026 school year registration process will start soon, and specific instructions for how to register for next year will be emailed to you within the next few weeks. Please mark your calendars with these dates when online registration will open for each of our family groups:
Current Bethel students and siblings - Thursday, February 20 at 6:00 AM
Bethel Lutheran Church members - Monday, February 24 at 6:00 AM
General public - Monday, March 3 at 6:00 AM
If you have a student who will NOT be returning to Bethel next year, you must inform the office staff before March 14 to avoid getting invoiced for the 2025-2026 registration and technology fees.
The Snack Shack is Open!
The Snack Shack is open every school morning from 8:15 to 8:25 in the commons, with snack prices ranging from $.25 to $1.00. Seventh graders will be selling snacks each morning to raise money for overnight field trips in 7th and 8th grades. Students are welcome to purchase a snack to help us raise funds for our trips. THANK YOU!
Preschool Fun
Happy new year! We are so excited to see our preschoolers back at school, and we pray you all had a wonderful Christmas and break. This month, we focus on community helpers and how God made each of us unique and special. Our next Chapel services will be on Monday, January 27 and Tuesday, January 28, at 9:15 each morning in the Church sanctuary. All are welcome to join us! The preschool January Bible verse is, "I have called you by name. You are mine." Isaiah 43:1
Preschool parent/teacher conferences are coming up, and your child's teacher will be sending a schedule of available times soon. These conferences are optional, but please note that there will be no school on Monday, February 10 and Tuesday, February 11 to accommodate the conferences for those parents that would like one.
High School Happenings
Be sure to visit the link for our Bethel High School monthly calendar. It will be updated regularly with all of our high school activities, and the link will be included in our "Quick Links" newsletter section all year long.
Upcoming Events & Calendar Dates
Mondays Joyful Noise Choir in the music room (6th grade through high school) - 3:00 to 3:30 PM
Thursdays Praise Kids Choir in the music room (2nd through 5th grades) - 3:00 to 3:30 PM
Saturday, January 11 Narnia school musical auditions (5th-HS)
Tuesday, January 14 Narnia school musical auditions (5th-HS)
Wednesday, January 15 Green and white day - Cedar Rapids, IA varsity basketball tournament
Monday, January 20 No school - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Sunday, February 9 Bethel Pancake Breakfast & Open House - volunteer here!
Sunday, February 9 - Friday, February 14 National Lutheran Schools Week
Monday, February 10 & Tuesday, February 11 Preschool parent/teacher conferences (no preschool)
Friday, February 14 Bethel Special Person Day (classes from 9:00-11:00 AM only and no preschool)
Thursday, February 20 2025-2026 returning student registration
Sports Calendar/Upcoming Athletic Events
Make plans to check out an upcoming Bethel basketball game or cheerleading performance! All family and friends are invited to cheer on our Bethel Flames. Family athletic passes are still available for $50, and include admission for all family members living in your household for all Bethel home sporting events for the year.
Click the button below for our current sports events calendar, and check back often for updates!
January Chapel Offerings and Memory Verses
Chapel offerings for the month of January will go to the Children's Hospital of Illinois.
Week of January 6 - John 6:69: and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.
Week of January 13 (preschool verse) - Isaiah 43:1: Fear not, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name, you are mine.
Week of January 20 - Romans 6:4: By being baptized, we are buried with Christ into his death. Christ has been raised from the dead by the Father's glory. And like Christ we also can live a new life.
Week of January 27 - review week (15, 16, 17)
Week of February 3 - Psalm 77:14: You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples.