Winter 2025 Raider Review
South Range Local School District
Welcome to the winter 2024-2025 edition of the Raider Review
A message from Dr. Jarred Zapolnik, Superintendent of Schools
Dear South Range Community,
Welcome to 2025! As we embark on a new year, I extend my heartfelt thoughts and prayers to each of you. While our district has faced hardships, our reliance on one another and the collaborative spirit of our community have enabled us to navigate challenges and provide meaningful, positive experiences for our students. Reflecting on 2024, I am reminded of the many successes from the first half of the school year and the momentum we carry into 2025. The unwavering dedication and hard work of our community continue to define South Range Local Schools, and for that, I am truly grateful.
The Spring 2024 Ohio School Report Card reflects the district's commitment to excellence through the Raider Way. South Range earned five stars in overall achievement, gap closing, and early literacy, culminating in an impressive overall rating of 4.5 stars. Notably, 74% of our third-grade students scored Proficient or higher on the fall 2024 third-grade reading assessment, ranking them first among 19 local school districts. Additionally, the district advanced its commitment to high expectations by fostering co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities. Our athletic and arts programs also flourished, further evidence of our mission to "Get Better Every Day" (GBED). These collective efforts inspire and shape our students' continued success.
As we look forward to 2025, I am confident that new challenges and opportunities for growth lie ahead. By working together and supporting one another, we will achieve even greater successes. Your ongoing dedication and contributions significantly impact the lives of our students and strengthen the foundation of our district.
In November, we celebrated the Raider Way by hosting a Fall Forum to hear from our community. Your feedback matters, and here’s what we learned:
District's Strengths:
- Communication in multiple formats to the community
- Emphasis on life skills
- Administration’s care for students
- Competitive spirit of our small school
- Teachers who challenge students
- Excellent safety measures
- Dedicated staff
Opportunities for Improvement:
- Increased data sharing and timely reporting (e.g., classroom test results, MAP testing)
- Continue to explore healthy school lunch options
- Enhanced services for students with disabilities
- Pursue grant funding
- Continue to communicate about school safety
- Re-consider streaming Board of Education meetings
Ideas from the attendees for our District to continue to Get Better Every Day (GBED):
- Consider Board of Education sub-committees (e.g., financial committee)
- Encouraging diverse parental involvement
- Allowing parents to eat lunch with students again
In January, I also met with our Raider Ambassadors, a group of key communicators who strengthen the connection between our schools and community. I look forward to collaborating with these key communicators to gain their insights as we continue to uphold our mission and traditions. For more details on the Fall Forum results and other pertinent information, please visit the Raider Way Communication & Collaboration button on our district's website.
Stay informed by visiting our district website for updates and resources: South Range Local Schools.
With enthusiasm for the year ahead,
Dr. Jarred Zapolnik
South Range Local Schools
STEM Learning!
Career Technical Education: Building Trades class!
Holiday Spirit!
South Range Local School District Board of Education (BOE)
Brian Bagwell, President
Terri Lally, Vice President
Liz Johnson, Member
Tyler Bates, Member
Dr. Jack Dawson, Member
📑 Keep Up to Date with All Board Policies 📑
South Range Schools works each month to revise, update, and adopt several NEOLA policies.
Community members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these policies, as they play a critical role in guiding the district's operations and decision-making. All board policies are available for review on our website at BoardDocs.
Wondering if there's GOING TO BE a snow day?? 🤔
Check this handy-dandy snow day calculator.
How to find out if we have a weather-related delay/closing:
- Follow us on Facebook
- Check our website
- Check our district's text messages to parents
- Make sure you are registered on our school's text messaging system
- Peruse local news media: WFMJ, WKBN, WYTV
🌨️ “I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says 'Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.'” - Lewis Carroll
A message from Mr. Nero, Treasurer of Schools
Welcome to the Treasurer’s Update! Our district's financial stewardship is key to providing the resources that empower our schools to excel. In this update, I’m excited to share insights into the Federal and State grants that drive our educational programs, enhance daily operations, and enrich student services. These funds are instrumental in promoting academic success, supporting our incredible staff, and fostering safe, inclusive learning environments. Thank you for your interest in how we’re maximizing every dollar to benefit our students and strengthen our community!
July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025
Continuous Comprehensive Improvement Plan (CCIP) – Federal/State Grants
The Treasurer is fiscally responsible for managing a Federal/State grant budget of approximately $525,000 for FY2025. He collaborates closely with the Superintendent to report, monitor, and plan fiscal operations.
For additional financial information, please contact:
Mario A. Nero Jr., Treasurer/CFO
Where the Money Comes From
Title I-A Improving Basic Programs (36%) – A Federal grant under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) that provides financial assistance to districts serving children from low-income families to help them meet challenging state academic standards.
