Worthington Kilbourne Weekly News
Week of September 30, 2024
Dear Kilbourne Family,
You may be aware that online gaming platforms can create hostile environments for young people. It can be very easy for an adolescent to get sucked into abhorrent behavior and participate in egregious commentary. In the past, as the principal, I've been contacted by the following entities regarding an investigation:
- Local Law Enforcement - Columbus Police, Delaware and Franklin County Sheriffs, Perry Township Police
- The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation
- Homeland Security
- Interpol
Typically, these conversations are due to comments made in a seemingly "private" chat room involving online gaming. Students perceive themselves as untouchable or untraceable; however, lewd and violent comments are often tracked rather easily by the gaming server and law enforcement. It usually ends up with a knock on the door of an unbeknownst parent, and they are completely unaware that the behavior was conducted by their student.
This is a helpful reminder to talk with your students about appropriate behavior and to acknowledge that comments, especially pertaining to violence, are always taken seriously by the proper authorities. My wife and I have a 14-year-old at home and we can't stress this importance enough to him. We often worry about the flippant remark that becomes an investigation. Our conversations are always direct and demanding of him.
Aric Thomas, Principal / athomas@wscloud.org / 614-450-6400 / X: @AricThomas1
Upcoming Events for your Calendar
Tuesday, October 1: School Picture RETAKES or MAKEUPS, during 4 lunch periods
Monday, October 14: Parent-Teacher Conferences, 4:00-7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 16: Parent-Teacher Conferences, 5:00-8:40 p.m.
Wednesday, October 16: College Information Night (details below), 7:00 p.m.Thursday, October 17: END of 1st QUARTER
Friday, October 18: NO SCHOOL - Teacher Collaboration
Monday, October 28-Friday, October 31: Student Council Canned Food Drive
Thursday, October 31: Trick-or-Canning
Tuesday, November 5: NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, Nov. 27-Friday, Nov. 29: Thanksgiving Break
WKHS Parking Permits: UPDATE 9/30
Worthington Kilbourne has a new website address
If you try to use the old link to the WKHS website, you'll see an error message. This is the new website address for Worthington Kilbourne: wkhs.worthington.k12.oh.us
If you have questions about the new website design for the District, click here for 'frequently asked questions'.
Clinical Careers Day Event at OSU / Sunday, October 20
Are you passionate about healthcare and curious about the diverse clinical career paths available? Whether you’re a prospective student, a current learner, or simply interested in healthcare careers, this event is for you!
Join us for our HRS and Ohio State Wexner Medical Center Clinical Careers Day, a collaborative event hosted by the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center. This exciting day brings together experts, practitioners, and students to explore a range of clinical fields.
Date: Sunday, October 20, 2024
Time: 11:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: Ross Heart Hospital at Ohio State Wexner Medical Center (452 W. 10th Ave., Columbus, OH 43210). Please look for signs for the Auditorium.
CLICK HERE for registration details and a list of careers to be explored.
Work Permits
Work permits are now conveniently processed at WKHS to make it easier for families to access and complete the necessary paperwork. Please see Ms. Power in Student Services to pick up a permit application and to submit your paperwork once it is filled out. The student must come in person with proof of age, in order to sign the final permit.
Juniors and Seniors: College reps will visit WKHS!
Representatives from colleges and universities from all over the country have set dates that they will be here in the WKHS Counseling Center to meet with students who are interested in their school. Don't miss your opportunity to meet with College Reps through November 1st in the comfort of your own school. Just visit the Counseling Center Website Calendar for the list of participating schools and simply click the school name on the calendar and complete the Google sheet to reserve your spot. You are welcome to meet with more than one, just be sure to mark it on your personal calendar so that you remember your appointment.
Juniors and Seniors are permitted to miss class - BUT MUST NOTIFY YOUR TEACHER prior to the date and are responsible for making up missed work. Students are NOT excused from tests, quizzes, etc. IF you have questions, just email your counselor.
Be sure to check the calendar regularly, as additional visits are added regularly.
The 2024-25 WOLF BOOK is on sale now!
The 2024-25 yearbook is on sale now! Buy now for the lowest price of the year at $65. Use THIS LINK to make your purchase and have a keepsake for generations to come. Prices will increase throughout the school year.
