Weekly Newsletter
Friday 11th March 2022
This week in school
Definitely spring!
Better weather this week means the children have been able to enjoy plying together on the field, which straight away feels more like spring time! Mr Fash-Hill and Mr Pooley have started their football club, and Mr Osborne is starting to get some local sporting events through: being able to start some activities like these means so much after all the things that have been cancelled. For Y5 children who prefer being creative, Mrs Butler has a couple of spaces left in her craft club starting next week; when the Y5s have had their sessions this will be open to another year group.
A big shout-out to the group of Y5 boys from Asteroid class (they know who they are!) who came to Mrs Leppington towards the end of lunch to show her the litter they had collected up from around the field. No one had asked them: they had just decided to do their bit to look after the school! Great job, and what a piece of good news for Friday afternoon.
Red Nose Day this year is next Friday (18th) with a 'Funny is Power' theme. Dress to impress as a Superhero or just come along dressed up to make us laugh and bring a donation which will be collected on the school gate in the morning.
Thank you for your continued support.
Allyson Buckton- Proud Headteacher
Whole School Attendance
The graph below shows our school attendance since the start of the school year up to the end of last week (we are the pink line).
An amazing 319 children have had 100% attendance this week: very well done!
Friday 18th March 2022: Red Nose Day, with a 'Funny is Power' theme
Friday 1st April 2022: non-uniform day, please bring an Easter chocolate prize
Thursday 7th April 2022: Easter Services at St Wilf's (am). Exact times for the classes will follow
Friday 8th April 2022: PTA Easter chocolate tombola, £1 per child
Saturday 25th June 2011: PTA Summer Fair (TBC)
From St Wilf's:
Hello all
I’d like to really encourage you to follow this link and watch Ukrainian Christians of all ages reading Psalm 31 in their bunkers.
It is deeply moving, not least because the words of Psalm 31 could not be more apt.
St Wilf’s Spring Fair is on its Way!
Hello folks!
We've had to wait a long time but at last we can hold our first BIG fundraising event at St Wilfrid's for over two years!
Our very first SPRING FAIR will be held on Saturday 14th May from 2.00pm to 4.00pm.
The St Wilfrid's Spring Fair will be held in the church, the Parish Hall and outside in the church grounds and rectory garden.
There will be lots of stalls and activities held inside and out including crafts, tombola, cakes, jewellery, hand made cards and refreshments, games and activities for children and much more.
We hope it is an amazing success and that you will all come along to support our Fair.
But first of all CAN YOU HELP by providing any of the following?
Prizes and bottles for the Tombola
Chocolate for a children's tombola
Raffle prize
Children's toys and games
Pieces of nearly new jewellery and toiletries
Baking for the cafe........(list in back of church coming soon)
After Easter we will leave boxes at the back of church for any non-perishable items you wish to donate or contact Lis Middup, Simeon Pearce-Storm, Ruth Breeze, Cathy Rodgers or Pat Jarvis
Please drop cakes off early on the Saturday morning of the fair. Church will be open from 9.30/10am on Saturday 14th May. If this is not possible please contact Cathy or Lis.
You can help in other ways too....
Help to run a stall.
Tell all your friends, bring your family.
Any new ideas for fundraising or interesting stalls? Let us know.
If you know of anyone who would like to set up a stall, please let us know. PLI needed. (For more information please contact Lis Middup)
If you'd like to offer your help or need more information please contact
Lis Middup
07770440214 lismiddup@aol.com
Pat Jarvis
01757708881 churchwarden@stwilfridsparish.com
Happy Birthdays!
Many many many many happy returns this week to.....
Rio Smith
Millie Mansell
Ethan Lyons
Montgomery Karslake
Harrison Abbott
Emilee Hawe
Lily Cole
Emily Sharlotte
Alistair Howell
Lucas Armitage
Olivia Evans
Jack Priest
This week in classrooms
Our school values
Nursery - Stars
This week, despite the weather at the start of the week, we have been looking at signs of Spring. We have been on a Spring walk and found snowdrops, crocuses, catkins and daffodils, all on our school field. We have learnt about birds building nests and have made bird feeders to encourage the birds in our school grounds. In our creative area,we have painted flowers and created birds’ nests.
In phonics we have been working hard on spotting rhymes and in maths we have been comparing groups saying whether they have more or fewer amounts in them and searching for shapes.
