The Parent Link
March 2024 Newsletter (posted 3/3/24)
Cocoa High School News
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JROTC Program for Accreditation (JPA)
Science Fair
District Science Fair Results
Carl Jacobs (7th Grade) - 4th Place Microbiology Junior
Shanya Osborne & DJ Bryant - 5th Place Microbiology Senior
Antony Fuentes & Jacob Falcon - 5th Place Biomedical Junior
Special Awards:
Samaria Glenn- CMX Award & Stem Project Award (25$)
Nate Kenney, Caleb Hernandez & Dylan Pence - US Air Force Award
Antony Fuentes & Jacob Falcon - Stem Project (25$) &AprilM. Maier Biomelical award (25$)
Students that participated include:
DJ Bryant (11th)
Samaria Glenn (12th)
Caleb Hernandez (12th)
Savanna Keith(12th)
Nate Kenney (12th)
Gavin Niehoff (11th)
Shanya Osborne (12th)
Wade Paseur (11th)
Dylan Pence (12th )
Janaysha Stokes (11th)
Ameena Tullis (11th)
Carl Jacobs (7th)
Jacob Falcon (8th)
Antony Fuentes (8th)
Art Show
The following students had their artwork on display at the Merritt Square Mall on Merritt Island:
Janell James 8th
Kyle Fite 7th
Maya Price 7th
Antwann Smiley 8th
Serenity Cuneo 8th
Genesis Adame 8th
Lucas Winn 9th
Zoey Maloney 9th
Recardo Joseph 11th
Alexis Collett 12th
Diane Kirton 9th
Brithany Pineda 11th
Angelina Elsner 9th
Kai Costulis 11th
Melanis Sosa 9th
Sophia Taylor 8th
Bella Ingenice 8th
Cliff Reyes 12th
Mariano Cressey 9th
Khanh Bui 11th
Elissa Frentzel 11th
Caitlin McCoy 10th
Ahrmez Solis 12th
Cisco Ulin 12th
Brissa Slingsby 10th
Daisy Klix 11th
Cocoa High School Robotics Club
The CHS Robotics Club is heading to Knoxville, TN for the first Robotics Competition.
Brevard Achievement Center Color in Motion Arts Festival
Ms. Sankan's students went to the Brevard Zoo yesterday and participated in the BAC Color in Motions event.
CTE Field Day
On February 15, 2024, In celebration of CTE month, Cocoa High School put on a CTE Field day, for their middle and high school students. Each CTE program put together activities for CTE students to participate in. This event showcased the wonderful things their students are doing in their programs. Below is a list of the stations and their programs that were represented.
Field Day Stations
- Carnival style games (Construction- Bottle Toss, Nerf Bow and Arrow contest & Air Hockey)
- Paper airplane race (Digital Design)
- Shirt press for making custom CHS mouse pads (Entrepreneurship)
- CO2 car race (AutoCAD)
- Robotics (AutoCAD)
- Cookies (Culinary and Family & Consumer Science)
- Bicycle car race (Autobody)
- Tug-of-war (JROTC)
- Crutch fitting race (Health & Wellness Academy)
- Organ Trivia (Health & Wellness Academy)
- First aid application (Health & Wellness Academy)
CTE Classrooms
Students have been making custom mousepads for teacher appreciation donated by Supply Zone.
Also, students have been making shirts for the robotics team.
High School Orchestra
Ms. Cisneros' High School Orchestra students performed at the District Orchestra MPA in Titusville. They received overall superior ratings for their concert performance and a Superior rating for Sightreading.
Cocoa High School Class of 1976
Members of the CHS Class of 1976 came together to beautify a section of the school campus on Saturday, February 24.
The 11 Tiger alumni and several spouses worked together for almost three hours to improve 1,200 square feet of ground under 300 linear feet of bushes adjacent to the sidewalks surrounding the CHS office — including the main public entrance — by installing weed barrier cloth, 150 bags of attractive red mulch, and landscape timbers to frame the mulch.
The cost of the materials was donated by classmates and friends using a GoFundMe page, which hit its target in only four hours online. Leann Stuart, manager of Lowe’s in Rockledge, generously supported the project by providing a discount and by arranging delivery of the mulch, which created a temporary small mountain at the foot of the school library.
Class of 1976 alumnus Bill Macheras led the project, which had been recommended by CHS Athletic and Activities Director Mark Carstens. Other ‘76 classmates working at the site were David Baker, Curtis Baldwin, Tim Bollinger, Robert Bourne, Mike Knight, Roger Patton, Fred Skrobot, Bret Steadman, Rodolfo Taylor, and Cecil Walker.
