Red Devil Ready:DCHS Weekly Message
Week 10: Volleyball on the Menu
Decatur County Community High School
605 E Commercial St, Oberlin, KS 67749
October 20, 2024 (Schedule at the bottom, Skip What You Want)
Follow us on Twitter at @DCHSREDDEVILS or
Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Oberlin294/
Decatur community,
Next week candy is on the menu (for apparent reasons), and next month is the holiday that's most familiar tradition is a menu loaded with foods.
For this week, it's not the food, but rather the volleyball that is on the menu.
Make sure to check the menu(s) below!
Shoutout to all of our students that took either the ACT or PreACT this past week. On Tuesday, I was in Oakley with several staff members for a State meeting while students took the ACT, and Wednesday I administered the PreACT to the 9th grade students. From what I saw, the freshmen put together a great effort, many of them taking every minute to go back through questions. Several upper classmen expressed confidencne in their scores on the ACT as well. We will anxiously await the official results.
Shoutout to vocal teachers Lisa Johnson and Jenny Tally. It's always a pleasure to watch our vocal students in action, and I personally enjoyed the strong addition of modern music that was present during the concert.
Shoutout to all of our senior volleyball players and their parents. Senior Night took place last Tuesday evening as we split matches with Quinter and Colby. It's always an emotional night when you realize that you are playing your final game on your home court. For many of our seniors, there are years and years of practices, tournaments, and competitions, as well as miles and miles of roads traveled that are filled with memories. Thank you, seniors and parents.
Shoutout to Agriculture teacher Jason Ketterl and his Animal Science class. This past Thursday, he took his students to Decatur Beef to see how the ingredients were rationed and put together for feed. They have been studying the process in class, and it was a perfect opportunity for them to see real world applicaiton.
Shoutout to the JH football team on finishing the season with a win. Injuries started to pile up on them as the season neared its end, but the team continued to work hard and improve. It's always great to win your final game and finish the season with a winning record.
Shoutout to Mrs. Witt's Applied Math class consisting of Keely Huff, Allyson Simpson, and Flora Steadman. The group presented to Dr. Applegate, Sharee Dempewolf, and myself on Thursday. They presented a business plan for "Num Num Puffs." Last year the class made homeade ice cream that was sold to students at various times, and this year, Num Num Puffs. Num Num Puffs are flavored popcorn balls. The group presented several options including smores, Reese's, turtle pecan, and more. The group will be asking local businesses if they would potentially allow some to be placed there for selling, as well as once again sell to students.
Shoutout to seniors Weston Barnes, Jack Holloway, Makadyn Ketterl, Jessiah McDougal, and Michaela Wasson for being chosen as senior leaders for the upcoing Halloween Cleanup, and an extra shoutout to Jessiah for being chosen as The General.
Shoutout to English teacher Jacinta Carter. I was in her room this past week observing. The students were reading Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven. After reading the students worked together in smaller groups on an escape room style activity dealing with the poem. It was a fun way to engage students and help build meaningful connections to the learning.
Things You Should Know
Girls Volleyball Regional Assigned to Mankato-Rock Hills
This Tuesday, our girls will be traveling to Mankato-Rock Hills for Regionals. The girls are in a 3-Team Triangular along with familar opponent Atwood. Two teams will advance beyond Regionals and on to Sub-State on Saturday.
Below is the layout of the Triangular.
JH NWKL Tournament Thursday
For JH volleyball, the NWKL Tournament is the full post-season and opportunity to win the championship. Our girls have played great this season. The A Team heads to the tournament as the top overall seed. The B Team heads in as the #2 overall seed. Check out the brackets below.
Let's go, Ladies!
Halloween Cleanup Year 99
The 99th annual Halloween Clean-Up is Tuesday, October 29. The teachers chose Weston Barnes, Jack Holloway, Makadyn Ketterl, Jessiah McDougal, and Michaela Wasson to lead the student-led service project. From those five, the student body chose Jessiah McDougal as the General.
If you would like your yard raked, please call the high school at 785 475-2231 and leave your name and number.
Fall Conferences on the Radar
Parent-Teacher Conferences Information:
1. The timeframe is listed below:
Monday, October 28: 4:00-8:00 PM (Open House Style Conferences)
Wednesday, October 30: 4:00-7:30 PM
2. Teachers will be in the cafeteria, and parents will be able to come in to meet with individual teachers as they see fit.
3. Grades should be up to date. You should be able to look online through PowerSchool to check your student's progress before conferences.
4. Please reach out to your teachers if you have concerns about your child, and feel free to reach out to myself if you need any clarification about conferences.
Senior Citizens' Thansgiving Meal Coming November 14th
On Thursday, November 14th, we will have our second Senior Citizens' Thanksgiving. This event will be open to any senior citizen. Doors will open at 10:30 with a small program beginning at 10:45 in the cafeteria. Lunch will be served at 11:00. We have already started getting our first reservations.
