DHS Media Center May Newsletter
Resources & Information for everyone!
Greetings Dakota Community!
Everyday new resources, and activities are popping up around the internet. My hope is to bring parents and students the very best in free educational resources during these uncertain and unprecedented times. I've browsed through activities, on-line learning and reading websites, and interactive learning sites. Where applicable I've created free accounts for our students. Please take a look below for research, reading, supportive, and fun resources. Please feel free to e-mail me if you need help with log-ins, or if you have questions regarding any of the resources below. Be sure to check out the April Newsletter and resources by clicking here: April Newsletter and stay tuned for June's updated resources.
Stay Healthy -
Ms. Gropppuso
New Resources Added May 17, 2020
New York Times
The Metropolitan Museum
Carnegie Learning
ProjectLIT Selections for 2020-2021 School Year
George Takei
Randy Ribay
Lamar Giles
Digital Citizenship Corner:
New Resources Added May 10, 2020
ProjectLIT Selections for 2020-2021 School Year
Courtney Summers
Brittney Morris
George M. Johnson
Digital Citizenship Corner:
What Ms. G's Reading This Week: 05/10/2020
YA Fiction:
YA Fiction:
YA Fiction:
New Resources Added May 03, 2020
New ProjectLIT Selections for 2020-2021
Elizabeth Acevedo
Tiffany Jackson
Monday's Not Coming
Nic Stone
Digital Citizenship Corner:
Ms. Kirsten Groppuso
Email: kgroppuso@cvs.k12.mi.us
Website: https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/schools/high-schools/dhs/media-center/
Twitter: @DHSMediaCenters