RTS Parents' Newsletter
17 July 2024
Head Teacher's Message
Dear families
It has been an incredible year filled with so many joyous moments, in the classroom, on the fields, and beyond. As we end the year, I would like to thank you all for your ongoing commitment and partnership in working with the school staff towards securing the best possible outcomes for your children. The end of a school year marks an opportunity for well-earned rest, so do make sure to spend plentiful, quality time with friends and family near and far, and also remain optimistic about what the new academic year brings. I would also like to thank all the staff who work tirelessly in their individual roles and areas of responsibility to ensure RTS is a happy and safe environment where your children can become the best version of themselves.
All students will experience a change in their educational journey as they graduate to the next phase, whether that be our new students joining from Year 6 or our Year 11s whose transitional journey will take them into Year 12 as academic Level 3 students or apprentices in the world of work.
While we are all resting, we will be putting the finishing touches on the new sports centre so it is ready for use in the new school year; and refreshing the rest of the building to ensure it remains the warm and friendly environment we all enjoy.
During the holiday, the school will be closed except for exam results collection in August, and we have written to families with information on collecting these. Typically, reception is not open and telephones and the main info@ email inbox, as well as staff emails, are not monitored during the break.
In our final celebration assembly for the year, in addition to celebrating your children’s achievements, we also give them some key reminders about staying safe over the break, particularly water safety.
As we embark on the long break, I would also like to remind you all about the importance of monitoring your children’s personal digital devices, such as mobile phones and non-school tablet devices, to ensure they maintain healthy digital habits if they are using devices over the long break. A plea to all families, new and existing, who are considering updating their child’s mobile phone or purchasing one for the first time: we strongly advise that you do not purchase a smartphone. While we understand that phones are mostly used by children to assure you they have arrived at school safely, they do not need a smartphone, i.e., an internet-enabled device, to do this. If you are considering phones, we strongly advise that cheaper and more socially healthier options [read here] be purchased. The school asks that all parents take advantage of the Qustodio App, which enables you to monitor up to two separate devices. More information is available via the RTS Online Safety Hub via our website. You should note that mobile phones must be locked in lockers at all times and cannot be kept in bags, pockets, etc. Also, internet-enabled smart devices such as Apple Watches are not permitted. In addition to the expectations in our existing policy on mobile phones, from September 2024, we will be strengthening this policy to support our aim of having a completely ‘phone-free’ environment for students. I will share more information on this in my Autumn Term letter.
In the week before we return, I will send my Autumn Term letter setting out some key reminders to support a smooth return for the school year.
We look forward to seeing the students refreshed, replenished, and ready to embark on another year of learning and growth in September. I also look forward to seeing you all at your relevant Year-Group Parent Information Evenings in the first few weeks of the Autumn Term.
Be safe and well.
~Ms K Dooley | Head Teacher
Excellence through Endeavour
UK Maths Challenge
We have had some of the best results we have ever had as a school from the UK Maths Trust challenges this year with Benjamin, Year 9, being awarded a distinction in the Junior Maths Olympiad and Atiksh, Year 7, a merit in the Junior Maths Kangaroo challenge. This places both of them in the top 25% of students who took part in their respective competitions. A massive congratulations to them both!
Beach Volleyball
Albert, Year 10, has recently spent a week in Poland at the Beach Volleyball Excellence International Camp. The camp presented an exceptional opportunity for Albert to observe the performance of players in a country with a rich volleyball history and exceptionally high junior-level standards, as well as to refine his personal skills.
We look forward to hearing more updates about Albert's progress.
2023-2024 Snapshots
There are so many photographs to choose from over the last academic year, it was extremely difficult to narrow it down to just three from each term that really show RTS in action!
Celebrating the United Nations International Day of Education!
Ms Dooley, Head Teacher, shared insights at an informal 'Lunch and Learn' session with representatives from our RTS Trustee, Haymarket Media, about the collaborative relationship between Haymarket and RTS.
RTS Presents Beauty and the Beast
Our talented students worked so hard to prepare costumes, props, and designs for our production of 'The Beauty and the Beast.' It was a magical journey!
Sports Centre Site Visit
Spring Term 2024, SLT had a sneak peek: the first-floor windows were in, a stunning round window was added (a unique architectural touch) and they enjoyed amazing terrace views (a one-time opportunity due to maintenance access).
RTS Catering Team
At RTS, we want to say a heartfelt thank you to our amazing catering team!
Their infectious smiles and boundless energy create a positive atmosphere. They work tirelessly to make delicious meals, bringing smiles to our students' faces and making lunch so enjoyable. We appreciate you!
RTS Sports Day
Always a fantastic day out - a whole school event that everybody enjoys as we head off to Osterley Athletics Track for the day; and then return to the traditional BBQ and prize giving celebrations.
Year 10 Careers Conference
We recently held our Year 10 Careers Conference Day, and it was a huge success!
The event featured a variety of sessions related to different professions, with keynote speakers including Gavin Hughes, Principal of Richmond upon Thames College, our inspiring alumni, Nora and Cameron; and representatives from the Met Police, Harrods, Harlequins, Gaming companies and many more. Students were able to attend in business attire.
New Minibus
RTS is excited to introduce our shiny new minibus!
With two buses now in service, our students have double the opportunity to explore, compete, thrive, and learn!
Just before the Easter Break, at RTS, a group of our wonderful student musicians and members of the GCSE Spanish cohort traveled to Barcelona for their first-ever music tour.
Here, they enjoyed seeing the sights of a new city during the day, and then put on a 1-hour concert in local venues each evening.
NPL’s Water Rocket Challenge 2024
Our Year 9 students had so much fun at NPL’s Water Rocket Challenge 2024!The goal was to land an air-pressurised rocket, using water as a propellant, exactly 70 metres from the launch point. With over 500 attendees, including 42 school teams, 26 evening teams, and 40 teams or individuals in the 'build your own rocket' workshop, it was a great success.
We are thrilled to have been part of an event that also raised over £2,000 for local scouts.
If you have concerns in relation to a student at RTS or indeed with regards to your own child, you may want to contact Single Point of Access (SPA) which acts as a central information hub for all professional agencies in Kingston and Richmond.
Richmond and Kingston SPA
The SPA phone lines are now open as follows:
Monday-Thursday 08.00-17.15 and Friday 08.00-17.00 - the phone number during these times is 020 8547 5008
Out of hours: 020 8770 5000
Hounslow Early Help Assessment
Telephone number: 020 8583 6600
Out of hours: 020 8583 2222
Email: earlyhelp@hounslow.gov.uk
Speak to a counsellor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Telephone number: 0808 800 5000, or text 88858
Email: help@nspcc.org.uk
Signvideo using British Sign Language (Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm)
Terms Dates 2023 - 2024
Full-term dates and Inset day information is available on the school's website:
Autumn Term 1: Tuesday 03 September - Year 7 only / Wednesday 04 September - All Year Groups 7-11 (staggered start)