Principal's Weekly Newsletter
Benson Polytechnic High School May 28th 2024
A Message to our Parents/Guardians: Information Platforms for Benson Tech
Please be sure to follow me on X (Formerly Known As Twitter @BensonTechPride.) (X)
Please be sure to go to our PPS/BHS Website at www.pps.net/benson for important school information, events and school activities that will be happening throughout the school year. (PPS/Benson Tech Website Calendar)
Parents/Guardians please be sure to download the Trivory App for up to date information regarding Benson Tech. This is a great communication tool for Benson Tech and we highly encourage all parents/guardians and students to stay connected with the school by downloading the app. https://trivory.com/
(Trivory App)
Principal Wilson
Follow Me On Formerly Known as Twitter
Gather Information From Our Benson Tech Website
Graduation Ceremony Expectations
Benson Tech Senior Parents/Guardians,
Here is what will be shared with your student during Senior Check out. We appreciate your efforts in supporting these steps to ensure a very successful graduation ceremony. Note the information about pictures and diplomas in point #5.
Graduation Ceremony Expectations Graduation is an important rite of passage for our school community. It is a time to celebrate the graduating class but it is also a time to celebrate the many individuals and parents who have worked side by side with their students to get to this very important point in their lives. With that we want all students to know the following expectations for them during the graduation ceremony. Ticket orders must be placed here: https://forms.gle/CmcUkGiyRVqLAYx8A Bring just your cap/gown/medallion and cords to the ceremony. There is NO place to store backpacks, purses, etc during the ceremony. You will not return to the seat you started in once you cross the stage. Keep your gown zipped up and mortarboard (cap) on throughout. Caps can come off after the changing of the tassel and please don’t toss them in the air as there will not be a chance to retrieve the cap due to the way we are exiting this year. When you are approaching the stage, please no antics. This ceremony will be live streamed so we are telling you now to save anything you may think of doing until you are out of the arena. You may decorate your cap but it must be tasteful and not derogatory in any way. If you have questions as to the appropriateness of your idea for your cap, please ask an administrator before you start the process. A reminder that you will receive a diploma cover when you cross the stage and shake Mr. Wilson’s hand. There will be a formal picture taken of that moment and another picture of you after you exit the stage. Those pictures will be able to be purchased from Visual Impressions (visualimpressions.org) after the ceremony. Diplomas will be available here at school on the 4th. The rest of the diplomas will be mailed on the 5th. Anyone who has an issue during the ceremony will need to meet with Mr Wilson prior to getting your diploma. Please be appropriately dressed underneath your gown. This could include clothes that you consider dressed up. Even if it is warm, please plan accordingly. If there are rain showers in the forecast, there will be clear ponchos available. With the amount of walking that you will do during the ceremony and with the number of stairs that need to be traversed, it would behoove you to wear shoes that are both comfortable and stable. Feet in heels may have a hard time by the time the ceremony is completed. When the ceremony is over you will be led on a path that will put you onto 18th St at the exit. Please share with all who are coming that Providence Park will have 18th St closed for the 30 minutes after the ceremony with the exception of the Max trains that will continue to run. All BPHS families will be directed to the south end of 18th while the next set of families enter for the next graduation. Lincoln HS may be a good meeting spot for you and your family after the ceremony as they are graciously opening their patio to us for this very purpose. Providence Park has a strict no balloons, stickers, confetti, glitter, noisemakers, and outside food or beverage policy, so please leave those items at home. Dan Malone he/him VP, Modernization Benson Polytechnic HS at Marshall Campus
Seniors: Its Time To Order Your Graduation Tickets
Hi supporters of the Class of '24
It is time to order your tickets for the big event happening on June 3rd at 4:30!! I have included the link to the google form we are using for ticket orders. Each family can order up to 12 tickets. If you need more than 12, please put in the total you are wanting and we will do our best to fill all orders. All tickets are general admission and are being distributed through Providence Park's Seat Geek account and all tickets are e-tickets in this system. You will need to set up a Seat Geek account in order to receive your tickets which will come to you from tickets@timbers.com address. Please make sure to use an email that can be accessed through your phone as you will need to show your e tickets at the door. As you plan please know that Providence Park does not allow balloons, confetti or noisemakers in the space at any time.