Title II-A Supporting Effective Instruction (7%) – A Federal program designed to increase student academic achievement. It focuses on increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in classrooms and reducing class sizes.
Title IV-A Student Support and Academic Enrichment (2.5%) – Federal Grant funds that are utilized to build on the success of utilizing our school resource officer throughout the K-12 campus. The intended outcome is to offer more safety services for our students, both physically and mentally.
IDEA-B Special Education (54.5%) – A Federal program under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B. These funds are allocated to support special education and related services.
👨🏻🎓👩🏻🎓 Class Sizes 👨🏻🎓👩🏻🎓
The South Range School District strives to maintain a student-teacher ratio that ensures an optimal learning environment within the current K-12 total enrollment. This balanced ratio promotes personalized instruction, fosters stronger teacher-student relationships, and enhances student engagement. Smaller class sizes allow teachers to identify and address individual learning needs more effectively, leading to improved academic performance and reduced achievement gaps. The Board of Education determines class sizes based on instructional quality and operational efficiency, with the Superintendent establishing the desired range between the minimum and maximum number of students in regular classes. Additionally, administrators review enrollment data annually to ensure student numbers align with available resources, avoiding unnecessary increases in district expenditures for staff or equipment. While some grade levels may experience slight variations, the district remains committed to this ratio as a benchmark for achieving positive academic outcomes.
Furthermore, maintaining this ratio supports effective classroom management, fostering a focused and orderly learning environment. It also provides students with more opportunities to engage in discussions and receive individualized feedback, which enhances critical thinking and collaboration skills. By prioritizing an optimal student-teacher ratio, the district reinforces its dedication to quality education, student achievement, and the overall well-being of its community.
🧣 Learning About the Winter Season
A message from Mrs. Disibio, Director of Student Services✨
The South Range Local Schools Department of Student Services provides support and special services so that all students access the curriculum and make continuous progress on curricular and state standards. Our District's goal is to educate ALL children and provide supports based on identified needs. The Department of Student Services includes programming for Gifted and Talented, Special Education, Section 504, and English Learners. Finally, we also house and oversee our preschool program, which is located in our buildings and run by the Educational Service Center of Eastern Ohio. Please contact the office of Student Services at 330-549-4078 with any questions or concerns. We welcome communication and feedback! Go Raiders!
Gifted Identification and Screening
South Range Local Schools accepts referrals, screens and identifies, or screens and reassesses students who perform or show potential for performing at high levels of accomplishment in the areas of superior cognitive ability, specific academic ability, creative thinking ability, and/or visual and/or performing arts. South Range follows policy and procedures established in Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-15. These rules specify that assessment instruments must come from the list approved by the Ohio Department of Education.
South Range Local Schools provides at least two opportunities each year for assessment in the case of children requesting assessment or recommended for assessment by teachers, parents or other children. The South Range Local Schools provides whole grade screening in grades 2 and 5. Grade 2 has completed this screening and Grade 5 is scheduled for the spring..
Child Find Reminders
The South Range Local School District has the responsibility to identify and evaluate children with disabilities requiring special education services. Early observations and records help an evaluation team find appropriate programs and services prior to the child entering school.
"A child with a disability” may include a child who is at least three years of age and less than six years of age; who is experiencing developmental delays, as defined by standards adopted by the state board of education and as measured by appropriate diagnostic instruments and procedures in one or more of the following areas:
Physical development, cognitive development, communication development, social or emotional development, or adaptive development; and who, by reason thereof, needs special education and related services.
If you have a child up to age 21 years who has or is suspected of having a disability, please contact:
Jaclyn DiSibio
Director Student Services
330-549-4071 ext. 3922
Every year, the District shall make all reasonable efforts to identify and locate every student who resides within the District who may be a student with a disability under Section 504 in order to determine possible eligibility for special education and/or related services or supplementary aids and/or services in accordance with federal and state law and this policy and procedures manual.
The District shall notify parents of those students of the District’s Section 504 obligations. The District may satisfy the notification obligation by advertising, by posting notices in places likely to be visited by qualified students with disabilities and their parents, by including notices in District publications and on its web site, and by directly contacting parents of those students who the District believes to be eligible.
Please see below for more information:
English Language Learners
Federal law requires Ohio schools to identify English learners, assess their English language proficiency, provide reasonable accommodations, monitor their academic progress, and implement accountability systems. South Range Local Schools provides these services to all identified students.
For more information please visit:
The English Learner Family Toolkit - Ohio's Statewide Family Engagement Center
The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce has videos about the Science of Reading and how Ohio schools teach reading. Video Link
Their Read Ohio webpage also includes a section towards the bottom called “Tips for Families.” Also check out their FAQs about the Science of Reading.