If you have any questions about purchasing the WOLF BOOK, please feel free to reach out to our yearbook advisor, Mr. Balogh, bbalogh@wscloud.org.
Senior photos due by March 21
Seniors, be sure to submit your senior photo to the WOLF BOOK by March 21! Be sure to follow the guidelines below for submitting your senior photo prior to submission.
Community Engagement Opportunities for WKHS students
There is a wide variety of community service and engagement opportunities for teen volunteers and this list is intended to give students some inspiration and a starting point for getting involved in their community. Students and their families should further investigate whether an opportunity might be a good fit for the student’s schedule, transportation needs, age, and personal abilities and interests.
Dublin-Worthington Rotary Club is seeking host families now
The Dublin-Worthington Rotary Club is hosting a youth exchange student for the 2024-2025 school year and we are looking for host families! The student is a 16-year-old boy from India. He is a vegetarian (no eggs). His interests include ping pong, gaming, art, listening to music, and cooking! The student is attending Worthington Kilbourne High School. The commitment is approximately 3-4 months. The student will likely move from the first host family to the second in late November or December. The move to the third host family will likely take place around March.
If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Emily Biondo by phone (630-347-7939) or email (emrbiondo@gmail.com).
Hosting Information
Dublin-Worthington Rotary Club Website
Register to Vote by October 7th!
If you or your student needs to register to vote to participate in the November 5th election, please visit the Ohio Secretary of State to register online. You can also update address information if you’ve moved and check your current registration status. WK students who are US citizens and will be 18 years old by November 5th can register to vote now. If you have a recent WK graduate who has moved away to college, they can still vote using their home address and request a ballot from the Franklin County Board of Elections. That application will need to be printed and mailed directly. If students have questions or need help, they should email WK IB students Leah Gonzalez or Will Mathews for help. Let your voice be heard!
Back-to-School information from the District
Our Worthington Schools District website is a resource for the back-to-school information listed below, and much more!
- How to access the Parent Portal, and update student emergency information annually
- Find your student's login, lunch PIN, and student number
- What immunizations are needed to attend school?
- Locate bus numbers and bus stop information
- Apply online for free or reduced meals
- Set up or fix problems with MyPaymentsPlus
- Access Infinite Campus Parent Guide
For Back-to-School information on our District website, CLICK HERE!
School Pictures and Student ID
HR Imaging will be photographing student portraits on one last date at WKHS:
- Tuesday, October 1 - picture RETAKES (or makeups) during all 4 lunch periods on stage in the Auditorium (look for a sign in the main hallway pointing to the door).
Download your digital ID now
We are now providing digital IDs for students! The image can be saved to a mobile device for use throughout the school year. Students should scan this QR code to retrieve their ID image. They will need to use their last name and their student ID number to access their Digital ID (your ID number is available through Infinite Campus.) Images can be sent via email or text.
These IDs are needed when students enter the building during the school day if they arrive after the start time (8:40 a.m.). A student shows their ID to the attendance office before entering the building so we can verify they are a WK student. They also need their school ID to attend extracurricular activities such as school dances and to enter any home athletic events.
PARENTS: Complete your annual Emergency Data Review (REQUIRED)
To update this information please sign into your parent "PORTAL LOGIN" by scrolling down on the NEW Worthington Kilbourne webpage. If you have forgotten your ID and password, you can easily retrieve them by going to the Password Recovery Link on the Worthington Schools Web Page. Once you are logged in, click on the Emergency Data Review tile to begin your review.
CLICK HERE for directions on how to complete the Emergency Data Review.
WKHS Student Code of Conduct and Co-Curricular Program
The 2024-25 WKHS Student Code of Conduct and Co-Curricular Program handbook is available for viewing on our school website. Please CLICK HERE to access the comprehensive handbook that covers all Worthington City Schools high school programs, policies and guidelines for students and parents, updated for 2024-25.
Infinite Campus access for parents
For step-by-step instructions on how parents can access Infinite Campus to check grades, attendance and behavior messages, please CLICK HERE.
Attention 12th Grade Parents!
