Monday Memo
One Body in Christ - February 6, 2023
Dear parents,
We concluded a fantastic Catholic Schools Week on Friday with a Minute to Win It competition in the gym on Friday afternoon. It was a week full of fun and spirit! I was truly surprised at how successful and excited the students were for Penny Wars. Watching them come in and donate coins daily was a lot of fun!
The My Girl / Daddy Daughter Dance is this weekend on Saturday, February 11th. This memorable evening will take place in Zore Hall from 6 - 8 PM. Advance tickets are not necessary. This event is open to the entire school and parish community.
Important note regarding St. Susanna Intramural Basketball: Mandatory evaluations have moved to Saturday, February 11th. 1st & 2nd grade evaluations are 10-11 am; 3rd & 4th grade are 11 am -noon.
Please complete enrollment for next year at your earliest convenience. Registration for current families and new siblings for the 2023-2024 school year is open. Re-enrollment must be completed for every child who is currently enrolled. Please complete enrollment at at your earliest convenience, even if a child is not returning. There is a spot reserved next year for every currently enrolled child who enrolls by February 7, 2023. After this date, we will begin sending acceptances to new families who have applied based on available space. These numbers help us determine appropriate staffing levels for the upcoming school year and if we will need to open an additional class within a grade.
Tickets for the March 4th Spring Gala are on sale after each mass and in the school office. Need childcare for that evening? Below is the registration link to treat your kids to a fun night at The Flip Zone!
God bless, Janet Abdoulaye
The Week Ahead...
Wednesday, February 8th
- 2:50 PM Release - EDM until 6:00 PM
- West Deanery Art Show at Cardinal Ritter High School
Thursday, February 9th
- School Mass at 8:45 AM; Mass hosted by 5C
Friday, February 10th
- Spiritwear tops with spiritwear or uniform bottoms for students and staff
Future Events such as the mass schedule can be found here:
Cardinal Ritter High School News
Cardinal Ritter is excited to welcome the Class of 2027 next fall! As a reminder, the Application for Admission is now available online at Please contact Jamie Liston, Director of Admissions if you have any questions at or 317-9244333 ext. 426.
Also, parents are reminded their Pre-Registration Curriculum Night is February 23, at 7:00 pm in the gym. Parents will receive their students’ mock schedules, course directories and schedule their registration appointments. Please plan to attend.
Current Family Registration - Deadline Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Catholic Schools Week
Kindergarten was victorious in the week's door decorating contest!
Staff joined in the fun in Friday's Minute to Win It competition!!
Mrs. Carlson's Fifth Grade class won the Penny Wars!
Saint Susanna CYO Golf
Fellow Parents,
My name is Stacey Weaver and I’d like to introduce my family to you if we have not met. We have a son in 3rd grade at St. Sue and a daughter in Kindergarten there now as well. My husband Ben and I own Oak Tree Golf Course here in Plainfield. Ben is a Certified PGA Professional and has decades of teaching and coaching experience. His true passion is teaching kids so when our son asked if St. Sue has a team it immediately got us thinking about doing a fun program for the younger kids and starting a middle school team. This is our 3rd year now running these programs!
For the K-5 program we do a 6-week session starting in April (one night a week for about an hour). Whatever night there is not a conflict with other sports or whatnot. This would be a simple and fun golf instruction program. There is no cost to the parent, we volunteer our time and take all responsibility in finding additional volunteers to keep the coach/athlete ratio reasonable.
For the middle school team, it would again be a spring sport in April & May. This will be a COED team at this point. It would actually be a Club sport to compete with other schools like Kingsway, Park Tudor and other Christian Academies and even other surrounding middle schools. Ben will be the coach of this team. There is a cost of $150 to the parents of the players. This fee covers a team shirt, golf balls and a golf bag. The middle school would practice 3 or 4 days a week after school for about an hour and have approximately 8 matches.
If your child is interested in either program please send me ( an email with name, age and good contact info. We need your response by February 10th.
Thank you!
Stacey Weaver
Tuition and EDM Tax Statements
Mrs. Carson emailed EDM tax statements this afternoon to the emails on file in the daycare system. For tuition tax statements, Saint Susanna's Federal Tax ID is 35-0942645. Families who pay tuition on a FACTS payment plan can access their tuition statements by logging into FACTS, clicking on "view details" and then "view payment summary." (see screen shots below). FACTS will show you all tuition paid in the past calendar years and divide it out by child and grade level.
Tuition and Financial Aid
The updated tuition schedule for the 2023-2024 school year is attached to the bottom of this newsletter. The overall structure for tuition remains the same with a single tuition rate per child and a multi-child discount for multiple children in K-8. The per-child tuition increased by 3 percent and the multi-child discount is $750 per child for multiple children in K-8. Additional discounts remain for younger siblings who are in preschool or prekindergarten. Over the last few years, we have absorbed increased expenses for almost everything, especially textbooks, and we increased each teacher and staff member's compensation by at least 4 percent. This increase in tuition will continue to support these efforts.
We are proud to offer multiple avenues for financial aid for all families, as we never want to price anyone out of Catholic education.