Can we get more than the 114 that attended last year?
A golf cart will be available to allow for easy access to and from the entrance to the parking lot.
Coats will be hung by students upon arrival.
MENU: Turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, and more!
Parents and students, please spread the word. We would really like to get a head count so that we can be prepared.
Please reach out to the DCHS office at 1-785-475-2231 or by direct email to jholloway@usd294.org to let us know that you will be attending.
Red Devil Ready
There are a lot of things that are coming up on the radar: Conferences, Halloween Cleanup, Senior Citizen Thanksgiving, the musical, and more.
Bump, set, and spike us off to a good start, girls!
Until next week,
Jeremy Holloway
Go Big Red!
Varsity Volleyball Season Record (13-20)
L vs Wheatland 25-23, 22-25, 14-24 (0-1)
L vs Hoxie 13-25, 22-25 (0-2)
W vs Quinter 25-16, 25-16 (1-2)
W vs Dighton 24-26, 25-21, 25-22 (2-2)
L vs Atwood 21-25,14-25 (2-3)
W vs Atwood 26-24, 14-25, 28-26 (3-3)
L vs Wallace County 16-25, 25-23, 15-25 (3-4)
L vs Cimarron 25-19, 11-25, 18-25 (3-5)
L vs Golden Plains 17-25, 23-25 (3-6)
L vs Wheatland 25-22, 24-26, 16-25 (3-7)
L vs St. Francis 17-25, 22-25 (3-8)
L vs Golden Plains 25-12, 21-25, 24-26 (3-9)
L vs Gering 18-25, 14-25 (3-10)
L vs Cambridge 22-25, 19-25 (3-11)
W vs Valentine 25-10, 25-17 (4-11)
L vs Cheylin 18-25,17-25 (4-12)
W vs Logan 25-21, 25-10 (5-12)
L vs Southwest 16-25, 15-25 (5-13)
W vs St. Francis 25-21, 17-25, 25-20 (6-13)
W vs Atwood 25-20, 25-20 (7-13)
W vs Dundy Coutnty 25-11, 25-18 (8-13)
L v St. Francis 25-22, 19-25, 19-25 (8-14)
L vs Hoxie 22-25, 9-25 (8-15)
W vs Goodland 28-26, 25-23 (9-15)
L vs Atwood 25-20,12-25, 18-25 (9-16)
L vs Hitchcock Co. 17-25, 23-25 (9-17)
L vs St. Francis 25-16, 21-25, 25-27 (9-18)
W vs Greely Co. 25-21, 25-22 (10-18)
W vs Quinter 25-19, 19-25, 25-23 (11-18)
W vs Atwood 25-23, 16-25, 25-23 (12-18)
L vs Wallace Co. 17-25, 12-25 (12-19)
W vs Quinter 14-25, 25-16, 25-17 (13-19)
L vs Colby 14-25, 20-25 (13-20)
JV Volleyball Season (6-1)
W Wheatland 25-13,19-25,15-4 (1-0)
W Hoxie 25-17,25-21 (2-0)
L Rawlins 12-25, 25-21, 11-15 (2-1)
W vs Quinter 25-18, 25-17 (3-1)
W vs Rawlins 25-18, 25-18 (4-1)
W vs Wallace County 25-15, 25-20 (5-1)
W vs Cheylin 25-9, 25-21 (6-1)
W vs Southwest
W vs St. Francis
W vs Atwood
W vs Hoxie
W vs Leoti
W vs St. Francis
Football Season Record 4-3
W @ Greeley 50-0 (1-0)
L vs Dighton 40-44 (1-1)
W vs Wallace Co. 52-6 Homecoming (2-1)
W @ St. Francis 32- 14 (3-1)
L Home vs Hoxie 12-45 (3-2)
W @ Stockton 54-0 (4-2)
L @ Atwood 18-48 (4-3)
Home vs Hill City (10-25)
Week 9 Game vs TBD (10-31)
Cross Country Notable Results
JV/Varsity Boys:
Trevor Witt, 14 of 60 at 19:17
JH Boys:
Kenny Dempewolf, 7 of 31 at 13:09
Jayce Dempewolf, 11 of 31 at 13:47
Job Kliewer, 18 of 31 at 15:06
JH Girls:
Kylynn Wentz, 1 of 6 at 15:29
JH (1 Mile): Kenny - 5th - 6:03
Kylynn Wentz - 6th - 7:11
JH (1.5 miles): Kylynn Wentz - 5th - 12:15
Oberlin Meet:
JH: (1.5 miles): Kenny Dempewolf - 5th - 9:57
Jayce Dempewolf- 8th - 10:38
Kylnn Wentz- 3rd - 11:34
HS Varsity (5K): Trevor Witt - 9th - 19:14
HS JV (5K): Misty Kliewer - 3rd - 28:18
Kira Burmaster - 1st - 26:22
League Results:
JH (1.5 miles): Kenny Dempewolf - 5th - 9:57
HS (5K): Misty Kliewer - 10th - 30:11
Kira Burmaster - 7th - 28:49
Trevor Witt - 5th - 20:04
Hoxie Results:
3rd Kira Burmaster Freshmen Division
4th Trevor Witt Freshmen Divison
Schedule for the Week of 10-21-24/10-26-24
Monday, October 21, 2024
5:30 HS JV Football home vs Atwood
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
5:00 HS VB Regional @ Mankato
5:00 vs Atwood
6:00 vs Mankato
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Guest Speaker
Thursday, October 24, 2024
10:30 JH VB League @ Colby Event Center
Friday, October 25, 2024
Senior Parents' Tailgate
7:00 HS FB home vs Hill City "Senior Night"
Saturday, October 26, 2024
TBD Sub-State VB
11:00 Regional Cross Country @ Great Bend
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Red Devil Ready: Week #2: Back to School
Red Devil Ready: Week #3 Labor Day Brings Another Sunturday
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Red Devil Ready: Week #7:Have You Ever Had a Really Busy Week? Well......