Star of the Week:
Nellie Mattinson
FS - Moon and Mercury
This week the sun has finally decided to come out and stay out which has meant a lot more children have enjoyed exploring our new garden centre shop which we have created in our outdoor provision area. We have read Jasper’s Beanstalk written by Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen and discussed what happened in the story. The children were really excited to plant their own beans which they literally cannot wait to see how they grow. Some of the children have planted the beans in soil and others in bags with paper towels and are keen to investigate which conditions are the best for the beans to grow. The children also designed their own beanstalks and wrote captions describing what might be at the top of the beanstalks and had some amazing ideas. In Maths we have been representing the numbers 9 and 10 in a range of different ways as well as sorting items into 9 and 10. We have also been ordering numbers to 10 and trying to understand the composition of numbers 9 and 10. In our outdoor provision area, the children did such a fantastic job preparing the potatoes they found covered in mud that they decided they wanted to eat them. We decided to cut them and make them into wedges and have them as an extra treat for a snack which Mr Osborne was definitely a fan of. The children also made flapjack and are showing how good they are following a set of instructions.
Stars of the week:
Moon: Tilly Tonks
Mercury: Esme Senior
Y1 - Galaxy and Venus
We have had another very busy week in Year 1; the children have really impressed us showing off their reading comprehension and number understanding with assessments, whilst creatively exploring the curriculum. In English, we have studied ‘Prince Cinders’ by Babette Cole, developing their vocabulary and retrieval skils and creating story retells using ambitious language. In Maths, we have explored finding 1 more and 1 less of numbers to 50, 100 and beyond, and have continued to compare a range of numbers through varying levels of challenge. Through science we have dissected flowers and fruits, exploring the parts of a plant and different seed dispersal, and in D.T. we have continued our project on ‘Moving Pictures’ exploring levers and pivot mechanisms.
Stars of the week:
Venus- Alia Mirzakhel
Galaxy- Ellis Dyson
Year 2 / 3 Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune
We’ve all had another ‘marvellous’ week in Year 2/3 and are thoroughly enjoying the highly entertaining and slightly bonkers class text ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’. In English, we stepped into the shoes of the main character ‘George’ and gleefully concocted a new, unusual medicine to help brighten the mood of grouching, griping, grumpy old grandma! This hands-on, creative and practical experience of actually making the medicine has resulted in some wonderfully enthusiastic and descriptive instruction writing. Great work Year 2/3! In Maths, we have continued learning about fractions; the children have applied their understanding of numerator and denominator by identifying fractions of a shape, and have explored equivalent fractions ranging from halves to twelfths. In Science, we have continued learning about light, this week with a focus on reflectors and how to change the direction of a light beam. In PSHCE, the children discussed medicine safety linked to our class text, in which George is forbidden to touch any medicine in the house. In RE, the children have continued learning about prayer, this week focusing on the key aspects of Christian prayer.
Stars of the week:
Saturn: Sam Elwood
Jupiter: Bethany Horsman
Neptune: GH
Year 4 Mars and Earth
It’s been a very artistic week in Year 4. In art, we have developed our shading skills and then practised this skill while learning how to draw tulips and daffodils. The children enjoyed taking multiple attempts at each drawing to see how they improved each time and the progress was clear. In maths, we have launched our new unit of learning, decimals. The children loved reflecting on where we see these in everyday life. The children have started to explore tenths and hundredths and how these are equivalent to decimals. In our class book we have reached our first milestone. We’ve been enthralled as Beowulf and Grendel battled. It looks like there’s a clear hero in this story so far.
Stars of the week:
Earth - Cameron Younger & Miss Grundy - for her first whole school worship!
Mars - Aaron Hartley
Year 5 Asteroid and Pluto
Year 5 are almost finished writing the tale of Luna, the young girl with big dreams of being an astronaut. We have been using many literacy effects to write about her journey and feelings, particularly using the weather to mirror her feelings.
It has been such an egg-citing week in science this week, we have been learning about air resistance and how this can help us in everyday life. We investigated how to make the best parachute to help our eggs to reach the floor safely and in one piece. This practical work was no yolk! We are using our knowledge of friction and forces within our D&T project, designing and making marble runs. I have been promised a loop the loop, so watch this space…
Stars of the week:
Asteroid: Arthur O’Driscoll
Pluto: Aiden Workman
Year 6 Nebular and Constellation
This week in year 6 we have started our new class novel - Dog Head! The tale of a cursed boy, who without warning, transforms into the Egyptian God, Anubis! The back and forth, past and present, story lines, make this a really complex read, but one we are enjoying. In English, we have drafted, edited and included so many different grammar conventions to our journal of a pyramid builder. They are without a doubt, the most technical and complex pieces of writing so far this year. Well done. In maths we have begun, but not yet mastered, our algebra topic, investigating function machines and the rather odd inclusion of letters…. in maths!!! In topic, we have debugged and presented our computer games to the class, and received constructive criticism on how they can be improved. In science, we made blood, and understood the different cells that are contained within it. A good week, year 6!
Stars of the week:
Constellation - Ava Norrie
Nebular - Megan Anderson
Who has the most hive points so far?
Ava Swallow from Nebular and Yellow Hive is the top Bee Points scorer this week.