McClure Newsletter
Summer Edition- July 23, 2024
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Dates
- July 25: In-Person Enrollment 8:00am- 5pm (if you need assistance and have not already enrolled online)
- July 26: Playground open from 8am-2pm
- Aug. 8: Meet the Teacher Night, 4:30-5:30pm
- Aug. 12: First Day of School for Kindergarteners
- Aug. 13: First Day of School for Grades 1-5
- Aug. 27: PTO Meeting, Time TBD
- Aug. 29: Grace Med Clinic
- Aug. 30: Playground open from 4pm-7pm
- Sept. 2: No School, Labor Day
- Sept. 5: Donut w/ Grandparents or any adult-All Grades 8am-8:40am
- Sept. 12: Papa John's Night
- Sept. 18: Family Fun Fitness Night @ Hummer
- Sept. 23: No School-Staff PD Day
- Sept. 24: PTO Meeting, Time TBD
- Oct. 2: Picture Day
- Oct. 7: Hearing & Vision Screenings
- Oct. 11: End of 1st Quarter
- Oct. 14: No School, Teacher Planning & Prep Day
- Oct. 15: No School, Staff PD Day
- Oct. 17: Family Engagement Reading Night, 6pm-7pm
- Oct. 23: Parent Teacher Conferences, 4-8pm
- Oct. 24: No School, Parent Teacher Conferences, 8am-8pm
- Oct. 25: No School
- Oct. 25: Playground Open 4-7pm
- Oct. 29: PTO Meeting, Time TBD
- Oct. 31: Halloween Parade, 2pm & Parties 2:30pm
- Nov. 11: Veteran's Day Assembly, time TBD
- Nov. 13: Picture Retake Day
- Nov. 21: Papa John's Night
- Nov. 25-29: No School, Thanksgiving Break
- Nov. 29: Playground Open, 4-7pm
- Dec. 3: PTO Meeting, time TBD
- Dec. 20th: Last day of 2nd quarter
- Dec. 20th: Winter Parties, 2:30pm
Meet the Teacher & Class Lists
Meet the Teacher Night is Thursday, August 8th from 4:30-5:30pm. Stop in during this hour, to meet your child's teacher, drop off school supplies, and take a tour of the building. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Class lists will be posted on McClure's front doors on Monday, August 5th at 4pm. You may also log into your Synergy account at 4pm on Aug. 5th to view your child's teacher for the 24-25 school year.
Welcome Our New McClure Staff!
Please join us in welcoming all of our staff members that are new to McClure. Look out in next month's newsletter for more information about each new team member.
- Kylie DesJardins- Building Administrator Intern
- Felisa Sharp- 3rd Grade Teacher
- Carla Legaspi- 4th Grade Teacher
- Bridget O'Neill- Strings Teacher
- Laura Santos Rodriguez- Speech Pathologist
- Laura Burchett- Special Education Teacher
- Maricris Valdez- Special Education Teacher
- Mary Heffern- Paraprofessional
- Jay Weston- Paraprofessional
- Roneisha Luarks- Teacher Apprentice
24-25 Childcare Registration Form
The 24-25 Eagle' Nest Childcare Registration form is now available. Please note that there is a $50 increase for the afternoon tuition as we no longer receive federal ESSER grant funds which previously helped in mitigating some costs.
This year, we will be using My School Bucks as an option to submit online payment. More information will be shared about this process closer to the start of the year.
The first day of the childcare program will be August 12th for Kindergarteners only. August 13th is the first day for all other students enrolled in the program.
Please contact the childcare coordinator, Terri House, if you have any questions at 785-438-4340 or thouse@tps501.org.
24-25 Registration Now Open
Class lists are filling up so be sure to register your student online for the 2024-2025 school year. Returning TPS families may register their students at this link or through the ParentVue app on a mobile device.
Families can view important dates for the 2024-2025 school year, a school supply list, and more at topekapublicschools.net on the Online Registration page.
