Highlands Highlights
Weekly Announcements & Updates - Jan. 24, 2025
Due to the school closings on Jan. 21 & 22, the following adjustments to the 2024-25 school calendar were approved by the School Board. Please mark your calendars accordingly. Thank you!
Monday, Feb. 17: 1st Makeup Day - School in Session
Wednesday, Apr. 16: 2nd Makeup Day - School in Session
Thursday, Apr. 17: No School for Students / Teacher Professional Development Day
Join Us for Coffee Talks - Jan. 30
Highlands Superintendent Dr. Monique Mawhinney invites parents/guardians to attend her in-person Coffee Talk on Thursday, Jan. 30. See schedule below.
High School & Middle School – 9:30am, High School Library
Highlands Elementary & Early Childhood Center – 1:45pm, HES Auditorium
The Coffee Talks are also combined with the Title I Parent Advisory Council meeting, which focuses on how school-parent collaboration and involvement can meet the academic needs of students. Join Dr. Mawhinney, Curriculum Coordinator Dr. Russo, school administrators and your child’s principal for this opportunity to discuss any issues or concerns related to your child’s school building or to share news about good things happening! We look forward to seeing you!
Come to the Cabaret! Feb. 1
The 13th Annual Highlands Cabaret Concert will be held on Saturday, Feb. 1 at 7:00pm in the High School Auditorium. Donation is $5.00, with all proceeds supporting this year's musical, Footloose! This year's Cabaret theme is '80s Blast from the Past and will feature performances by Highlands Musical Alumni, the 2025 Musical Cast of Footloose and the HHS Honors Choir. The musical director is Mr. Michael Zeiler. The Auditorium Lobby will be open at 6:30pm for refreshments, raffle baskets and 50/50. Come to the Cabaret!
Middle School PBIS Team Valentine's Day T-Shirt Sale
Financial Aid Night at High School - Feb. 5
Seniors who plan to further their education after high school are encouraged to attend the FREE Financial Aid and FAFSA Completion event on Wednesday, Feb. 5 in the High School Audion. The information presentation begins promptly at 6:00pm. Any junior (student/parent) is also welcome to attend! Parents/students are also invited to the FAFSA completion workshop following the presentation at 7:00pm. If you plan to attend the workshop, please RSVP to HS counselor Mrs. Carrarini at bcarrarini@goldenrams.com before Wednesday, Jan. 29 to reserve your spot for the workshop.
HSBA Registration Now Open!
Highlands Baseball Softball Association is currently accepting online registration for the Spring season through March 1, 2025. You may register online, view fees and age brackets at www.highlandsBSA.com. In person registration will be held Thursday, Feb. 6 from 5pm-7pm and Saturday, March 1 from 3pm-5pm at Harvest Moon (Natrona Heights). Questions should be directed to: hbsaleague@gmail.com
Baseball: Age as of Apr. 30, 2025
Softball : Age as of Sept. 1, 2024
Five Students Selected for PMEA Jr. High District I Band
Highlands is proud to recognize the exceptional achievements of our students at the annual PMEA District 1 East Junior High Band Festival, hosted by Mount Pleasant School District on Friday, Jan. 17. Ninth grader Isabella Fry, eighth graders Ella Fennell and Leo Kuhn, and seventh graders Ella Totin and Noah Bushman represented our district with excellence. These talented musicians spent an intensive day rehearsing and performing advanced Junior High-level selections. Band director at the Middle School is Mr. Lee Lynn and High School band director is Mr. Matthew Beresik. Congratulations!
School Board Honored for January's Recognition Month
During the January 20 Highlands School Board Meeting, Superintendent Dr. Monique Mawhinney, along with students and staff, presented the Highlands School Board of Directors with gifts of appreciation and tributes in honor of January's National School Board Recognition Month. Prior to the meeting, district and building administrators celebrated the Board with an Italian-inspired dinner in their honor and enjoyed entertainment provided by the High School Jazz Ensemble and the High School Honors Choir. Read more and see photo gallery here.
Actress, Director Lara Hayhurst Shares Career Path with High School Students
Frigid Temps Outside, Hot Lessons Inside with Bite Into Books Program
ON A ROLL! HHS Unified Bocce Team Makes Home Debut, Wins Match
NHS Supplies Local Fire Departments with Food, Drinks
Middle School Students Perform at Milovats Holiday Concert at Byham Theater
Highlands Seniors, Alumni Teach CPR, First Aid to Middle Schoolers
Middle School 2nd Quarter Academic Awards - Feb. 7
Highlands 3rd Grader Rises to Top Spot in World, State Karate Skill Categories
HES Explores Holidays Around the World with HS Volunteers
Jan. 24 - HALF DAY for Students (Teacher Clerical PM)
Jan. 27-31 - Great Kindness Challenge Week
Jan. 27 - Report Cards / Grades for Q2 Available on PowerSchool
Jan. 30 - Superintendent Coffee Talks / Title I PAC Meetings (see info above)
Feb. 1 - HS Musical Alumni & Cast Cabaret Concert, 7:00pm - HS Aud.
Feb. 5 - High School Financial Aid Night, 6:00pm - Audion
Feb. 17 - 1st Makeup Day - School in Session
Feb. 20 - Early Childhood Fair for Incoming Kindergarten & Pre-K Families, 5:30-7:00pm - HECC
School Cancellation / Delay Info
With the winter weather season now here, we want to remind our families of the district’s procedures for delaying or canceling the school day to ensure you can plan accordingly (see file below). In addition, this notice provides information about the district’s Flexible Instruction Days (Remote Learning Days) on inclement weather days. This information is also listed at www.goldenrams.com/delayclosing
High School Info for SENIORS
Senior Pictures: Please submit one senior photo for the 2025 yearbook using the link below with access code yearbook (do not email photo). Pictures will be accepted until February 1, 2025. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Gettens at kgettens@goldenrams.com
Submit senior photos here (access code: yearbook)
Requirements: The photo should be of high quality and not blurry. The photo will be cropped from the waist up to show head and shoulders in the yearbook. Please face forward, no black and white photos, and wear appropriate school clothes.
Please Note: The Highlands High School Aries 2024 yearbooks will be distributed in mid-November.
Senior cap and gown orders may be placed online through THIS LINK.
ATHLETICS: Follow updates for Highlands Athletics on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter (X) and access Fall Sports schedules and more on the Athletics website at https://goldenramsathletics.bigteams.com/
Stay connected with Highlands through our website, mobile app, Facebook, Twitter (X), Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn!