FFE hits $1 Million in grants!
Huge milestone reached!
The Foundation for Excellence is proud to announce that we have given $1 million back to the Walled Lake School District!
The FFE was created in 1991 with the mission of supporting classrooms in the WLCSD by donating funds above what the district is able to provide. We have proudly given back yearly through our grant program and, after giving away over $60,000 this year, we have reached the milestone of giving back over $1 million!
How does the FFE give back?
The FFE has a number of programs that give back to the Walled Lake School district. The FFE's biggest program is our grant program through which we were able to provide over $60,000 for classrooms in 2023. These funds support tools for literacy, math, science, physical education, music, and special services.
We also provide funds for the following:
- Performing arts programs through the Shuman Family Performing Arts Grants
- Adult Transition Program through the Special Deeds for Special Needs Grant
- 5th grade camp scholarships
- Retiree and Teacher of the Year recognitions
- Special projects like a new pavilion at the Outdoor Education Center
Where do FFE funds come from?
The Foundation would not be able to support our schools without assistance from our Walled Lake Schools families and our local community.
Our main fundraisers include:
- Annual Golf Scramble - June 19th, 2023 at Edgewood Country Club.
- If you know of a business who might like to become a Golf Scramble sponsor please email JackieGurwin@wlcsd.org
- 50/50 Tuition Expedition Raffle - This year's winner will receive over $10,000 in scholarship funds for her daughter!
- Count-On-Me - Walled Lake staff members elect to donate $1 (or more) per paycheck to support the FFE.
- Local business donations
- Memorial donations
- Private donations
Thank you to the Foundation For Excellence Board!
Executive Board
Chairman: Michael Brodowicz, Lovasco Consulting
Vice-Chairman: Chuck Phillipson, Raymond James - Peninsula Private Wealth
Treasurer: Kevin Terry - Terry Accounting Group
Secretary: Marsha Beattie - Hersh-Beattie Orthodontics
Executive Director: Jackie Gurwin
Marci Augenstein, Principal, Keith Elementary
Susie Crafton, Apeira Revenue Solutions, Michigan PTA
Judy Evola, Former Director of Communications, WLCSD
Bryan Feldpausch, Walled Lake Schools Federal Credit Union
Julie Hodge, Preschool Teacher, WLCSD ECC
Tom Ropek, Assistant Principal, Walled Lake Western High School
Marc Seigler, Sherwood Food Distributors, WLCSD Board of Education
Jen Phillips-Weckstein, Teacher, Dublin Elementary
For more information about the Foundation for Excellence please go to:
850 Ladd Rd, Building D, Walled Lake, MI 48390