On Thursday, July 25th from 7:30 am- 5:00 pm there will be in-person enrollment. This enrollment is for families needing support and assistance with enrolling and have not already enrolled their student online.
In-Person Registration
Would you like assistance completing the registration process? Join us for in-person enrollment on July 25th. Staff members will be available to help you enroll your student from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (and from 5:00 - 7:00 PM by appointment only).
If you have already registered your student online or plan to register your student online at your own home, you do not need to attend this in person registration day.
Meals & Reduced Fees for 2024-2025 School Year
We are excited to provide meals to all TPS students free of charge for the 2024-2025 school year!
Families are still encouraged to complete the Free & Reduced Meal Application, as this information is vital for the district to receive funding for many programs, technology, and more to ensure student success.
Families may qualify for reduced textbook fees and free or reduced-cost internet from Cox Communications. Complete the application at topekapublicschools.net.
Attention Kindergarten Families: ASQ Questionnaire
The Kansas State Board of Education would like for parents of incoming kindergarten students to complete two questionnaires: ASQ-3 and ASQ: SE-2.
At McClure, our goal is to have 100% completion. You may complete the questionnaires at home by clicking on the links below.
Online link to ASQ-3:
ASQ-3 English https://www.asqonline.com/family/8a86b7
ASQ-3 Spanish https://www.asqonline.com/family/cd805e
Online link to ASQ: SE-2:
ASQ: SE-2 English https://www.asqonline.com/family/5a81da
ASQ: SE-2 Spanish https://www.asqonline.com/family/0fec69
Questions? Email the ASQ coordinator, Ms. Ritter, at mritter@tps501.org
School Supplies
School supply shopping? Here's the updated list for the 2024-2025 school year!
McClure Family Handbook 2024-2025
This handbook includes important information about McClure including our mission and vision, attendance, behavior expectations, policies and procedures.
Please take time to review this handbook. If you have any questions, please let us know.
2024-2025 Calendars
The District's Academic Calendar provides a quick-glance overview of important dates for parents to be aware of. This calendar includes days school is not in session, parent-teacher conferences, and start and end dates for the 2024-2025 school year.
The McClure school calendar is posted on our school website. Click here to view.
Community Events & Information
Summer Meal Program
The Topeka Public Schools 2024 Summer Meal Program kicks off on Monday, June 3.. Any child in Shawnee County under the age of 18 can receive breakfast, lunch, and snacks at locations across the city. These meals are served free of charge Monday through Friday and the child does not need to be present for a parent to pick up the meals.
Campus Care Clinic
The Campus Care Clinic located at Topeka High School and is open to all USD 501 staff, students, and their household family members. Below is a video created by the THS Broadcasting Department. Click here for the Clinic Flyer with additional information.
Topeka High School 800 SW 10th St., Room 101 Topeka, KS 66612
Contact Us:
THSCampusCare@KUMC.edu 785-295-3256
Link to clinic video: Campus Care Clinic (updated)
Discovery Kindergarten at the Kansas Children's Discovery Center
Attention preschool families! Register your student for Discovery Kindergarten at the Kansas Children's Discovery Center, a fun and exciting playtime event to help kids get ready for kindergarten!
Participants can explore a simulated classroom with teachers and learn how to prepare for the first day of school, while caregivers will receive tips on how to develop their student's skills at home.
Learn more and register at https://kansasdiscovery.org/kindergarten/
Dillon's Shopper Card
Do you have a Dillon's Shopper Card? Help our school as you shop for groceries. When using your Dillons card, designate McClure Elementary as your community rewards benefactor and your donations will go to directly support our school. Sign in to your Dillon’s account or create an account to enroll. Once signed in, you can enroll or update your Community Rewards under your account settings.
McClure Elementary
Email: cartzer@tps501.org
Website: https://mcclure.topekapublicschools.net/
Location: 2529 Southwest Chelsea Drive, Topeka, KS, USA
Phone: 785.438.4340
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TPS501McClure