Later that day, 55 classmates gathered for a picnic and 48-year reunion at Merritt Island’s Rotary Park, including a Tiger-paw orange and black cake. Reunion organizer David Baker said, “Even though it’s been a few years since we walked those sidewalks as students, we hope our sidewalk beautification project shows the students, teachers and staff how much your alumni treasure this very special place called Cocoa High School.”
Cocoa High School Football
Congressman Bill Posey honored Cocoa High School, and specifically the 2023-2024 Varsity Football program, by reading into Congressional Record a commendation for the Cocoa Tigers 6th State Championship WIN!! Below you can see a copy of the record, which was printed on a commemorative certificate as a keepsake for all students associated with the football program – players, cheerleaders, and trainers. Here is a link to the video message Congressman Posey provided for the banquet on Thursday, February 29, 2024:
Graduate Yard Signs
Ms. Tribble will be selling Graduate Yard Signs. Preorders will be through April 1. The sign with "graduate" is $10 and a personalized one is $15.
Senior Bootcamp
Senior Bootcamp is March 18-20 for Reading and Math.
March 21st is the ACT/NCR for Seniors only.
Parents, please go to our website and enter the event code kzvtd, which takes you to Step 1 to enter your details. By clicking the booking link or scanning the QR code, you will go straight to Step 1. Do not use old links or codes.
Booking link:
Please visit the school website for more information. Please be advised that students must have a Parent Permission form on file in order to participate. A copy of the permission form is on our school website, and can also be obtained from any teacher or the front office. For questions, email our Title I contact, Mrs. Sandra Celesti
Testing Calendars
The Administrative Team
The Cocoa High School Admin team:
Mrs. Lauren Feronti Williams, AP of Curriculum
Mrs. Stephanie Booth, AP of 7th Grade
Mr. Wayne Lawrence, AP of 8th Grade
Ms. Denise Stewart, Principal
Mr. Ivor Mitchell, AP of Operations, 11th & 12th Grades
Dr. Rose Harrison, AP of 9th & 10th Grades
2023 2024 Bell Schedule
Counselor's Corner
If you need to contact your student's school counselor, please refer to the information below:
Seniors Class of 2024 -- Cathryn Fourtney
Juniors Class of 2025 -- Dr. Homer Brown
Sophomores Class of 2026 -- Tracey Asby
Freshmen Class of 2027 -- Ms. Feronti Williams
8th Grade Counselor -- Holli Couch
7th Grade Counselor -- Vickie Woods
ESE Counselor 7-12 -- Paul Grant
To reach any counselor by phone, please call the main office at 321.632.5300 and press 0
Report Card Notification
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires that a Local Educational Agency prepare and disseminate an annual Local Educational Agency report card and provide information on state, local, and school performance and progress in an understandable and uniform format.
District and School grades provide an easily understandable way to measure the performance of a school. Parents and the public can use the grades and their components to understand how well each district and/or school is serving its students. District and school grades for the 2022-2023 school year serve as an Informational Baseline using the new assessment cut scores.
Use the links provided below to view either the 2022-2023 Brevard School District Report Card or (school’s name) School Report Card. If you would like a printed copy or need translation assistance, please notify the front office.
Cocoa High School Report Card Link:
District Report Card Link:
Please be advised that Cocoa High submitted an appeal to have our school grade released by the State. We are happy to report that the appeal was approved, and the school grade we earned was a "C" for SY2023. The appeal request was necessary because we did not meet the 95% tested threshold in SY2023. We continue to ask our students and families to understand the impact of low attendance on our school community as a whole. When our next test season arrives in May of this year, we hope to meet or exceed the 95% state mandate for schoolwide testing attendance, but we need your help to do so. On time attendance and 100% effort will not only positively impact each student, it will also positively impact our school and community as well.
Principal Stewart
Notification to Parents of Out of Field ESOL Teachers
As required by the Florida Department of Education, we are notifying you that the following teachers are currently teaching English Language Learners English, Language Arts, or Reading as a Second Language (ESOL) strategies outside of their fields of certification. The teachers are working to become certified in this out-of-filed assignment area.
Ms. Feduniewicz
FAST Testing Results for PM2 Now Available
Test results for FAST PM2 for Reading grades 7-10 and Math grades 7-8 are now available. In order to access, parents must obtain their Access Code from the email sent through Focus to Primary Contact's email address. You can also email our Testing Coordinator Matt Dailey for assistance
Parent log in (this is wehre you will need the Access Code): Login (
Understanding the state test results: understanding-fast-and-best-eoc-reports-for-families---english.pdf (
Please contact your student's guidance counselor if you have any questions or concerns about the test results.