Bullying Report
What is a Bully?
A bully is someone who does something that is unwanted to gain a sense of power over another. This could be done by physically harming, name-calling, or sharing embarrassing images to name a few things. A bully does these things repeatedly to shame or harm someone.
How do I report bullying?
There are multiple ways to address bullying. A few of them would be...
- Tell an adult. You can tell a trusted adult like your parent, family member, or teacher. They will be able to support you and get help when needed.
- Report an event to the LSOA Administration Team by filling out the following form.
- Send an email to Reportbullying@LSOA.org. (Please note that sending an email to this address will provide identifying information.)
Stopbullying.gov - A resource with articles, videos and information on how to address all forms of bullying.
Identifying Bullying - An article from Cook Children's Hospital on how to spot bullying and what to do to address it.
Committee for Children - A wide variety of tools and resources to support students and parents.