We will start to process orders the week of the May 27th-31st. In order for families to receive their tickets, your senior MUST be passing all of the classes they need to graduate. If there are concerns about this , please contact your student's Counselor. As I am sure there will be questions, feel free to send an email to myself (dmalone@pps.net ) or Eva Martinez Mercado (emartinezmercado@pps.net) and we will respond as quickly as our day allows.
The link: https://forms.gle/CmcUkGiyRVqLAYx8A (Updated Link)
Dan Malone
VP, Modernization
Benson Polytechnic HS at Marshall Campus
An Important Message for our Seniors: One Week Countdown for Seniors!
Please do not wait until the last minute if you have outstanding athletics fees, lost books, or a missing Chromebook. To see if you have library fines accrued, you can look on SchoolPay or in Destiny. If you have a lost book, you may be able to find a used copy that costs less than the fine listed to turn in as a replacement. Ask the Library staff if you have any questions. If you have a question about PIL fees, please contact the bookkeeper. Senior Check Out is May 31st from 8:30 to 11:30 AM in the Gym. Students will have attendance marked and receive a signature card that must be completed before Graduation tickets are released. They will then have a rehearsal before enjoying their picnic and festivities.
Requirements include:
- Returning the assigned Chromebook AND charging cord to the library.
- All library materials should be returned or fines paid for lost books.
- PIL fees paid for sports played in the 23-24 school year.
- Athletic uniforms and materials returned
- Lockers are cleaned out.
- Personal Learning Requirements (CRLE, Resume and My Plan Essay) completed.
- Completion of a Senior Survey
Sheli Bryan (she/her)
Benson Polytechnic High School @ Marshall Campus
3905 SE 91st Ave.
Portland, OR 97266
503-916-5100 ext.86205
Attention Senior Parents/Guardians
Graduation diplomas will be mailed out to the address we have on file, if you recently moved or if you need the diploma delivered to a different address please email me ASAP: emartinezmercado@pps.net
Eva Martinez Mercado
Administrative Assistant II
Benson Polytechnic High School/Marshall Campus(503) 916-5100 ext. 86407
A Message to our Senior Families from Benson's Bookkeeper Sheli Bryan
Yearbook Distribution Starts May 28th!
The Yearbook team has worked hard and is excited to share out the 2023-24 Benson Yearbook starting Tuesday, May 28th during lunch. If you purchased a book, you should have received a confirmation email on Friday the 24th. Books will be distributed from the library checkout window (across the hall from B-8) during lunch, Tuesday - Friday. Please come pick up your book this week if possible. There are very few remaining books to be sold and there is a waiting list so we are only able to distribute the pre-sold books at this time. If you are not sure if you bought a book, you can email the bookkeeper, sbryan@pps.net.
Friday, May 31st is Senior Check Out!
There are still a few students with remaining fines for lost books or outstanding PIL fees. To see if you have library fines accrued, you can look on SchoolPay or in Destiny. If you have a lost book, you may be able to find a used copy that costs less than the fine listed to turn in as a replacement. Ask the Library staff if you have any questions. If you have a question about PIL fees, please contact the bookkeeper.
SchoolPay Link to pay PIL Fee (pay what you are able).
SchoolPay Link for lost Books (or bring in a replacement book that you might find used in good condition)
SchoolPay LInk for Lost Chromebook charging cords (or purchase one to bring in as a replacement)
Requirements include:
- Returning the assigned Chromebook AND charging cord to the library.
- All library materials should be returned or fines paid for lost books.
- PIL fees paid for sports played in the 23-24 school year.
- Athletic uniforms and materials returned
- Lockers are cleaned out.
- Personal Learning Requirements (CRLE, Resume and My Plan Essay) completed.
