PaTTAN BVI Newsletter
November 2023
In the News
Blindness and Autism Spectrum Disorder - APH
New Study! Investigating the Executive Functioning Profiles of Students with Visual Impairments
This research study looks at executive functioning skills in students with visual impairments. Executive functioning (EF) skills are involved in the regulation of behavior (like controlling impulses), emotion (like coping with frustration), and cognition (like planning an activity). More specifically, this research project aims to understand how students with visual impairments use their executive functions, how their EF skills develop, and how we can best measure these skills. Findings will be used to inform instructional and assessment practices that target EF.
Please share with your families of students with visual impairments and encourage them to take part in this study. Have them reach out to Dr. Kim Zebehazy at the University of British Columbia to let her know they are interested.
New O&M App! OKO: AI Copilot for the Blind
- Currently for iPhones only: Download it free
- Android version in the works
Learn more on the AYES website or by watching one of these YouTube videos:
OKO - iPhone App Designed to Make Traffic Signals Accessible! - Vision Forward's Tech Connect
The OKO App - AI Copilot for Blind Making Every Pedestrian Signal Accessible - The Blind Life
New Resource! Braille Brain
This braille training project is funded by the US Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Agency, (H235E190002). It is intended to support braille literacy and mathematics instruction and may be used by pre-service and in-service TSVIs, paraprofessionals, parents and educational team members. Each course features numerous lessons which provide a thorough scope of the braille code. Please select the training materials most appropriate for you:
- Instructions
Screen Reader Hints and Tips
Voiceover Mac and iOS
- UEB Foundation
- UEB Foundation Assessments
- UEB Advanced - Coming Soon
- Nemeth
It's that Time of Year
Position Paper on Clinical Low Vision Evaluation and Treatment of Students with Visual Impairments for Parents, Educators and Other Professionals - American Academy of Optometry
"Periodic comprehensive clinical low vision evaluations by optometrists or ophthalmologists trained and experienced in low vision rehabilitation are essential to maximize the functional abilities of students with visual impairments and to facilitate their success in the classroom and in the community. Information from these clinical low vision evaluations is essential for the development of Early Intervention Programs (EIPs) as well as Individualized Educational Programs (IEPs) or Section 504 Accommodation Plans."
Read more by accessing the position paper in the professional serving students with VI google drive.
Who Might Be Able to Help Your Student Get a Clinical Low Vision Assessment
The following organization have been known to financially support student's in this endeavor:
Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services (BBVS) - Their mission is to assist Pennsylvanians who are blind or visually impaired gain the skills necessary to live and work independently in their communities.
PA Associations for the Blind (PAB) - Their vision is to be the leading organization for information, resources, and advocacy regarding services for Pennsylvanians who are visually impaired, while obtaining and maximizing public and/or private funds ensuring effective use by member agencies
PA Lions Clubs - One of PA Lions Club’s missions is to help individuals with visual impairments
Low Vision and Legal Blindness Terms and Descriptions - American Foundation for the Blind
"Most surveys and studies indicate that the majority of people in the United States with vision loss are adults who are not totally blind; instead, they have what is referred to as low vision."
Read more on the AFB website about:
- Facts about Low Vision
- Visual Acuity and Low Vision
- A Functional Definition of Low Vision
- Low Vision vs. Legal Blindness
- Using Low Vision Optical and Non-Optical Devices
- Visual Impairment
- Light Perception and Light Projection
- Total Blindness
Resources, Tips, and Strategies for Working with Students with Low Vision
Classroom Adaptations for Students with Low Vision – "When working with children with low vision it is important to remember that they have the potential to learn to use their vision in a more efficient way. Soon their website, what can teachers do to help them reach their maximum level of visual efficiency? Teachers and other professionals working with these children have to provide the necessary instruction and environmental modifications to help students maximize their visual ability, develop a positive self-image and greater independence in the classroom and the community." Read more on the Paths to Literacy website.
Side Note: Pages 134-139 of Foundations of Education: Instructional Strategies for Teaching Children and Youths with Visual Impairments (3rd Ed.) address assessing vision's impact on reading efficiency, visual fatigue, academic achievement, and handwriting.
Texas School for The Blind and Visually Impaired YouTube Channel
From PaTTAN's Desk
The Attract-Prepare-Retain (APR) Mentoring Project
The Pennsylvania Bureau of Special Education (BSE), in collaboration with the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) is sponsoring a year-long opportunity for early career (three years or less) special education teachers, teachers of the deaf, teachers of the visually impaired, special education administrators, and school psychologists to benefit from the knowledge and expertise of special education professionals with five or more years of experience.
The application for mentees is currently open.
Matching Assistive Technology (AT) Features to Low Vision Needs
For students who have low vision, various interventions have the potential to maximize the use of functional vision, which varies from student to student. Specifically, these strategies can maximize clarity, optimize the field of view, maximize color and contrast, optimize lighting, minimize glare, and enhance visual efficiency, visual comfort, and visual confidence. This booklet explains the general process for matching students with appropriate low vision interventions within a functional setting.
