Early Intervention Newsletter
October 2024
What are ARIN IU 28 Early Intervention Services?
The ARIN Intermediate Unit 28 Early Intervention (EI) Preschool Program provides a variety of programs and services for children from their third birthday until entry into school. Services for children during the preschool years are provided at no cost to their families when the child is determined to meet eligibility requirements. Individual Education Programs (IEPs) are written to define the services that will be provided to those eligible children.
Preschool Services may include:
- Screening and Evaluation
- Support in Early Childhood Environments
- Specialized Instruction
- Speech
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Hearing
- Vision
- Specialized Classrooms
- Transition to School Age Programs
ARIN IU 28 Early Intervention Calendar for October:
Green = Student Classes in Session
Yellow/White/Purple= No Student Sessions
Preschool Highlight of the Month: South Buffalo Pre-K Counts
Benefits of Inclusion in Early Childhood
Inclusion supports the right of every infant, child and their family to participate as full member of communities and society.
- Develop more friendships.
- Recognize everyone has different needs and those with disabilities may need accommodations. Not all disabilities are immediately seen.
- Learn from diverse peers, which prepares them to be global citizens.
- Continue positive social and academic benefits into the K-12 general education classrooms.
- Promote high expectations which leads to greater achievement, increased confidence, and more independence.
- Foster friendships with families of diverse backgrounds and parenting experiences.
- Provide opportunities for family stories and experiences to support others and to be a source of parenting knowledge.
- Create empathy and understanding of other families’ journeys and reduces feelings of isolation.
- Maximize early childhood resources.
- By sharing common experiences, a stronger and safer community is created for everyone.
- Incorporate the experiences of families and children into successful community planning for all.
This infographic from the PA Office of Child Development and Early Learning, The Benefits of Inclusion in Early Childhood, shares the impact of inclusion for all children, families and communities.
Here are some ideas to help you help your child to understand and cope with some of the scary sights of the season.
Don’t force something scary. If your child is scared, take a moment to comfort them using soothing words or physical contact. Even common signs that people are having fun (screaming in a fun fright, for example) may be scary for a young child.
Young children may not be able to decide what’s okay and what is scary. Reminding your child that something is pretend can help them to begin to learn the difference. Recognize your child is afraid. Depending on the age of your child, it might be very easy or very difficult to determine when your child is afraid. Signs like crying, shrinking from strangers, running away, hiding, or becoming clingy may mean your child is afraid.
Once your child has been removed from something that made them afraid, talk about what was scary for them. Remind your child about real and pretend, and let them know that it’s sometimes difficult to tell the difference. Understand that for them, the fear was very real. It may even be helpful to read a book about being afraid, and how a character in a book addressed their fear. PA’s Promise has a list of 10 books about being afraid.
Talk about the difference between real and pretend. Point out things that may be real (a puppy in a book, for example). Then point out what is pretend (a puppy that can talk like a person). Ask questions to help your child discover if something is real or pretend. “Can puppies really talk using words like you or me?” “How do puppies talk to us?” “What does it sound like when puppies talk (bark)?” “What does it sound like when you talk?”
Understand your child will outgrow most fears. Providing them with a safe and accepting environment to share and work through their fears as they grow will help overcome those fears.
Children under the age of four are at a high risk of choking while eating. Created for parents and caregivers of young children, this colorful four-page resource from the USDA Food and Nutrition Services includes tips on:
- Preparing foods to make them easier to chew
- Choking hazards to avoid
- Ways to model and teach good eating habits
- And more!
The Kittanning Public Library is hosting a Family Pumpkin Painting Event! We will paint pumpkins, have light snacks, and watch the Smurf's Halloween special. Registration is required by October 16th so we can guarantee we get enough pumpkins.
Virtual Parent Cafe Series
Parent to Parent of Pennsylvania is hosting a series of Virtual Parent Cafes in the Fall. Registration is required, but the Cafes are free. Child Care reimbursement is available for family members who would require childcare to participate in the Cafe.
