The Hive
August 18th
Upcoming Events - REMINDER
Happy Monday! The first day of school is right around the corner! We have had our Leadership students helping us get our building ready to welcome students. We couldn't be more excited to have our hallways full of students again!
We just wanted to send this out again as a reminder of some important upcoming events. We hope to be able to connect with all of you soon. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
In Kindness,
Please follow us on Facebook!
If you are curious about what we are up to, we encourage you to follow us on Facebook! We try to post something every day. Last year, we posted 177/180 days and we are determined to continue this habit! We love sharing with you all of the awesome things that happen at HMS and this is a great platform to make that happen. It's also fun to interact with all of you in a different way.
Family Information Night with Bess & Sid
Who: All HMS Families
When: Tuesday, August 20th 4:00-5:00pm
Where: HMS Gym
We are looking forward to hosting our second annual family information night. Not only does this give us a chance to get to meet and visit with all of you, but it also gives us a chance to talk with you about our HMS Community. We will review what you can expect from us, what is new for this year, lessons learned from our first year, and some additional updates we would like to share with you. This is also a great opportunity to ask questions. We hope you will consider joining us!
Picture Day!
HMS' picture day takes place during 6th Grade Hornet Academy on 8/26 and 7th & 8th grade orientation on 8/27. If you would like to pre-order your child's school picture, please use the following link:
6th Grade Hornet Academy
Who: 6th Grade Students
When: Monday, August 26th ( 8:00am - 12:00pm) - STUDENT DROP OFF
Where: HMS (enter through the main entrance)
During this half-day event, students will meet their teachers and run through their daily schedule. In each class, students will complete a different activity designed to help them get to know their school and prepare for their first day as a middle schooler. These activities will include taking their photo, getting their school ID card and signing up for a locker if they want one.
Parents: Please plan on dropping off your student for this event. Also, from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, we will have a Schoology session for families to learn how to navigate our learning management system. Parents can also pay fees and sign Assurance forms for the Chromebooks.
7th & 8th Grade Orientation
Who: 7th & 8th Grade Students
When: Tuesday, August 27th (8:00am - 12:00pm), this is a drop-in event
Where: HMS (enter through the main entrance)
Details: Students, along with their parents, can pick up their class schedules, pay fees, sign Assurance Chromebook forms, take their school photo, sign up for a locker if they want one and learn more about school activities.
Open House
Who: 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Students & Families
When: September 3rd (5:30pm-6:30pm)
Where: HMS
Parents and families are encourage to stop by to meet their child’s teachers and learn more about the curriculum for each course. We hope to see you there!
Register for FALL sports NOW - Volleyball & Cross Country!
Athletic Director's Corner
We hope you had a great summer and are so excited to get the fall sports season started. If we have not met, my name is Sid Slom and I am the Athletic Director and Dean of Students at Hockinson Middle School. This fall, we have boys and girls cross country and girls volleyball. Please register for fall sports using FinalForms as soon as possible. You will need to create a new profile if you do not already have one and be fully cleared in order to participate in the first practice (Monday 8/26 for Cross Country or 9/3 for Girls Volleyball). Additionally, all athletes must have a current sports physical on file, sports physicals are good for 2 years. More information about registering on FinalForms & the Physical form can be found here ->
Cross Country
First Practice 8/26
7th & 8th grade girls and boys
We will have a 6th grade XC club - start date is TBD
7th & 8th grade girls
Tryouts 9/3 - 9/5
There will be more sport specific information shared in the coming weeks through FinalForms. I look forward to meeting you in the coming weeks and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns that may arise in the meantime.
Hockinson Middle School
We teach, guide, and support students and our community by creating a safe environment where we learn and grow together.
Wednesdays: 1 Hour Early Release
Office Hours: 8:00am - 3:45am
Email: bess.colpron@hocksd.org
Website: https://hms.hocksd.org/
Location: 15916 NE 182nd Ave, Brush Prairie, WA, USA
Phone: 360-448-6440
Facebook: facebook.com/HockinsonMS/