A message from Stephen Rohan, Principal of South Range High School
On behalf of the entire staff at South Range High School, we would like to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year. In this new year, our staff will continue to work on attaining the goals we have set as a Building Leadership Team and especially focus on a new goal for this year, our new Focus Fridays. We have completed two of Focus Friday events thus far this year with the help from many parents and community members, which have been received with an overabundance of support. Our goal is to continue the Focus Fridays over the next three-to-four months and build on what we feel are important tools for our students to have. Special thanks to Amy Cossentino, Jenna Binsley-Smith (Class of 2017) and their group from the Honors College at Youngstown State for their assistance, expertise, and guidance. We are very thankful to them and their 20. As we continue to add to our strong academics, social, and extra-curricular foundations that have become synonymous with our school, we all strive for continued every day growth and improvement.
Fall Sports State recognition
Standout Luke Starkey was named the Division V Defensive Player of the Year and was joined on the All-Ohio First Team by standout quarterback Tristan Toy. Aiden Dominguez was also selected as a member of the Third Team as a running back. Congratulations boys and all the members of the State-Semifinal team, as well as the entire coaching staff.
Over the past 19 years, some of the Valley’s most outstanding high school football players have earned the title of Big 22. Congratulations to Tristan Toy, Luke Starkey, and Aiden Dominguez for this recognition.
Emmitt Slabach finished 7th at the State XC Meet with a 5K time of 15:34, the second fastest time in School History. He was the individual District Champ and Regional Runner UP. He was named All-Ohio as well as All-Academic Ohio. Congratulations Emmitt!
Speech and Debate
The Speech and Debate team is halfway through a very promising season. The team has finished in the top three in team sweepstakes every tournament. They have earned the spot of tournament champion three times so far. At just past the midway point Quincy Bailey and Ruby Cleevely have already qualified to the State Tournament in March. The team will compete at Districts in late January, and expect to have many state qualifiers. They will compete at the NSDA district tournament in February where they hope to gain national qualifiers who will join Quincy Bailey at Nationals. Quincy was 14th in the nation last year and auto-qualified for this year’s national tournament.
Thanks again to the High School PTO and all those who helped with this year's Santa’s workshop. All of our elementary and some middle school students were able to successfully shop for Christmas gifts for their friends and family members. Also, thanks to the several high school student helpers for their assistance in setting up the workshop and helping with the shopping.
Academic Recognition
Congratulations to Ava Ward for being recognized as a Commended student in the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Program. It is the first time in close to 10 years that we have had a student earn this recognition. Congratulations Ava, very proud of you and your accomplishments.
SRHS Winter Sports
Winter sports seasons are well on their way as we quickly approach the midway point of the respective schedules. As always, please check the school’s website for up-to-date schedules and events.
Music News
Congratulations to the following five students who were selected via audition to play in the Mahoning County District Five Honors Jazz Band this year. They will play a concert on Saturday, January 25th at DeYor in Youngstown.
Asher Moorefield
Quincy Bailey
Olivia Leskey
Mia Quinlan
Kat Durch
A message from Dan Szolek, Principal of South Range Middle School
On behalf of the teachers and staff members at South Range Middle School, we would like to extend to each of you a Happy and Healthy New Year! We look forward to a second semester filled with many student successes and achievements!
🧮Celebrating Our Students!🧑
Middle School Spelling Bee
Our annual Middle School Spelling Bee was held on January 7, 2025. A special thank you to our sixth-grade teacher team for organizing and conducting our contest. Also, thank you to our Middle School PTO for providing the prizes for our place winners and for their continued support of our students. This year’s contestants were as follows:
Grade 5 - Ainsley Campbell, Stephen Delatore, Scarlett Fishel, Jack Hura, Riley Slagle
Alternates: Vivienne Hatszegi, Cici Croston
Grade 6 - Reese Brogan, Dallas Dispenza, Colten Kairys, Zoey Stepuk, Lili Wanee
Alternates: Michael Sofranko, Andrew Hanek
Grade 7 - Noah Betross, Daisy Burns, Jacob Erskine, Benny Johnston,Mason Solmen
Alternates: Greyson Baker, Helena Webber
Grade 8 - Ava Gishbaugher, Harlowe Moorefield, Emily Sepe, Adele Stansbury, Olivia Tranovich
Alternates: Evan Mansour, Lu Clowser
Congratulations to our 2024/2025 place winners:
First Place - Zoey Stepuk
Second Place - Lili Wanee
Third Place - Benny Johnston
Zoey will represent South Range Middle School at the regional spelling bee in March sponsored by The Vindicator. .