Digital Eye Strain: Symptoms and Solutions
After using digital media all day, are your students making comments related to their vision? This publication describes some of the symptoms of, and solutions for, digital eye strain.
Education ABCs
This card identifies commonly-used acronyms and initialisms used in the field of special education.
Secondary Transition: Entitlement vs. Eligibility
- In General
- What it is?
- Who is Responsible for Identification?
- Differences in appropriate services
On the Horizon
Call for Papers - 2024 Penn-Del AER Conference - Harrisburg, PA April 24-26, 2024
The Penn-Del AER Chapter is pleased to present the Call for Concurrent Session Presenters and Call for Poster Presenters for the 2024 Penn-Del AER Conference. They invite you to submit a proposal. The conference will be held in-person in Harrisburg. The theme for the 2024 conference is “Shared Stories: Magnifying Our Impact.” We encourage all education and rehabilitation professionals to share their expertise by presenting their fresh ideas, innovative insights, successful programs, or research results at this well-respected annual event.
Download the call for papers on the Penn-Del AER website. Deadline December 1, 2023.
Call for Papers - AER International - Charlotte, NC July 24-28, 2024
The AER International Conference 2024 Call for Proposals is an open invitation to you to submit session presentations that are relevant and of interest to their attendees. (You do not have to be a member of AER to submit a proposal or present at the Annual Conference.) The 2024 AER Biennial International Conference is being held in Charlotte, North Carolina from Wednesday, July 24 through Sunday, July 28, 2024! They will be accepting proposals for 60-minute and 90-minute breakout sessions; poster sessions; and 1/2 and full day symposiums.
Submission deadline to submit your proposal is December 1, 2023 (11:59 pm central time)
TVI Time: Post-Secondary Transition
- Credits: ACT 48 & ACVREP
- View Flyer: Google Drive for Professionals Serving Students with VI. (If you do not have access register with the link at the bottom of the newsletter.)
- Register: PaTTAN Training Calendar (filter by Visual Impairment/Blindness).
- Registration Code: TVINET2023
Wednesday, Dec 13, 2023, 03:00 PM
Coffee, Tea and O&M(e): Assistive Technology
- Credits: ACT 48 & ACVREP
- View Flyer: Google Drive for Professionals Serving Students with VI. (If you do not have access register with the link at the bottom of the newsletter.)
- Register: PaTTAN Training Calendar (filter by Visual Impairment/Blindness).
- Registration Code: COMS2023
Wednesday, Jan 10, 2024, 03:00 PM
Family Corner
BVI Family Newsletter
Family Resource Group
The goal of this group is to send out resources, event information, and contacts that can benefit your family and child. It is an easy way for you to get updates and take advantage of any available opportunities.
For more information:
- Watch our 2-minute video
- Contact us by email: FamilyResourceGroup@pattankop.net
- Check out the PaTTAN website for additional information!
- Sign up today: Blind-Visual Impairment Initiative and Family Resource Group Sign up
Resources to share with families:
ParentConnect: A Family Support Group
Leisurely Learning
AER eLearning
APH Offerings
The APH ConnectCenter includes FamilyConnect, CareerConnect, and VisionAware – a hub of websites that offer curated advice and resources to assist children, parents, adults, job seekers who are blind or visually impaired, and their associated professionals, leading to greater independence and success in their lives.
Access Academy is your one-stop resource for the meaningful education and training webinars you need to get the most out of APH products and services. From tutorials on new products and hacks on how to get the most from your beloved tech, to information on resources, services, and programs: our goal is to give you the info you need for home, the classroom, and the workplace.
APH is also hosting many live events, including a focus on transition. Visit the APH Connect Event page to register for live online learning opportunities and earn ACVREP credits.
Eschenbach Academy - Professional Online Education
Eschenbach Academy is a "new online educational platform designed to supplement the knowledge and training they currently provide via in-person and webinar formats. Eschenbach Academy’s educational content ranges from interactive low vision courses, low vision training modules and general business courses useful for practice managers and owners.
This new eLearning platform provides training content that will help you and your staff become more efficient and effective in providing low vision care to your patients who have a vision impairment. In so doing, it will allow your low vision care service to deliver even more successful outcomes for both your patients and your practice."
This resource will be added to future newsletters under "Leisurely Learning."
- Daily Living
- Recreation
- Braille
- Adjusting to vision loss
- Technology
- Vision loss
Perkins eLearning
Sign Up for Access to our Google Drives
Sign up for Access Today!
PaTTAN East - 333 Technology Drive Malvern, PA 19355
- Jenifer Edgar - jedgar@pattan.net - Educational Consultant
- Tess Nasehi - tnasehi@pattan.net - BVI Family Consultant
- Greg Gerhart - ggerhart@pattan.net - Educational Consultant
- Tim Knight - tknight@pattan.net - Educational Consultant
- Greg Lazur - glazur@pattan.net - Educational Consultant