- Completion of a Senior Survey
Sheli Bryan (she/her)
Benson Polytechnic High School @ Marshall Campus
3905 SE 91st Ave.
Portland, OR 97266
503-916-5100 ext.86205
A Message to our Benson Tech Senior Families
Congratulations on rounding the quarter to your student's final quarter of high school! We sent out letters to senior households over spring break that outline important dates and information that will help you complete graduation requirements on time, and take advantage of all the celebrations and fun activities that are happening over the next couple of months. Here is a copy of the letter that was sent out: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MsB4O7s7i9WK0dubkorf2K7db8JOM7m8_JMwEl1aP68/edit?usp=sharing
Seniors 60 Day Rule in Effect Beginning Tuesday April 2nd
Commencement Disqualification: Requires that seniors be disqualified from participation in commencement exercises and related activities if within 60 consecutive calendar days of the last senior school day they are found to be in violation resulting in three or more days of suspension or more serious disciplinary action.
Sara Callies (she/her/hers)
Vice Principal
Benson Polytechnic High School
Oregon Alliance of Black School Educators Honor Roll Scholar Students
Please be sure to open the attachment that showcases Portland's Black Scholar Graduates from PPS. Please note that all the students listed in the Portland Observer Newspaper has a GPA of 3.5 and above. Congratulations to the 15 Benson Tech Black Scholar Student Graduates who were recognized by the Portland Observer.
Seniors vs Staff Annual Basketball Game
Dear Benson Tech Parents/Guardians,
I just wanted to say thank you to all the senior students and staff participants that played in last Wednesday's Senior vs Staff basketball game. The Senior team which was comprised of many seniors from the women’s basketball team as well as a couple of other seniors from the student body and Dylan Douangphrachanh from the men’s basketball team were an incredible group of athletes that just wouldn’t quit out on the basketball court.
The game ended up being a very close game and came down to the last possible possession and the Benson Tech Staff was able to hold on for the 2 point victory with the final score being 90-88.
Much respect to our senior players especially our senior players from our women’s basketball team as they played an awesome team game this evening and shot the lights out of the gym with their half court offense.
I look forward to watching some of our Senior athletes playing at the next level next year and kudos to all the staff and students that came out to the gym this afternoon to cheer on the staff and the seniors. I appreciate you all.
Benson Tech Seniors Rocks!!
A Message To Our Senior Parents
Final Senior Support Parent Meeting
Benson Tech Mental Health Newsletter
Hello Benson Tech Families - Please find our latest Mental Health Newsletter linked below.
14th Edition Includes:
- PDX/Regional recognition of Monthly Observances (like AANHPI Month),
- Representation and Why it Matters,
- Summer Math Camp opportunity (due May 31),
- Roadmap to Black Mental Health,
- Summer Access to Mental Health,
- Crisis and County Resources, and more!
14th Edition: Benson Mental Health Support | Smore Newsletters for Education
Wishing all wellness, Benson Mental Health Team
A Message from the Benson Tech Tennis Coach
Hello Benson Tech Community,
Carlyta Barfield competed at State this past week, May 23rd-25th at the Tualatin Hills Tennis Stadium. She and 27 other high school girl competed for the state title.
On Thursday, the 23rd, Carlyta defeated a girl from Barlow in the first round. She then faced a fellow freshman from McMinnville, in which Carlyta swiftly defeated to qualify for the quarter finals.
On Friday, the 24th, Carlyta faced Carissa Gerung of Jesuit, the number 2 seed. In a very tough match Carissa overcame Carlyta and Carlyta bowed out of state, placing in top 8 in all of Oregon.
If you see Carlyta around please congratulate her on her state achievements.
Anthony Hoang, Head Coach of Benson Girls Tennis
A Message from our Cheerleading Coach VaShetta Charles
Benson Cheer Tryouts
A Message from our Dean of Students Colleen Johnston
Dangerous App
Please check your child's phone for the Telegram App! Here's an article that explains why: https://www.bark.us/app-reviews/apps/telegram/
If you don't have time to check that out, know that the app is used as a way to buy and sell drugs, and sellers don't care how old of a person they sell to.
p.s. You matter -- you really, really do.
Benson Polytechnic High School
Dean of Students & School Climate Coach
Office phone: 503-916-5100 ext. 86288
(pronouns: she/her/hers)
A Message from Heide Goertzen (Class of 2025 Advisor)
Rising Seniors-
Please don't forget we are meeting Tuesday, May 28th during lunch (in Room B-45) to go over Prom Venues and plan for our last fundraiser of the year!