The Wizard of Oz
Under the direction of Mrs. Nicole Fryfogle and Mrs. Niki Dispenza, our middle school drama team presented “The Wizard of Oz” in early December. It was a wonderfully entertaining production that showcased the many talents of our students beyond the classroom. Congratulations to the following students who participated in the musical on a job well done:
Crew: Corey Angus, Colson Maxwell, Anaya Alvarez, Santino Antonucci, Isaak Blackbun, Hudson Burnett, Peyton Frazzini, Cassandra Penrod, Kennah Rivera, Isabella Toy, Lukas Wenger, Kristopher Whitmore, Brooks Woolley, James Barber and Mya Niznik.
Cast: Molly Bagwell, Lauren Meyers, Owen Fowler, Dallas Dispenza, Zach Nicoloff, Jacob Erskine, Olivia Tranovich, Evan Mansour, Liliana Wanee, Ava Heaven, Kaitlyn Edwards, Jace Tuchek, Lilly Mook, Danica Gaal, Ella Monroe, Will Lowery, Faith Adams, Ashlyn Albert, Norah Anderson, Angelina Antonucci, Evie Ashman, Kelsey Baringer, Noah Bettross, Hunter Biddle, Genesis Blosser, Daisy Burns, Raina Carson, Addison Conti, Cecilia Croston, Annie Donley, Savannah Duncan, Stella Duncan, Krystal Estep, Scarlett Fishel, Gabby Gaetano, Amber Gengler, Aubriella Grimm, Briella Groves, Lilliana Alvarez, Hailey Russell, Lyla Sam, Piper Sauerwein, Tanner Shaw, Lexi Sheader, Adele Stansbury, Vanessa Stratton, Elle Thomas, Eimilia Thompson, Abigail Tringhese, Richie Tuchek, Maddox Vargo, Evaline Vaugh, Gabriella Ware, Kenzie Williams, Elora Windsor, Gemma Groves, Vivienne Hatszegi, Scarlett Heaven, Emily Hillard, Sophia Isaacs, Lexi Jesko, Hannah Kennedy, Skylar Kinney, Adalyn Kutchel, Kylee Barrett, Mylee Barrett, Vinny Magazzine, Addison Malysa, Devon May, Kali McMillin, Lyvia McMurray, Piper Meier, Lenora Merrill, Sadie Mihalko, Samantha Morio, Lucie Mungai, Avery Munson and Robby Myers.
Raider Profile Students
At the November Board of Education meeting, the middle school was pleased to recognize our “Raider Profile” students. Congratulations to the following students who were recommended by their teachers for demonstrating the characteristics that define what it means to be a South Range Raider!
Grade 5: Lyvia McMurray
Grade 6: Joshua Tharp
Grade 7: Hannah Strupkus
Grade 8: Miles Wilfong
Honors Band
Congratulations are to the following students who earned District Five Honors Band recognition:
Cason Butcher - grade 7 - percussion
Lauren Meyers - grade 8 - flute
Vanessa Stratton - grade 8 - clarinet
Lilly Fullerton - grade 8 - trumpet
Isabella Gallo - grade 8 - french horn
Students of the Month
Our “Raider Spotlight” students are nominated by their respective grade-level teachers for going “above and beyond” in the area(s) of friendship, scholarship, mentorship, leadership, or craftsmanship. These students were recognized as our “Raider Spotlight” students for the first few months of the 2024/2025 school year:
Grade 5
September - Raina Carson (leadership)
October - Annie Donley (scholarship)
November - Jaxson Phillips (scholarship)
Grade 6
September - Lili Wanee (mentorship)
October - Aden Simmons (leadership)
November - Isabella Toy (scholarship)
Grade 7
September - Santino Antonucci (friendship)
October - Marco Pulido (leadership)
November - Weston Ramps (leadership)
Grade 8
September - Addison Rupert (scholarship)
October - Max Reda (friendship)
November - Jack Cochran (leadership)
A message from Steve Matos, Principal South Range Elementary School
Happy New Year
On behalf of the staff at South Range Elementary, I hope our families are doing well this holiday season and I’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year in 2025! I would personally like to thank all of our parents and community members for your support this school year. From the mitten tree and our fall fundraiser to our Holiday Sing concerts, our parents' generosity always comes through to help our staff, students and community. Your donations are noticed by everyone and we appreciate all of your kindness.
Our students continue to work hard and Get Better Every Day as they remain focused on doing their best. Our K-4 students are beginning their 2nd round of their MAP benchmarking assessments and our 3rd grade students completed their first attempt of the Ohio State Test in English Language Arts in October. For all of our students, we are prepared to move forward and work towards continued academic success. Our boys and girls throughout the K-4 are striving every day to improve their academic, social and emotional growth and we are seeing great gains in all areas.
