Dear Panthers,
For six years, I have proudly served the school district and communities of Iowa-Grant as principal and superintendent. My passion for education is rooted in providing a great place for students to learn and grow. I can leave knowing that I stayed true to my heart: We Do What’s Best for Kids. I am full of Panther Pride and will truly miss my co-workers and friends. I have been blessed with support and inspiration from my peers, even when the road was rough. They make the world better and I am proud to support their important work.
We have amazing students and every child from preschool to senior is filled with potential. We are very lucky to have such great kids and I know that they will become amazing adults. I hope that our school board, colleagues, students, and community members will come together to encourage collaboration, teamwork, and the future of the school district. It's time to reinvent our school district and its vision. The hard work starts today, and we need to focus on the good. Let's talk about students, learning, experiences, opportunities, kindness and positivity. Brag about some of the great opportunities we provide for our Panthers and pave the way for a new administrator.
Thank you for the opportunity to lead Iowa-Grant with passion, commitment, and resilience. I will always be Panther Proud.
Robyn Oberfoell
IGHS Calendar of Events
5/2 4:00 PM Track & Field: Boys Varsity Invitational vs Multiple Schools @ Fennimore HS
5/2 4:30 PM Softball: JV vs Fennimore (Home) (Livingston Ball Park)
5/2 4:30 PM Softball: Varsity vs Fennimore (Home) (Cobb - Scheper Park)
5/3 4:30 PM Baseball: Varsity vs Boscobel (Away)
5/3 5:00 PM Softball: Varsity vs Seneca (Away)
5/3 6:15 PM Softball: JV vs Seneca (Away)
5/5 4:00 PM Track & Field: Varsity Invitational vs Multiple Schools @ Southwestern MS/HS
5/5 4:30 PM Baseball: JV vs Riverdale (Home) (Linden Ball Field)
5/4 4:30 PM Baseball: Varsity vs Highland (Away)
5/5 5:00 PM Softball: JV vs Cuba City (Away)
5/5 5:00 PM Softball: Varsity vs Cuba City (Away)
5/6 4:00 PM Golf: Varsity Match vs Multiple Schools @ Darlington Country Club
5/6 4:30 PM Baseball: Varsity vs Cuba City (Away)
5/6 5:00 PM Softball: JV vs Dodgeville (Away)
5/6 5:00 PM Softball: Varsity vs Dodgeville (Away)
5/7 8:00 AM Baseball: JV vs Boscobel (Away)
5/7 9:00 AM Golf: Boys Varsity Invitation vs Multiple Schools @ House on the Rock Golf Course
5/7 8:00 - 11 PM Prom - 8:30 PM Grand March
5/9 4:00 PM Golf: Boys JV/Varsity Match vs Multiple Schools @ Yellowstone Golf Course
5/9 4:30 PM Baseball: Varsity vs Darlington (Away)
5/9 4:30 PM Softball: Varsity vs Riverdale (Away)
5/10 4:00 PM Track & Field: Boys & Girls Varsity Meet vs Multiple Schools @ Riverdale HS
5/10 4:30 PM Baseball: Varsity vs Darlington (Home) (Livingston Baseball Field)
5/11 5:00 PM Art Show
5/11 6:30 PM Dedication of the Bruce Howdle Art Room by the IGEF
5/11 7:00 PM Pops Concert
5/12 3:30 PM Track & Field: Boys Varsity Invitational vs Multiple Schools @ Boscobel HS
5/12 4:30 PM Baseball: Varsity vs Mineral Point (Away)
5/12 4:30 PM Softball: Varsity vs Darlington (Home) (Cobb - Scheper Park)
5/13 4:00 PM Golf: Boys JV/Varsity Match vs Multiple Schools @ Dodge-Point Country Club
5/14 8:30 AM Golf: Boys Varsity vs Multiple Schools @ Dodge-Point Country Club
5/14 9:00 AM Softball: JV Tournament vs Multiple Schools @ Bluff View Middle School
5/14 10:00 AM Softball: Varsity vs Multiple Schools @ Viroqua High School
5/14 1:30 PM Baseball: Varsity Triangular vs Multiple Schools @ Rio Community School District
5/15 2:00 PM National Honor Society Induction Ceremony @ IGEMS - Room 100
5/16 4:00 PM Track & Field: Boys Varsity Conference Meet vs Multiple Schools @ Cuba City High School
5/16 4:00 PM Track & Field: Girls Varsity Conference Meet vs Multiple Schools @ Cuba City
5/16 4:30 PM Baseball: JV vs Dodgeville (Away)