Parent Cafes are a time for families to connect, listen, and share with each other, in meaningful ways about their parenting journeys. Through conversation, family members learn about how to keep their families strong.
Pennsylvania State Interagency Coordinating Council (SICC) invites families of children currently receiving Early Intervention (EI) services and parent co-chairs of the Local Interagency Coordinating Councils (LICC) to join the SICC Family Meet and Greet on Thursday, October 10th, 11:30am -12:30pm. This event takes place through Zoom. Please note the meet and greet is designed exclusively for families of children currently receiving EI services and parent co-chairs of LICCs.
The SICC Meet and Greet is an opportunity to connect with other EI families, learn more about the purpose of the State Interagency Coordinating Council and how families can be involved. See attached flyer for registration details. After registration, the Zoom details will be sent a few days prior to the meet and greet to the email chosen to register with.
Register Here: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSeihr8QJyJ88E.../viewform
Invitation to the 18th Annual Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Conference
Did you know there are over 90,000 grandparents raising their grandchildren in Pennsylvania? To support and learn more these incredible grandfamilies, register today for the 18th Annual Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Conference, to be held Oct. 18, 2024, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at The Woodlands, 1073 PA-315, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702. This event is a wonderful opportunity for grandparents to connect, learn, and gain valuable resources.
Free admission for grandparents! Enjoy a complimentary day filled with informative panels, engaging workshops, and resource tables designed specifically for grandparents raising grandchildren. Lunch and snacks are included!
For professionals and social service personnel, a registration fee of $35 provides access to all conference activities and networking opportunities.
Visit the Pennsylvania Grandparents Raising Grandchildren website at grgnepa.org for more information or to register.
Armstrong and Indiana County Food Banks
Angel Tree Sign-Ups
Apply online or apply in person. Appointments preferred, but walk-ins are welcome. Oct 8, 10; 10 am to 2 pm; Sept 18 or Oct 16; 4 pm to 6 pm; at The Salvation Army, 635 Water Street, Indiana; Requirements: a valid driver’s license/ID, last 4 digits of SS# for all adults of the household, proof of income, birth certificates for all the children, proof of address, and your child’s wishes & clothing sizes. Apply online at https://forms.office.com/r/qyMdatCca8 For Indiana County residents only. Questions? Need an appointment? Call 724-465-2530, ext 10
Angel Tree Wings Sign-Up
Application Interviews: At ICCAP (827 Water Street, Suite 101, Indiana): 10 am to 1 pm: Oct 1st, Oct 18th; 1 pm to 4 pm: Sept 20th, Oct 3rd, and Oct 15th; at the Indiana Mall (2334 Oakland Ave, Indiana; across from former Bath & Body Works): 10 am to 1 pm: Oct 9th, Oct 21st; 1 pm to 4 pm: Sept 23rd, Oct 7th, Oct 22nd, Oct 23rd; 10 am to 7 pm: Oct 24th, Oct 25th; You need to bring photo ID for all adults in household, proof of income and assistance (SSI, SSDI, SNAP, etc.) for all members of the household (i.e. pay stubs, benefits letter with amount, etc.) Three wishes/clothing sizes for each child; Go prepared. Applicants without this information will NOT be interviewed until they have everything needed
Power Library
Do you know about Power Library, Pennsylvania's electronic library? With Power Kids, you and your child can access things like:
- BookFlix: Watch videos and read books
- CyberSmarts: Learn how to be a safe, responsible and smart citizen with eBooks
- TrueFlix: Learn about people, places, nature, history and science from videos and eBooks
- Chat with a Librarian
In addition, many libraries throughout Pennsylvania offers their members access to downloadable or streaming eBooks and audiobooks through Axis 360 and Hoopla. Enjoy new bestsellers and old favorites on your compatible digital device! Check with your library for additional info.
Fire Dog Bank FREE Workshop
Looking for a fun, free activity to do with your child(ren)? Check out your local Lowe's for the October 12th workshop! You can either complete the activity at the store, or get it to take home and complete!
Spark imagination with DIY-U kids' Firehouse Dog Bank workshop! Budding architects and future firefighters alike will delight in assembling this charming bank, complete with a firehouse facade and a friendly Dalmatian peeking out. Not only will mini builders enjoy the thrill of creating their own savings companion, but they'll also learn about fire safety and the role of firefighters in our communities. Join us for a day of building, bonding, and crafting memories that will inspire young minds to dream big and save with style!
Click here to register for the workshop! Change your store to the Lowe's location closest to you!
Have you signed up for Dolly Parton's Imagination Library?
Check availability in your area!
The Dolly Parton Imagination Library provides books free of charge each month to children from birth to age 5. Wondering what books your child will receive each month in 2024? See below!
Is Your Child Starting Kindergarten Next Fall?
Sign up for the FREE monthly Kindergarten, Here I Am eNews!
Each month get activities, tips and resources you can use to help your kindergartner prepare for and have a successful Kindergarten year.
Learning is Everywhere
Each month offers activities families can do together in a variety of settings. The activities within the Learning is Everywhere Calendar and on the website are aligned with the Pennsylvania Early Learning Standards (ELS).
Activities for your preschooler:
Using items from outside, such as leaves, acorns, pine cones, or sticks, ask your preschooler to compare each against the other. Together, sort and discuss the items by asking (either via pictures, gestures, talking or signing) questions like, Which item is larger? Which is smaller? Where did it come from? How did it get to where it was found? Help them identify the different shapes and sizes of one item (such as several acorns). Scientific Thinking
Assistive technology devices can aide in outdoor experiences. Taking pictures of the found items so your child can sort and manipulate the pictures on their device. Use your preschooler’s interests to get them involved in this experience by comparing the sizes and shapes of the items from nature with favorite toys. Include items from nature in toys for a period of time to allow them time to explore and investigate it’s properties. This allows for open ended learning experiences that build creativity and confidence. Scientific Thinking
Encourage your preschooler to use a magnifying glass to examine found outside objects. Ask what they see when they look at different objects using the magnifying glass. Do they see anything with the magnifying glass that they couldn’t see without it? How different do items look if they hold the magnifying glass close to it, or holds it far away? Scientific Thinking
Sing up for the FREE monthly Learning is Everywhere eNewsletter!
Print the book list! 9 Books for Going Outside.
- Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert
- Inside Mouse, Outside Mouse by Lindsay Barrett George
- Bump! Thump! How do we jump? by Janice Lobb
- Inside Outside Upside Down by Stan Berenstain
- Outside Over There by Maurice Sendak
- Are You Ready to Play Outside? by Mo Willems
- Feathers for Lunch by Lois Ehlert
- Goodnight World Outside by Frances Gilbert
- Sam Who Never Forgets by Eve Rice
What can you do with the monthly book list?
Each month Learning is Everywhere provides a list of books that compliment the activities. What can you do with this list?
- Make a short video of your child reading or giving a book review of one of the books on the list. What was their favorite part of the book? Share the video with family and friends. Tag PA's Promise for Children on Facebook or Instagram!
- Share the list with your friends who have children.
- If you are a teacher, print this list and give it to the families of your students, or post this list where families can see it. They'll know which books are being read in your classroom.
- If you are an early learning community partner, host a special reading event for families using the monthly book lists. Each month has a different focus--find them at PA's Promise for Children. Include an activity from the monthly list to engage families.
- Print the list and take it to your local library. Your librarian can help you find the books on the list. Then read the books with your child. Help your child circle or cross out the books on the list as you read them.
How do you use this book list? Share on PA's Promise for Children, the Facebook page, or send it to Mary at marhal@pakeys.org.
Parent to Parent of Pennsylvania
Parent to Parent matches parents of children with special needs or disabilities with other families who've had similar journeys. A new diagnosis for your child might feel overwhelming, but P2P wants to ensure that you don't feel alone. By being matched to another family, they can provide emotional support, advice, stories of their own experiences, or just a listening ear!
Click here to complete a new match intake form
Want to become a Peer Supporter? Click here!
For more information, call 1-888-727-2706