Again, I’d like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and good luck as we begin 2025!
Our 1st-4th grade language arts teachers continue to explore our Wonders reading series to create consistency within and across grade levels. This has proven to be a beneficial process as our teachers are collaborating on which instructional practices and strategies are working well and which strategies need to be examined further. As we move into the new year, our language arts teachers had a networking opportunity where they received in-person, small group and assessment training from a Wonders representative with the Educational Service Center of Eastern Ohio and other local school districts who utilize the same resource as their core curriculum. This training helped to guide our teachers as we move forward and deeper into the Wonders curriculum. In addition, our Building Leadership Team is working with all grade levels, K-4, on both Writing and Oral Reading Fluency Goals this year. Our goal is to improve our students’ writing across the elementary to prepare them for more rigorous writing prompts as they move throughout their elementary years and eventually into middle school and to improve their reading fluency skills.
Also, as we begin the new year, our K-12 mathematics committee continues to review potential new resources to use for our math instruction and intervention. As we take a critical look at what will be the best fit for our students, we will keep our parents informed of where we are at with this process over the next several months and which resources we will be utilizing at each grade level moving forward for the 25-26 school year.
The elementary PTO is our main organization that provides various types of support to the students, staff and administration for our many classroom and curricular needs. I would recommend to any of our new or existing parents, to become a member of the PTO to meet new parents and to get involved with many of the events that take place at our school. As December came to an end, the PTO helped support our holiday celebrations with treats after our Holiday Sing programs in kindergarten and 2nd grade and running our classroom parties before winter break.
The annual PTO Auction was held on Saturday, November 16th, 2024 at the Lake Club. The auction is the PTO’s largest fundraiser of the year and all proceeds from the auction go directly to our students, staff and classroom needs. This year was bigger and more successful than last year’s auction, as the PTO was able to raise over $65,000! This will go directly back to supporting the needs of our students and staff, as well as, providing educational enrichment opportunities for our students throughout the year. Several of these opportunities that are provided by the PTO include Junior Achievement, that will be a combined effort with the High School in February; a Scrappers baseball game and a day at the Pro Football Hall of Fame in May that will also be a combined effort with Coach Rach and the High School Football team.
Grade Level Spotlight - 3rd Grade
Each year, our 3rd grade students have 2 opportunities to take the Ohio State Test in English Language Arts. The first attempt is in the fall and the second is in the spring. We receive the results of the fall test in December just before we leave for winter break. This year, I am happy to report that 74% of our 3rd grade students scored Proficient or higher on the October OST in ELA! The average score of our 3rd grade students was 732, which is in the Accomplished range. In comparison to the Ohio state average of 43%, our overall passage percentage was 31% higher. I would like to say congratulations to our students and staff on this outstanding achievement. Our team will now work to look closely at our instructional strategies and testing data for areas of improvement and opportunities for growth. Again, congratulations to our students and staff on a job very well done!
Save the Dates: Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration for students who live in the South Range Local School District will be taken the week of March 3 - 7, 2025. Parents/Guardians of children who will be five years old on or before August 1, 2025, may register online and make an appointment for screening by going to our school’s website during the designated week. The kindergarten screening dates are Tuesday, May 6, and Wednesday, May 7. Time slots will be from 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Students to be registered must be residents of the South Range School District.
Parents/Guardians of students who live outside the district can check the district website for the most up-to-date information about when open enrollment for new students will occur. This information will be available following the February 19, 2025 board meeting.
Counselor Corner
High School Guidance Counselor Updates
The Class of 2026 will travel to Pittsburgh for the annual National College Fair on Wednesday, January 29, 2025. On Thursday, February 13, Mrs. Burkey will host a College Admissions Presentation for 11th graders. For many 11th graders, this may be the first time they've discussed plans for life after high school. She will hold the same meeting in the evening for parents and guardians of the junior class. The next event occurs on Tuesday, February 25, when the junior class participates in the free ACT. They will complete the ACT online during the school day. South Range juniors attending the MCCTC will come to South Range to take their free ACT the following week, Tuesday, March 4.
Mrs. Burkey will also host a College Credit Plus Information Meeting for the 2025-2026 School Year on February 13 at 6:30 pm. She will discuss the risks and benefits of CCP and the application process. Before we know it, students will be preparing for the 2025-2026 school year! Mrs. Burkey will inform students and parents about scheduling meeting times in February.