Ms. Goertzen
Class of 2025 Advisor
A Message from Heide Goertzen (Class of 2025 Advisor)
Please help support the Class of 2025 as we begin our preparations for the 2025 School Prom.
Heide Goertzen
Class of 2025 Advisor
A Message from Benson Tech Counselor Amy Henry: Summer School
Summer School Registration is now open! Here is a link to the summer session info (i.e. dates, times, locations, etc.): https://www.pps.net/pess
Two reminders:
a)Summer school is ONLY for students who have failed a class (no original credit and passing a class with a D are not allowed to register). Evening Scholars will be open next year for these students.
b)Registration is through your counselor: we are available before school, during lunch and after school.
Amy Henry (she/her)
School Counselor
Benson Polytechnic High School at Marshall Campus
Working with Students with the Last Names A-Gq
503-916-5100 x86434
A Message from Benson Tech Counselor Amy Henry Regarding Summer School
Please see the attachment below regarding Summer School Information
A Message from Benson's Curriculum Vice Principal Sara Callies
Exciting New Courses For Next Year: Computers and Metalworking Electives
We are excited to be able to share some new electives for next year. We are now offering Intro to Computers and Metalworking as electives for all students. We are also offering Study Hall as an alternative to TA. If you are interested in these new courses, come to counseling to get your name on the sign up sheets by the end of this week.
Sara Callies
Curriculum VP
A Message From Our College Counselor Kathleen Reid
Please see this week's COLLEGE NEWSLETTER for some really great opportunities, like a college essay-writing workshop, a summer architecture program, and an application to be a student advisor to the Oregon School Board. Plus, information on the FAFSA, a scholarship list with upcoming deadlines, college admissions updates, upcoming events, and more.
Be sure to complete your FAFSA or ORSAA. If you need assistance completing forms or interpreting financial aid awards, please text me at 971-238-8322 or email me at kreid@pps.net or Katie Clark (kclark@pps.net or 503-894-4660).
Kathleen Reid (she/her)
College Counselor/AVID Coordinator
Benson Tech High School
Call/Text 971-238-8322
Set up an appointment with me HERE
A Message from the School Nurse Patty Locke (Free Urgent Dental Care)
For free Urgent Dental Health Care during the month of May please see the attached flyer.
Nurse Patty
A Message from Benson's Christina Thompson
Not Too Old For Summer Camp!
High schoolers are not too old for summer camp. Although the summer can be a great time to relax it is also a great time for students to build skills in other areas.
If your students is not obligated to attend summer school there are opportunities for enriching experiences in and around Portland. The Willamette Week put out this guide:
Additionally, this site has some opportunities to volunteer or enter into internships. One internship, the OHSU one, is a great opportunity for a student in the Health Occupations Program at Benson.
Portland Parks and Rec Also has opportunities for students and families:
Christina Thompson Pronouns: she/her/hers
ESL Teacher, Benson High School
(503) 916 - 5100 x 86232
A Message from Benson's Health Sciences Instructor Meredith McClanen
I am making one more push for this year to see if people want to travel to S. Korea and Japan in 2025.
SUBJECT: Exciting news – come to our meeting!
Dear Families,
Exciting news – we are opening more seats on our Summer 2025 trip to South Korea & Japan!
In case you missed our first informational meeting, come learn about our itinerary, activities, academic opportunities, and the cost of the trip (and discounts!) at our meeting. Find meeting details below:
· Date: May 29th
· Time: 7:30 PM
· Location: Zoom
Please register for the meeting here: https://bit.ly/3wMk4iK
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Dr. Meredith McClanen-Clemons
Health Sciences Teacher at Benson Polytechnic High School
Please note this is a non-school sponsored trip.
A Message from Benson's Social Worker Caroline Bleckmann
Greetings Benson Tech Community!
For lower-cost auto repairs, PCC offers customer repairs at their auto shop. See the website for more information!
Also just a reminder that the Benson Tech Wellness Center is available to all students ages 7-21. Services are free, including for uninsured patients. Also: if you are having trouble getting into your child's primary care provider, there's good chance they could get an appointment here sooner!