Ohio Law (ORC 3313.671) requires all 12th grade students receive two (2) doses of the Meningococcal vaccine. The second dose must be received after the student's 16th birthday. Please provide an updated immunization record showing that this state requirement has been met. See the following clinic information to receive a vaccine. Reach out to Nurse Julie if you have any questions. jgarner@wscloud.org
Columbus Public Health Immunization Clinic Information
Franklin County Public Health Immunization Clinic Information
Students may not order food to be delivered
Students may not order food from delivery services such as DoorDash. This is against District policy and expressly prohibited in the WKHS Student Handbook, on page 21. Please remind your student that they are not allowed to order food to be delivered to the school, and may not leave the building to meet delivery drivers outside. We appreciate your support of our security measures.
WKHS Special Education Key Communicator
Worthington’s Special Education Key Communicator Committee strives to build positive, productive and collaborative relationships and partnerships amongst the educators and community of families whose children receive special education and related services. We will engage in two-way communication, with the goal being to provide a circle of influence where we can share out and learn from and with each other.
The key communicator will convey information from their building to the committee, as well as information from the committee to their buildings. The Key Communicator for Worthington Kilbourne High School is Sandra Hertz. Please reach out to her at sandra-76@msn.com if you have questions or topics to discuss.
Volley for the Cure / Monday, Sept. 30
Susan G. Komen’s Volley For The Cure (VFTC) started in 2006 as a means to bring awareness and raise money for the fight against breast cancer. Volleyball matches are held all around Ohio and across the nation. Thousands of players and families have participated to raise funds for this charitable cause. WKHS successfully raised nearly $5000 in 2023 and our goal for 2024 is $5000 or more!
On Monday, September 30th, the WKHS Women’s Volleyball program will compete in a regular home match against Dublin Jerome. JVB will play at 5:00, JVA at 6:00 and Varsity will play at 7:15. Our event will combine fundraising, team spirit and education for the young women in our community!
All proceeds raised during our event will be donated to Susan G. Komen VFTC. Let’s join together to educate and raise awareness for this worthy cause! Come cheer on the Wolves and bid on silent auction baskets, enjoy bake sale items and get some 50/50 raffle tickets! Click HERE for the 2024 online donation link.
WKHS Baseball Introduction & Informational Meeting / Tuesday, October 8th
Please mark your calendars and Save the Date for Tuesday, October 8th at 7 p.m. as we will be holding a WK Baseball Introduction and Informational meeting. We highly encourage all new and current baseball parents to attend. This meeting will be for parents only; it will be held in WKHS Room 201.
We plan to introduce the Diamond Club Board as well as the Coaches. We will also cover the following:
- Expectations for off and on season
- Committee Opportunities
- Upcoming: Fall Clean Up
- Fundraising
- Spring Trip
MCORE Cardiac Screenings / October 10 at WKHS / 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Protect your child's heart and life with a cardiac screening. Sign up for your screening here.
DATE: October 10, 2024
TIME: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
WK Blanket and Beanie Sale to benefit WK Baseball Team
There is a WK Blanket and Beanie sale currently going on to benefit the WK Baseball Team. CLICK HERE for all details and to place an order. The sale is live now through October 20.
Participation in sports during 2024-25 school year
WKHS Softball Stadium Seat Fundraiser
Student attendance at athletic events in 2024-25
Game expectations for students
Game Expectations for Worthington Kilbourne High School Events:
Worthington Students in grades 6 - 12 will be admitted FREE to regular season events with a school ID (tip: take a picture of your ID with your phone so you always have it!)
Footballs, soccer balls, etc. are not permitted to be brought into the game
Students will be expected to sit in the stands during the game. No gathering in other areas of the stadium. Please sit in the student section
No face paint or full face masks permitted to be worn
No food or drink is permitted to be brought into the stadium
Do not bring bags into the stadium of any type
Re-entry is not permitted without purchasing ticket
Cheer for our team. Cheers directed towards our opponent, their fans, officials, etc. are not acceptable
Please clean up your area at the student tailgate. Nobody likes a mess or paint on their cars! Let an administrator know if you need more trash cans/bags
A reminder that games are all ‘school events’ and all rules regarding appropriate behavior apply even though it is after school hours