Middle School Guidance Counselor Updates
Families and students in grades sixth-11 who would like to learn more about opportunities for College Credit Plus (CCP), including qualifications, restrictions, benefits, and cautions, should plan to attend an informational meeting on February 13 at 6:30pm in the auditorium. Steps to sign up and connect with college advisors will also be shared.
Eighth grade scheduling night will be held Wednesday, March 5, at 6:00pm in the auditorium. Students will receive course guides as well as recommendation sheets for their first year in high school. Mrs. Burkey will discuss pathways to a diploma and course requirements. Students and parents/guardians are encouraged to attend.
Annual state testing will begin in April at the middle school. English Language Arts tests will take place between April 1 and April 11, 2025. Math and Science tests will take place between April 9 and May 2, 2025. Science tests are for grades 5 and 8 only. We encourage students to get a good night sleep and have a nutritious breakfast on test days. Also, parents are asked to schedule doctor and dental appointments in the afternoons or on non-test days for their children. Grade-level teachers will be sharing specific test dates with the students.
Elementary School Guidance Counselor Updates
In an effort to support our students and staff, Mrs. Maynard, our elementary school counselor, is collaborating with both Mrs. Petit, middle school counselor, and Mrs. Burkey, high school counselor, on the 504 process. Our counselors met at the beginning of the school year to coordinate the 504 process in all 3 buildings for consistency. Next, Mrs. Maynard meets with our parents and teachers to discuss these plans and updates for the new school year. These meetings guide Mrs. Maynard in her next steps on how to best support our teachers and students in the classroom. Also, Mrs. Maynard is working with Mr. Matos and Mrs. Disibio, our Director of Student Services, to streamline our MTSS (Multi Tiered System of Support) process. This process is used to collect valuable student data that comes from our teachers and it is used to see how we can best support our students in a variety of ways.
🍕 🥦 News from the Cafeteria 🌮 🍉
Kaitlyn Pierce, Food Services Director
The cafeteria has been off to a busy start for the beginning of the 24/25 school year!
In September 2024, we launched the "Nutrition for Life" program, allowing kindergarten students to enjoy free breakfast and lunch for three days. This initiative helped students sample school meals and familiarize themselves with the lunch line process. During October and November, we participated in Nutrition Group's "Farm to Fork" program, introducing a new seasonal side dish each week for students to try. Featured recipes included roasted butternut squash, roasted spaghetti squash, sweet potato salad, and homemade apple crisp. One of the most popular dishes, a kale Caesar salad, became a weekly menu item by popular demand from both students and teachers.
The South Range cafeteria also celebrated "National Apple Crunch Day" in October, where all K–12 students received a free apple provided by our local Huffman Farms. In November, elementary students voted for their favorite school lunches. Pizza claimed first place, followed by the popcorn chicken bowl in second, and the Thanksgiving roasted turkey luncheon in a close third. Students enjoyed the Thanksgiving meal the week before break, served by special guest servers from the administration.
We concluded December 2024 with "Grinchmas in the Cafeteria," featuring Grinch-inspired grilled cheese and Who-pudding as a festive treat. Stay tuned for more engaging and fun cafeteria events planned for 2025!
What Makes Winter, Winter?
- Here's a post from National Geographic that explains what a season is, and describes seasons in different parts of the world. It's a resource for 6th - 12th.
- From Education World, a great list of winter-themed resources, across all subjects and ages (and it's not too overwhelming!)
- Here's a really cool list of science experiments for winter. No cold and snow where you are? No worries. A freezer will suffice :)
🏀 South Range Athletics 🤼
Fall Sports All-NE8 Recognitions
Congratulations to our All-NEA selections
Team Champion(s): South Range
Player(s) of the Year: Tristan Toy
Aidan Dominguez
Patrick Lally
Heath Crouse
Luke Starkey
Dylan Smesko
Gaven Nagy
Nate Lewis
Troy Combs
Michael Chadbourne
Jason Vorshak
Andrew Brian
Anna Toy
Hayden Carey
Michae lGarwacki
Jack Carey
Zander DiMuzio
Luke Rohan
Avery Petruzzi
David Echard
Player(s) of the Year: Emmitt Slabach
Emmitt Slabach
Caleb Baun
Click here to access winter sports schedules
🗓 Coming Up!
💘Parent Teacher Conferences💘
Early Dismissal - Parent / Teacher conferences 1:30-8:30 pm
Thursday, Feb 13, 2025, 01:30 PM
11375 Columbiana-Canfield Rd, Canfield, OH, USA
🥶 Exploring Hibernation 🧦
💡 Reminders 💡
We are list 'em here! Events, parent conferences, special programs, etc. https://www.southrange.k12.oh.us/view-all-events
2. Superintendent One Calls 📣
Review the weekly all-calls here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k4aM4E9nO77_GALKZPIKzHrRNDjcjJ2AYYBw87Uk1P4/edit
3. District Text Messages 💬
Review the district text messages here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k4aM4E9nO77_GALKZPIKzHrRNDjcjJ2AYYBw87Uk1P4/edit
Is your child struggling with coming to school or with homework? Here's how we can help:
- Call our school staff!