- We will continue as a Choice Scholarship school. Choice Scholarships fund between 75 and 100 percent of tuition for eligible students. Income guidelines for the 22-23 school year are available as an attachment at the end of this newsletter. Updated income guidelines will be available in February. Families who would like to be screened for a Choice Scholarship must submit the first page of their 2022 federal tax return showing their household members and their adjusted gross income to Mrs. Abdoulaye. We highly recommend submitting these in person rather than by email. We are happy to make copies for you.
- We are able to offer additional financial aid to those students who meet the Choice income requirements through our SGO Tax Credit Scholarship. This additional scholarship is available to offset costs not covered by the Choice Scholarship or for Kindergartners who do not qualify for Choice Scholarships yet. To apply for additional SGO funding, please use the grant and aid application within your FACTS account.
- We are able to offer a new scholarship for students who do not qualify for Choice or SGO Scholarships. The Saint Susanna Parish Scholarship is not income based and offers a maximum of $300 per student in financial aid for those who apply while funds are available. The application can be completed anytime at this link.
As always, I am available to answer questions or confidentially discuss any family's financial situation. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Vaccination Schedule for Children and Teens
The Hendricks County Health Department asked that we share this schedule with our community. One result of COVID is that some of the children in the area are behind on vaccinations. Please keep this schedule in mind as you make your pediatric appointments over the next few months.
Meet Mrs. Turnquest, Counselor
I am happy to announce that Saint Susanna has a school counselor available for our students on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Mrs. Mariah Turnquest comes to us from Catholic Charities. She is a master's level Licensed Social Worker. She will work with students on an individual basis, as needed. She will also teach whole class social-emotional lessons on topics such as being a good friend, bullying, and other age-appropriate topics. Mrs. Turnquest's presence in our school is made possible by utilizing a portion of our EANS grant from the federal government over the next two school years.
Students may be referred to Mrs. Turnquest by teachers or the principal for a one-time visit. After that, parents must complete a consent form for continued visits. The consent form is available at the end of the Monday Memo or in the school office. You can reach Mrs. Turnquest directly at
Dress Code Reminders
A few gentle reminders about our dress code:
- Shorts are not allowed after fall break. Students may wear these again after Spring Break. Girls should wear plain black, white, or navy leggings under their uniform skirts.
- Uniform shirts are red monogrammed, light blue and white polos. Dark blue polo shirts (excluding the monogrammed middle school shirts) are not part of our dress code.
- As the weather turns colder, students may want to wear an additional layer. Acceptable additions to a uniform polo include:
- A navy or red cardigan or pullover sweater. These cannot have any designs or other colors.
- A navy or red pullover crew-neck sweatshirt. These may be plain or monogrammed through Avon Sports Apparel.
- A plain white short or long-sleeved undershirt.
- All students in K-8 must wear a belt with uniform pants. Uniform pants must have belt loops.
I have included our uniform policy summary at the bottom of this newsletter.
Safe Environment Training
The Archdiocese recently changed their safe environment training provider to Safe Parish, from the previous Safe and Sacred system. In the new system, all volunteers are monitored quarterly. As long as you have a previous background check, your background check will be monitored on an on-going basis and it will not expire after five years as it did in the previous system. All volunteers must be registered in the Safe Parish system before they can volunteer. Instructions for registering and training are in the newsletter each week (see below).
In order to volunteer in our school building during the day or attend field trips as a chaperone, you must have a current safe environment training on file with us. This requirement includes safe environment training and a basic background check through the Archdiocese. The training and background checks are good for five years from the time of completion.
To check your current expiration date, contact Mrs. Carson at
To obtain a new training and background check:
- Go to the website
- Create an account as this is a new system. Previously the Archdiocese used a system called "Safe and Sacred."
- You will need a passcode in order to create an account. The passcode is Archindy2021
- Complete the background check for school or parish VOLUNTEER and select Saint Susanna as a recipient of your information.
- Complete the training video and questions.
Please allow up to two weeks for this process to be completed.
Volunteer Opportunities
The service hour tracking form can be found here and a copy will be sent home in the back-to-school packets. We ask that each family complete five service hours this school year. These hours can be completed during school or parish events.
Easy Fund-Raising for Saint Susanna Catholic School!
Box Tops for Education
Here’s how it works:
- Step 1: Download the new Box Tops App (iTunes or Google Play) – it’s free
- Step 2: Create a username and connect it to your child’s school
- Step 3: Scan your grocery store receipt. Items with the new Box Tops label will be automatically credited to your school
Does this mean I should stop sending in my paper Box Tops that I have already clipped? No! Continue to send those to the school!
Kroger Community Rewards
Information on the Kroger Community Rewards program can be found here on their website or under the "rewards" tab in your Kroger app. You will need to search for the exact name of our organization as SAINT SUSANNAS SCHOOL PTP . From there, you can link your Kroger card with our organization and a portion of your spending at Kroger will come to us.
File Downloads
About Us
St. Susanna Catholic School's mission is to provide a Christ-centered, quality education that prepares and inspires its students to excel as they progress in their scholastic careers. Based on Catholic teachings, our students and staff exemplify the value of faith, service, love, and respect in all situations and with all people.
Location: 1212 East Main Street, Plainfield, IN, USA
Phone: 317-839-3713