Superintendent Update
West Irondequoit CSD update from Aaron Johnson

June 24, 2024
Dear Families,
We bid a fond farewell on Sunday to the only graduating class in IHS history that endured a pandemic to start high school, and today marked the last day of school for K-8 students. You could see the pride beaming on Sunday from the parents, guardians, grandparents and sibilings of the new graduates (video linked here).
Like you, I am the parent of a West Irondequoit student and for me this time of year brings a mix of excitement, joy and immense pride. Yet, there is also a wondering ... how will my child handle the next step, the next grade level, the next teacher and so on? Based on what we saw from the Class of 2024 - courage, resilience and adaptability to roll with every punch thrown at them during and after COVID - I am confident that our families and staff are preparing them to handle it all.
In my commencement address on Sunday, I mentioned our incredible staff and knowing them means I know our students are well-cared for in school. But your impact is immeasurable. "Education is a team sport and you've been the Most Valuable Player. You've been there cheering, supporting, caring, problem-solving, advocating, guiding, advising, transporting and so much more." Those were my exact words from my graduation speech, and they are from the heart.
Teaching our children today may be more challenging than ever before and that means inside and outside of school buildings. I usually sign letters to you with "In partnership" at the end and I truly mean that. Thank you for your trust and support.
Please read below for more updates and news about the district. You can find all of my updates on our website under Superintendent Update.
Have a safe and fun summer.
In partnership,
Aaron R. Johnson
Superintendent of Schools
You can provide feedback toward our "Portrait" at this link.
Using the NYSED example as a model, Dake Junior HS and IHS staff, leadership and parents/guardians, created a draft West Irondequoit Portrait of a Graduate. Some highlights of the document include a focus on Career and Technical Education (CTE), financial literacy, being a global citizen, and creating critical thinkers and innovative problem-solvers.
- To see the draft, click the PDF below named GradPortrait_Graphic.
- To read the full article on the the NYSED and WICSD process, click the PDF named Article_Families_GradPortrait
In January 2024, based on feedback and navigating post-COVID education, it was decided the Office of Instruction would draft and create a Curriculum Regulation to create a thorough and transparent process for credit recovery. Attached please find the collaborative work of Directors and building administration outlining a process to create appropriate curricular materials in relation to credit recovery. This will be included in our Regulations (specifically related to Policy 8110) starting in July on our website.
We announced a couple of administrative updates late last week and are sharing another here:
- Veteran educator Mrs. Carol Stehm will be the Interim Principal of Dake Jr. HS from July 1 through Jan. 5, 2025. To read more about her extensive background, click here.
- Mr. Michael Bromley and Mr. Michael Giruzzi, who have nearly 50 years of combined athletic administration experience, will share the role as Interim Directors of Health, Physical Education and Athletics from mid-July through October 2024. Read more about their background, at this link.
- Ms. Jill Bellanca (pictured above) is our new Receptionist at District Office. She spent eight years at a Health Clerk at Iroquois MS and most recently was a payroll clerk at District Office.
Although our district does not qualify to host a summer meals program, our students may receive food at other local schools as part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Summer Food program. We've partnered with nearby districts that are able to provide FREE SUMMER MEALS for children 18 and under. ID and registration is not necessary and there are no income requirements.
To learn more about the Free-and-Reduced Lunch program and why families should fill out an application, click here.
With help from the IHS College & Career Center, three IHS seniors found their own post-graduation path while still in high school. Jessica Pizzo's passion was learning more automotive skills. Alex Stoffelsma found his niche in a welding program, and TeJon Tejada will serve in the National Guard in the short term as he continues to figure out his long-term career goal. "Even if you don't know what you're going to do, this gives you an opportunity to learn a new skill (and) meet a whole bunch of new people like you would do in college," said Tejada, who'll work toward a role as an Informational Technology specialist focused on communications. Pizzo grew up working on vehicles with her father, so enrolling in the BOCES program was a natural. She'll study it next at Monroe Community College. But, college isn't for everyone, Stoffelsma says. He enrolled last spring in a 20-week course at Arc+Flame, a local welding school (learn more: rocafc.com). For IHS students who want to learn more, see Mrs. Bucciarelli in the College & Career Center next fall!
Last fall, 25 Iroquois sixth-graders wrote essays answering this question, "How are you inspired by America?" They were entered in the nationwide Patriot's Pen competition sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). Last week two Vietnam veterans from the local post in Greece spoke to Mrs. Alberti and Ms. Flood's classes and recognized the students and winners. Congrats to the 2024 winners Colleen O'Brien and Myra McGoff.
We are super proud of this group!
IHS hosted exchange students from Italy (Emma Buratin), Pakistan (Faisal Maqsood) and Spain (Valentina Wisniowski) this year and they became vibrant parts of the high school community. Has your family ever considered being a host family? If so, please fill out the form at this link . Learn more about the program via the attachment below.
Email: public_info@westiron.monroe.edu
Website: westirondequoit.org
Location: 321 List Avenue, Irondequoit, NY, USA
Phone: 585-342-5500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WestIrondequoitCSD
Twitter: @WestIrondequoit