Y.E.S Indeed!
York Elementary School April Newsletter
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April 2024 -- Important Dates
Monday, April 1: No School!
Wednesday, April 3: Early Student Dismissal/ Slushy Day!
Monday, April 8: Wendy's Night Out
Wednesday, April 10: Early Student Dismissal
Wednesday, April 17: Early Student Dismissal/ Slushy Day!
Monday, April 22-26: YES Spring Book Fair!
Monday, April 22: Earth Day- Our Earth is important. Do your part to protect it!
Tuesday, April 23: Runza Feed the Need
Wednesday, April 24: Early Student Dismissal
Parent Survey!
Dear YPS Parent,
Please take a moment, if you have not already, to fill out the 5-minute survey the district sent out.
Thank you for providing us with valuable feedback!
Spring Book Fair
Our spring “Buy One Get One” book fair is quickly approaching! Keep a lookout for more information in the coming weeks. It will be held April 22-April 26 at YES. The book fair will be open from 3:30-7:00pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. On Wednesday it will be open 2:30-7:00pm.
Preschool Application!
It's that time of year to register for Preschool. Below is the link for the online application for anyone that would like to apply at all PLAY locations. Returning families do not need to fill out a new application, just contact their child’s current teacher.
We ask that applications are completed by April 19 to help determine enrollment numbers. Applications will be accepted all summer long, but once classes have been filled, students will be placed on the waitlist.
Families will receive a letter stating if their child has secured a spot in our PLAY preschool program by the first week of June.
2024-2025 Class Lists
York Elementary School is committed to providing your student with an appropriate classroom placement that promotes relationships which lead to the highest potential of learning possible. Teachers spend a great deal of time considering student strengths and learning needs as we create class lists. We also try to form classes that are balanced (gender, social/academic factors, number of students, etc.) Parents obviously have unique insight into the special needs of their children. We also know personal family experiences with teachers are important in the planning process.
If you would like to offer input into your child’s specific academic or social-emotional needs, please submit your request(s) to Mrs. Burger by email (katie.burger@yorkdukes.org) by Friday, April 19, 2024. Please do not submit requests for a particular teacher or of particular friends as classmates as these will not be accepted. Prior personal family experiences with teachers will be considered. Parent input is valued; however, parent requests are not guaranteed as many factors come into play in creating classroom groupings.
Runza Feeds The Need
Transportation Sign-Up for Next Year
All students that are currently signed up for bussing for the 2023/24 school year, will automatically be signed up for bussing for the 2024/25 school year on the same route, bus, and stop. If students are moving to a different address or not riding next year, please contact the bus barn at (402) 362-1988.
If your student does not currently ride the bus and will need to ride the bus next year, please fill out this form:https://bit.ly/24-25ypsbus
Spring Testing
The next two months will provide several opportunities to collect information on how our students are progressing on state and national norms and standards. Please help us in encouraging your student to do their very best on a daily basis so we can really witness just how much growth has been made since the beginning of the school year!
News From the Nurse
Fitness ideas for the entire family
Exercising as a family benefits everyone. As you work toward your own fitness goals, you set an excellent example for your children of committing to their own physical activity. So get creative and find ways to be active together, from playing tag with your toddler to rock climbing with your teen.
Explore the world with your child. Get involved in the things they enjoy doing.
- Take a walk or hike in nature. Not only will you all get great exercise, but without any electronics around, your child might enjoy talking to you.
- Invest in bikes and explore your city or town for new routes. Ride your bike or walk to lunch or dinner with the family.
- Dance. Just do it — let loose with your kids, have fun and get some great aerobic activity. Put on music your kids like (or some old-school rock they will laugh at) and get moving.
- Swim. When you go to the pool with your children, get in. Running in the shallow end and swimming in a pool are great ways to combine aerobic activity with family fun.
- Get involved in a sport that your kids can enjoy, such as tennis, basketball or soccer.
- Plan vacations in destinations that encourage outdoor activities. Find a vacation spot where you can ski, hike, surf or go rock climbing.
- Wherever you go, look for opportunities to add more physical activity to your family life. You'll enjoy time with each other and set your children up with healthy habits for the future.
Try these suggestions to create family fitness fun.
1. Sit down with your kids and make a family activity plan.
2. Head outdoors for some exercise two times this week.
3. Try a family Yoga Session.
Contact Us!
Dan Flynn, Assistant Principal
Email: katie.burger@yorkdukes.org
Website: yorkpublic.org
Location: 1501 Washington Avenue
Phone: 402-362-1414
Facebook: facebook.com/YESDukePride
Twitter: @YESDukePride