- Review our community resources document 👉https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_K0Oqdc9IGNbPutFvd7yCHHIR55Gnru1/view
👩🏻🏫 Faces in the Crowd 👨🏻🏫
Samantha McMahon, South Range High School
Mrs. McMahon is an intervention specialist at South Range Local Schools. She teaches students with special needs ranging in grades from 6th to 10th. Samantha teaches in the following areas: math, language arts, social studies, and science. While her curriculum is standards based, she also exposes her students to daily living skills and vocational skills to ensure they are prepared for life after high school. She has been teaching for almost 16 years and this will be her 9th year at South Range.
Adrianne Nastasi, Occupational Therapist
Mrs. Nastasi started working at South Range in January 2020 and have enjoyed five wonderful years here. She loves the South Range community because we all share a common goal: helping students succeed. The collaboration between teachers, counselors, administrators, and parents really makes a difference in the lives of our kids. Mrs. Nastasi states "Becoming a pediatric occupational therapist was a way for me to make a lasting impact on the lives of children and their families. I love that I get to help kids develop important life skills—like playing, learning, and interacting with others—so they can grow up with the confidence and tools they need to thrive".
She has been married for 18 years and has three beautiful children ages 17, 14, and four.
When it comes to a favorite food, she enjoys chocolate in any form. Her most recent and favorite vacation was at Bethany Beach. Mrs. Nastasi loves spending time with family and friends while relaxing by the ocean. She is an alumnus from The Ohio State University in 2002 with a degree in Allied Medicine - Go Buckeyes! Fun fact: I have a bucket list of places I want to visit and Yosemite National Park is #1.
Taylor Johnson, South Range Elementary School
Taylor has been a teacher at South Range Elementary for the past three years. She started her teaching career after graduating from The University of Akron in 2019 with a dual degree in Early Childhood Education and Intervention Specialist. After graduating, Taylor and her husband moved to Columbus where she began teaching second grade at Imagine Columbus Primary Academy. During this time, Taylor was teaching a large population of students from Nepal and Ethiopia. For two years following that, Taylor taught in Columbus at A+ Arts Academy where she was afforded the opportunity to teach 2nd grade and then loop with her class and teach them in third.
Taylor then moved back to the Canfield area to be closer to family where she accepted a position with the ESC working within the Canfield Local School District. In the fall of 2022, we were fortunate to hire Taylor as an Intervention Specialist, mainly working with students in Kindergarten and First grade. During her time in this role, Taylor worked to build a sensory room that would address the needs of the students in her class. Due to the hard work and dedication she exemplified while in this position, Taylor and the rest of the special education department were awarded the “2023 Franklin B. Walter Outstanding Educator Team Award.” She went on the following year to serve students in grades K-4 as a Title I teacher and RTI tutor. She is now in her first year with us as a Kindergarten teacher. Since starting her career, Taylor has been nominated for Teacher of the Year twice.
Taylor and her husband Joseph, who is an attorney at Friedman and Rummell, just adopted their daughter in December of 2024. Their daughter Danielle attends South Range (Third grade) and started out as one of Taylor’s students when she was first hired at our school. Taylor loves her two rescue dogs, Winnie (a five-year-old Huskydoodle) and Espen (a two-year-old Sheepadoodle) who is named after ESPN. Their favorite thing to do as a family is travel. During the time that they’ve fostered and now adopted Danielle, they have helped her fly on a plane for the first time and visit countless states and cities. Their favorite trip was to Florida, the most recent trip was to NYC, and their next trip will be Arizona or California! Throughout Taylor’s time at South Range, she has proven to be an advocate for her students, a support system for parents, and a determined educator. We are lucky to have Taylor Johnson as part of our South Range Elementary family!
John Kutris, Maintenance Department
John Kutris worked 26 years for Local 125 as a Union Labor. During that time he worked with Shutrumps and Kreidler Construction developing many local connections along the way.
After retiring from Local 125 John was hired by South Range Local Schools for maintenance in 1998. John worked for 19 years at South Range Local Schools as a key member of our maintenance crew. He provided the construction skills as well as the knowledge to not only operate, but also maintain the school facilities in North Lima and Greenford. He was also on board during the construction of our new K-12 facility.