5/16 5:00 PM Softball: JV vs Southwestern (Away)
5/16 5:00 PM Softball: Varsity vs Southwestern (Away)
5/16 6:00 PM Music Parents' Meeting
5/17 4:00 PM Golf: Boys Varsity Conference Meet vs Barneveld (Away)
5/17 4:30 PM Baseball: Varsity vs Fennimore (Home) (Livingston Baseball Field)
5/17 5:00 PM Softball: Varsity vs Wisconsin Heights MS/HS (Away)
5/18 7:00 PM Senior Awards and Scholarship Recognition Night
5/19 Softball: Varsity Regional vs TBD, TBD (Away)
5/19 5:00 PM Baseball: Varsity vs Ithaca (Away)
5/20 4:30 PM Baseball: Varsity vs Riverdale (Away)
5/23 Track & Field: Boys Varsity Regional vs TBD, TBD (Away)
5/23 4:30 Baseball: Varsity vs Platteville (Home) (Livingston Baseball Field)
5/24 Golf: Boys Varsity Regional vs TBD, TBD (Away)
5/24 Softball: Varsity Regional vs TBD, TBD (Away)
5/24 5:00 PM Baseball: JV vs Platteville (Away)
5/26 Baseball: Varsity Regional vs TBD, TBD (Away)
5/26 Softball: Varsity Regional vs TBD, TBD (Away)
5/26 Track & Field: Boys Varsity Sectionals vs TBD, TBD (Away)
5/28 1:00 PM Graduation
5/30 No School
5/31 Baseball: Varsity Regional vs TBD, TBD (Away)
5/31 Softball: Varsity Sectionals vs TBD, TBD (Away)
SENIORS: Dylan Bingham, Grace Clark, Emma Cullen, Tacoma Magnan, Payton Schmitz, Ella Wolff
JUNIORS: Hope Connolly, Jalyssa Cordts, Flora Gyurko, Samuel Kempf, Ivy Lindner, Kenadie Munson, Bailey Orth, Madelyn Rogstad, Audrey Rowe, Ashley Runde, Laighton Schafer, Cameron Shores, Alexis Thoma-Blankenberg, Elizabeth Volenec, Caitlyn Wetter, Evie Whitaker
SOPHOMORES: Meagan Cullen, Amiah Fisher, Adriana Jelle, Kaden Lindner, Elyse Linscheid, Makaya McCarthy, Rachel Rickard, Ashton Schmitz, Sophie Volenec, Lillian Warne, Landon Wetzel
FRESHMEN: Lucas Christiansen, Bret Connolly, Blake Droessler, Linnea Elg, Lakyn Holman, Breann Kohlenberg, Baylee Leix, Dawson Reid, Skyler Reiter, Katie Rickard, Addison Schafer, Addysen Spink
SENIORS: Mariah Blum, Mallory DiVall, Jacqueline Hawes, Kora Kite, Britney Koehn, Grace Lenz, Reid Lundell, MaKayla Pilling, Alexa Zoha
JUNIORS: Yessica Garcia, Jonah Hoeper, Owen Laufenberg, Alexander Lee, McKenna McPhail, Judit Ortuño Fuentes, Jenna Paradis, Gary Pittman, Blake Reeves, Bekka Shemak, Gracie Staskal, Alexis Vavricka
SOPHOMORES: Connor Dowell, Nikolei Freymiller, Rylee Stecklein, Lilliana Vivian, Morgan Washburn, Kaleb Watson
FRESHMEN: Aiden Friesen, Arleth Gaytan, Gavin Hinderman, Faith Kite, Myles Rowe, William Whitaker
SENIORS: Skyler Achenbach, Teris Baker, Bryce Dailey, Ashton Foley, Hailee Kite, Cade Kuhls
JUNIORS: Leslie Bartolo-Rivera, Matthew Grindey, Karstyn McIntosh, Caden Pennekamp, Julia Searls
SOPHOMORES: Bentley Cutts, Grace Gochenaur, Alaina Schultz, Cyle Steffl
FRESHMEN: Adrienne Biddick, Georgia Haase, Corynne Hibner, Sadie Hoge, Ava Orth, Gretta Schmitz, Karaline Suhr
Earn Free College Credit This Summer!!!
Iowa-Grant High School
Summer Learning Opportunities
10th – 12th Grade
- Virtual Learning Classrooms
- Receive College Credit Through SWTC
- 8 Week Courses Run from June 1st – July 29th
- FREE for Iowa-Grant High School Students going into grades 10th, 11th and 12th
· Students must register with Ms. Benish in the Guidance Office no later than Tuesday, May 10th, 2022
· The dropping or failure of any course taken at SWTC will result in the student/parent repayment of course costs to the IG School District.
Band students & parents- please mark your calendar for our local summer parades!
Montfort- Sunday, June 5th @ 2:00
Livingston-Sunday, June 26th @ 1:30
Linden- Sunday, July 31st @ 2:00
Cobb- Sunday, August 14th @ 2:00
Times listed above are the parade start times, students will need to report half an hour early. We will march high school only (including incoming freshmen!) this summer, so attendance is crucial! Thanks for taking the time to make room for these events on your busy calendars.
