SHS Student Wildcat Roar
November 3, 2024
FTA Fundraiser - See an FTA member to order!
Fundraiser: FTA - Butter Braids
Monday, November 4
8:00 am - Eligibility Checks: F/Attendance List
5:00 pm - JH B Boys/Girls/Boys BB Home vs St. Joe (Gate: T. Boggs / Admin: B. Drummond)
Tuesday, November 5
RPDC Math team in Buildings
7:20 am - HS Student Council @Ms. Sample's room
10:00 am - Admin meeting
3:10 pm - HS ELA Data Team
Wednesday, November 6
11:42 am - FFA Officer Meeting @Ag Room
4:00 pm - FFA Fall Speaking Contest
Thursday, November 7
7:00 am - HS Science Data Team
3:10 pm - HS Math Data Team
5:30 pm - JH B Boys/Girls/Boys BB @Pilot Grove (4:15 pm - Bus Leaves / Admin: B. Drummond)
Friday, November 8
Spring Dual Credit Sign Up
9:00 am - Veterans' Day Assembly @Gym
5:00 pm - JH B Boys(2qtr)/Girls/Boys BB @Madison (3:15 pm - Bus leaves / Admin: B. Drummond)
7:00 pm - Varsity Football @NW-Hughesville (TBA: Bus leaves / Admin: J. Clements)
Please join us for the 2024 Slater Veterans Day program
at 9:00 AM on November 8 in the Gym!
Veterans are invited to join the FFA at their annual recognition
breakfast that morning prior to the ceremony at 8:15 AM
HS Basketball Schedule
A huge "thank you" goes out to Parker Hannifin and Powerhouse Ministries for their very generous donation! They have provided us with school supplies and hygiene products for our students. Your continued partnership is appreciated.
Vote for your Wildcats!
Voting starts over each Monday!
Go to
Congratulations Hailey Harry for being selected
1st Team All-Conference and 1st Team All-District Softball!
Counseling Corner
Wildcats! If you are interested in checking out Missouri Valley College, next Saturday's Experience Day is for you!! Use the QR code on the graphic or find the link on your Counseling Google Classrooms to register for the event.
Saline County Holiday Project
Workin' on Our Fitness
Handbook Highlight
The Handbook Highlight is a recap of a handbook policy or entry that our Students/Adults need to be aware of. If I'm taking the time to include it, it's something to pay attention to - either because I'm seeing that people aren't clear on it, people aren't complying with it, or I'm about to start cracking down on it.
A phone call home must be made by school personnel through the appropriate office in order for a student to check out due to medical/illness conditions.
a. If a student contacts a parent/grandparent/guardian on their own without going through the appropriate office, he/she will be written up for DEFIANCE OF AUTHORITY/INSUBORDINATION.
b. All students should have an emergency contact on file that can pick them up from school within 30 minutes of being called.
Watch from Home - or anywhere!
Our streaming services with Hudl will can be accessed at:
Fans can download the "Hudl Fan" app on their smartphones, search Slater High School, and watch the game that way as well.
Cafeteria Menus
Community Resources Available
What staff member deserves a shout out?
Take a minute to let me know all about it by filling out THIS FORM.
Students, Parents, and Staff can give a shout out to any Slater Schools employee! We'll make sure they receive a copy of it and will look for ways to share them with you throughout the year as well.
Let's get to bragging about all the good people around here!
Old Business
Board Meeting Info
Check out the October HS Board report (below) to see what's been happening with HS classes and programs!
This is the information shared with local news media as well.
On September 20, I informed the HS student body that due to issues with students wearing hats in the building during the school day, hats are not to be IN the building during the school day.
Hats should be left in vehicles or lockers. They can be left in the HS office if you need a place, but if It's on a student during the day, it will be sent to the HS office...with a referral.
Where'd You Go?
If you know that you won't be at school on a certain day for an appointment, meeting, etc. - besides telling your teachers (which is great!) - please let Ms. Mindy know.
You can do so by emailing her at
Parents can call Ms. Mindy at 660-529-2278, ext. 107.
Revisiting the Sportsmanlike Policy
Please note the policy for Unsportsmanlike Actions at an extra-curricular activity:
Administrator Warning
Minimum of 1 week, up to and including 365 day suspension from all District extracurricular events
365 day suspension from all District extracurricular activities
Who Let the Dogs IN?!?
Due to liability concerns from our insurance company, pets are not permitted on school property, including the Sports Complex.
This excludes service animals and classroom/curricular animals, pre approved by a Building Principal.
Clarification: Attending ballgames
Students learned in the first week of school that they must be in good standing to participate in extracurricular events/activities. (This includes attending those events as a spectator.)
Students must be in attendance at school for four consecutive hours on the day of the event to be able to play in or attend an extracurricular event/activity.
SCCC Resources & Information
Contact Info
Location: 515 Elm Street, Slater, MO, United States
Phone: 660-631-5298
Twitter: @SlaterPrincipal