John has continued to be an excellent source for experience and knowledge. Returning to South Range part-time in 2023, he continues to support the school and community that he lives and works in. Thank You John for your hard work and dedication!
Diana Hatszegi, South Range Middle School
Mrs. Hatszegi is in her first year of an expanded role here at South Range Middle School. "Coach Diana" is supporting our students both in the classroom and in extra-curriculars as a Title I tutor and cheerleading coach. Mrs. Hatszegi demonstrates a dynamic personality and a desire to have a positive impact on our students academically, athletically, and socially. She had this to say about being a part of the South Range family, "Being part of the South Range staff means being part of a tight-knit, supportive community. I'm proud to watch my children grow and be part of such an amazing school. Their progress and achievements highlight the importance of the quality education offered here and as the 8th grade Title tutor and MS cheer advisor, I’m honored to contribute to an environment where my students can thrive and excel."
Thank you, Mrs. Hatszegi, for all that you do for the students at South Range Middle School!
Kathy Olson & Jeannie Schneider, Food Services
Kathy Olson and Jeannie Schneider are two familiar faces you may see around the cafeteria since they are both cashiers during lunch. You will see Kathy on the deli bar side of the cafeteria ringing out salads, wraps, bowls of soup, and the cafeteria's favorite boba drinks! Kathy is also the kitchen's famous cookie cake decorator! You may have seen Jeannie cashiering on the main side of the lunch lines always restocking our beautiful fruit and veggie bar and knowing the names of every single student without even having to look at her computer!
🚸❗The Raider Way: Safety & Resources 🦺❗
South Range Local Schools Prioritizes Safety, Resources, and Community Well-being
South Range Local Schools: Commitment to Safety and Crisis Support
In response to recent tragedies affecting our community, South Range Local Schools reaffirms its dedication to ensuring student and staff safety and providing essential resources during crises. Guided by the "Raider Way" goal of Safety & Resources, the district employs best practices to enhance safety, optimize performance, reduce costs, and improve efficiency, all while honoring its role as the "heartbeat of the community." The Peace & Safety Committee plays a crucial role in coordinating compassionate responses and fostering resilience.
Peace & Safety Committee
The Peace & Safety Committee meets bi-monthly to assess and refine crisis management policies, safety drills, and the Urgent Action Plan. This team focuses on two key objectives: (1) planning and reviewing safety drills and responses and (2) providing crisis support and intervention.
Committee Members
Key members include but are not limited to:
- Steve Rohan, Steve Matos, and Dan Szolek: Principals
- Matt Hassey: School Resource Officer, Beaver Township Police Department
- Ericka Burkey, Brenda Petit, and Cindy Maynard: School Counselors
- Kim Peterson: School Nurse
- Chris Albert: Beaver Township Police Department
- Joanne Kane, Katie Toy, and Janet Noble: School Secretaries
- Frank Dispenza: Beaver Fire Inspector
- Brenda Hammond: Transportation Director
- Jarred Zapolnik: Superintendent
Crisis Management and Safety Drills
The committee regularly reviews and updates the district's Urgent Action Plan to ensure safety protocols remain effective and adaptable. This plan addresses emergencies, safety procedures, and responses to crises such as student deaths or traumatic events. Each classroom is equipped with a tailored Urgent Action Plan.
Following a crisis, the committee plans immediate, short-term, and long-term responses. For example, in the event of a student death, the team mobilizes a crisis intervention team, which may include district counselors and professionals from the Education Service Center of Eastern Ohio, to provide comprehensive support.
Crisis Support and Intervention
A dedicated Crisis Intervention Team operates as a subgroup of the Peace & Safety Committee. This team offers immediate counseling and resources to students and staff, addresses long-term needs, and debriefs after critical events to refine future responses. Resources such as the district’s crisis support resource guide and the Mahoning Valley School Crisis Resource List are integral to these efforts. The district is committed to continuous improvement, including the implementation of trauma-informed crisis intervention sessions to educate participants on trauma’s effects and equip them with strategies for resilience and support.
Transparent and Compassionate Communication
Effective communication is central to the district’s crisis response. South Range Local Schools prioritizes transparency with families and the community while respecting the privacy of those directly affected. The district disseminates factual updates via text messages, phone calls, emails, and social media, ensuring clarity and avoiding speculation.
Looking Ahead
South Range Local Schools remains committed to enhancing crisis response protocols and fostering a supportive environment for healing and growth. Through collaboration with trained professionals and community engagement, the district aims to ensure the well-being of all students, staff, and families.
Our Mission
The well-being of the South Range family remains our highest priority. Together, we will navigate challenges with resilience, compassion, and care.
📝See Something, Say Something! Bully & Harassment Form📝
Click here for the district's Bullying & Harassment Form