State Speech Contest Announces School Awards
Thirty Wisconsin schools received recognition for their overall performance at this month’s State Speech Festival. The event, hosted at UW-Madison since it was started 127 years ago, was held this year at DeForest Area High School as well as online. This year, 2,474 students in 1,892 entries, representing 306 schools advanced to the State Festival. Schools had the opportunity for their students to participate in person or by submitting a video of their performance. Adjudicators rated each student or performing group to determine a medal award, and the top five percent of medal-earning schools are recognized with Excellence in Speech Awards. This year, 16 schools earned this honor. Additionally 14 schools earned, the Distinction in Speech Award, for medal achievement in the top six to ten percent. Those schools and coaches earning plaques include Iowa-Grant High School coached by Jacqueline Rolli.
Not only does the I-G team join seven other schools from WHSFA District 10 in earning awards, but we are also one of the four SWAL schools to be recognized for excellence this year. This team worked hard and proved that our team is all about quality over quantity. Congratulations to the 2022 IGHS Forensics team for continuing the tradition of excellence by earning the Distinction in Speech Award!
Congratulation to 2022 Prom Court!
Congratulations to the following juniors on receiving prom court!
Mason Aide
Jonah Hoeper
Caden Pennekamp
Jeran Rux
Karstyn McIntosh
Deandre Pierce
McKenna McPhail
Elizabeth Volenec
Ashley Runde
Kenadie Munson
Jalyssa Cordts
Julia Searls
Exchange Royalty:
Flora Gyurko
Judit Ortuno Fuentes
Prom will be held in the high school gymnasium on Saturday, May 7th, from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The Grand March will be at 8:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend!
The Great Gatsby Era Comes to IGHS
The Theatre is Coming to IGEMS!
The Missoula Children's Theatre crew will be here July, 17th - 23rd to guide 60+ Panthers in their performance of Johnny Appleseed. We are looking for a host family for our directors. If you, or someone you know in the district, has two available rooms and wifi, we want to hear from you! The traveling directors have their own transportation and are responsible for their own food and necessities. They just need lodging for the week of the show. Contact Jackie Rolli, Darcy Breuer or Heather Mayne if you have any questions or suggestions.
We also need volunteers! Any high school student interested in working with the young actors throughout the week, please contact Mrs. Rolli. These hours can be used for community service awards and you can join us one day or the whole week, whatever fits your schedule.
From the Desk of Mrs. Gallagher
Wow. It is May. Where did the time from November 1st to May go? The students and staff at Iowa-Grant are unbelievable. I absolutely love coming to work. Even the hard days and the courageous conversations are met with wonderful people that share the same passion for seeing everyone: students, community, and staff around them succeed. I am optimistic and excited for what the future holds for our community as we come together for the youth. The last few years have been stressful for many reasons and the road to recovery will not look the same as what it was before but I believe if we work together the future will only be better.
We will recognize the hard work and dedication of our teaching staff the week of May 2-6. We have exceptional teachers here. May 6th is School Lunch Hero Day. May 11th is Nurses day and we get to recognize our multi-talented, always willing to jump in and lend a hand from band-aids to last-minute recess duty, Amanda Linscheid. Champion games will be on May 13th and Vesperman Farms will pay a visit on May 20th. There will be bounce houses, field trips, and hopefully great weather to finish out this school year. We will be promoting a great group of 8th graders to the high school on June 1st. Even though my time with the 8th grade has been only a part of this school year, I have had the privilege of getting to know this talented group and I will miss their leadership in the IGEMS building. I look forward to seeing who they become as they finish their school careers. 8th-grade students, please do not be strangers. We are back here rooting for you always!
Thank you so much for your support.
Check It Out! - IMC News From Mrs. Bast
May is a busy month for kids both at school and in their communities; there is a lot going on in the IGEMS IMC as well. In addition to reviewing internet safety, elementary students will be exploring and creating with our makerspace materials in the IMC and enjoying a story walk on our campus near the prairie graden during the last few weeks of school. We are bound to have spring-like or perhaps even summer-like weather by then!
Middle school students will put informational content into their mobile apps and will share their work with their classmates. Thank you to CESA 3 for allowing our school to participate in the MAD-Learn partnership! Students will wrap-up the school year creating iMovies on their iPads.
Both libraries will begin rounding up library books starting in mid-May. The IGEMS IMC’s last day to check a book out is Friday, May 13th. We will handle any requests to check out a book after that date on a case-by-case basis. We thank you for your understanding. It’s not too early to look high and low for those school library books which are no longer being read at home and send them back to school. Thank you in advance for helping us to put library books back on the shelves at the end of the school year.
Earth Day!
Thank you to these students who helped to clean up around IGEMS!
3rd Grade Pen Pals - Meet and Greet
V is for Ventriloquist
VFW Essay Winner - "How Can I Be a Good American?"
Email: roberfoell@igs.k12.wi.us
Website: https://www.igs.k12.wi.us/
Location: 498 Iowa Grant Road, Livingston, WI, USA
Phone: 608-943-6311
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IowaGrantPanthers/