Red Devil Ready: Week #8: A Quick One
Red Devil Ready: Week #9: Mr. Lindquist’s Test Is Back
Red Devil Ready: Week #10: Volleyball on the Menu
Red Devil Ready: Week #1 It’s that Time Again!
Red Devil Ready: DCHS Weekly Message Week #2: We Are All Red Devils
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #3: Happy Memorial, Uh …….I Mean Labor Day!
Red Devil Ready: Week #4: Pastimes and Memories
Red Devil Ready: Week #5: A Little Something for Everybody
Red Devil Ready: Week #6: There One Where You Put on Your Best Smile
Red Devil Ready: Week #7: A Busy Homecoming Week Is Here
Red Devil Ready: Week #8: A King and Queen Crowned
Red Devil Ready: Week #9: The Streak
Red Devil Ready: Week #10: June and Ward? Give me Homer and Marge
Red Devil Ready: Week #11: Halloween Clean-Up #98
Red Devil Ready: Week #12: Veterans’ Day
Red Devil Ready: Week #13: Traditions: Old and New
Red Devil Ready: Week #14: DCHS’ First Annual Senior Citizens’ Thanksgiving
Red Devil Ready: Week #15: A Nostalgic Flick and Simple Thoughts of Thanks
Red Devil Ready: Week #16: Vision Quest
Red Devil Ready: Week #18: ‘Twas the Week of Finals (2023 Edition)
Red Devil Ready: Week #19: Happy New Year! 2024
Red Devil Ready: Week #20: Sometimes Simple’s Best
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Red Devil Ready: Week #22: 2023-2024 First Semester Honor Roll
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Red Devil Ready: Week #29: The Last Leg
Red Devil Ready: Week #30: Marching into April
Red Devil Ready: Week #31: The Homestretch
Red Devil Ready: Week #32: Reality
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Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #36: Ladies and Gentlemen, I Give You the Class of 2024
Red Devil Ready: Week #35: April Showers Bring May …..Track Meets?
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #36: Ladies and Gentlemen, I Give You the Class of 2024
Red Devil Ready: Week #35: April Showers Bring May …..Track Meets?
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #36: Ladies and Gentlemen, I Give You the Class of 2024
Red Devil Ready: Week #37: The Finals’ Lap 2024
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Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #3:The Lights Return to Friday Nights
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #4: Remembering the Past, Celebrating the Present
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #5: Fall Homecoming
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #6: Picture Day
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #7: It Takes a Village
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #8: OctOberlin Begins
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #9: Undefeated
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #10: Mr. Lundquist’s Test
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #11: Happy Halloween!
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #12: Seussical the Musical
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #13: Firsts
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #14: Thankful
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #15: Let the Games Begin!
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Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #17: ‘Tis the Season
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #18: ‘Twas the Week of Finals
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #19: Happy New Year!
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Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #21: Naismith’s Game
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Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #29: The Home Stretch
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Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #32: Easter Kicks off “That Week in April”
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Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #34: Prom 2023
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #35: April Showers? May Flowers?
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #36: Ladies and Gentlemen, I Give You the Class of 2023
Red Devil Ready: Week #35: April Showers Bring May …..Track Meets?
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #36: Ladies and Gentlemen, I Give You the Class of 2024
Decatur County Community Junior/Senior High School
Email: jholloway@usd294.org
Website: https://www.usd294.org/vnews/display.v/SEC/DCHS
Location: 605 East Commercial Street, Oberlin, KS, USA
Phone: 785-475-2231
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Decatur-Community-JrSr-High/372347636275932