Students just have to be registered as patients at OHSU: a one time phone call (503-494-8505). From there, they can come down between classes M-Th and talk to Brianna Westenskow to schedule an appointment.
Caroline Bleckmann, LCSW, She/her
School Social worker, Benson Polytechnic High School
For all meeting requests click here or use google calendar for PPS employees
Cell/Non-urgent texting: 503-729-3486
Monday-Friday, 8-4:00
How can the School Social Worker help me?
Outside of office hours, if you or your loved one is experiencing a mental health crisis, please call the Multnomah County Crisis line at 503-988-4888.
Reminder on PIL/Sports and PE Uniform Fees
Now that spring season sports are in full swing, we will be sending reminders for PIL Fees still due. If you have not paid for fall or winter sports yet, please do so as soon as possible or contact the bookkeeper, Sheli Bryan, sbryan@pps.net, if you have any questions. Fees can be paid on SchoolPay on this item link: https://pps.schoolpay.com/pay/for/Benson--PIL-Athletic-Fee/SUX9Ow, or with cash or check to the bookkeeper in B5. The fee is $200 per sport or $35 if you qualify for Free/Reduced meals. You only need to pay for the first two sports and there is no charge for a third sport in a year. Seniors will need to have these addressed before they can be cleared for the release of their graduation tickets.
Sheli Bryan (she/her)
Benson Polytechnic High School @ Marshall Campus
3905 SE 91st Ave.
Portland, OR 97266
503-916-5100 ext.86205
PE Uniforms for 9th Graders
PE uniforms for 9th graders are $20 for the year. If you have not yet paid, please do so as soon as possible so we will have the funds to buy them for next year's class. A second set or replacement is $15. Here is the SchoolPay link for uniforms: https://pps.schoolpay.com/pay/for/Benson--PE--9th-Grade-Uniforms/SdXKDdQ. Thank you!
Sheli Bryan (she/her)
Benson Polytechnic High School @ Marshall Campus
3905 SE 91st Ave.
Portland, OR 97266
503-916-5100 ext.86205
An Important Message from PPS Regarding Yellow Bus Transportation for the 2024-25 School Year
Dear Benson Tech Community,
As we look ahead to the upcoming school year I wanted to reach out before the school's transition back to the newly remodeled Benson Tech. I wanted to remind the Benson Tech Community early that next year, with school being back at the new Benson Tech building that PPS will be discontinuing the yellow bus transportation services for students in accordance with ODE guidelines. All students will continue to be provided HOP passes in order to utilize Tri-Met as needed.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to our PPS Transportation offices.
Brandon Coonrod
Interim Director
Student Transportation
Ph. 503.916.6901 Ext. 77295
Important Attendance Information and Updates
District policy states that students have 3 school days to resolve absences.
Transportation via Portland Public Schools (school bus) are excused tardies.
If the student doesn't let the attendance office know that this is why they are tardy, there is no way to know. The office does not track who is on what bus or whether they are present.
There is a code for Late Bus (LBS) which can be marked to excuse that type of tardy.
Tardies for emergency situations in getting to school (vehicle malfunctions, police action and other types of emergencies) may also be excused but again, the office will need to be made aware of these,
Tardies due to missing a bus, getting up late, etc. are not excused tardies.
Students calling in / emailing their own attendance absences / late / tardies / etc will NOT be considered excused absences.
Excused absences will be noted accordingly from parents / guardians and/or students over 18 years of age.
To reach attendance, you can call 503-916-5100 X86271 and/or email bensonattend@pps.net
Benson Tech Attendance Team
If you would like to make a charitable contribution to Benson Tech please see the options and links below.
Charitable Contributions
Item Link
(NEW) Donation Link to support the Class of 2025
Senior Donation Link to support the 2024 Senior Prom and the Senior BBQ
Item Link
PIL ATHLETICS PAY TO PLAY, $200 PER SPORT OR $35 IF YOU QUALIFY FOR FREE/REDUCED LUNCH https://pps.schoolpay.com/pay/for/Benson--PIL-Athletic-Fee/SUX9Ow