January Family Newsletter
A Belcher Bobcat ROARS
Safe Choices
Parents, we are positively recognizing students for their behavior as they demonstrate the expectations listed above. Students can earn points (badges) within Focus in their classes for items to purchase in our school store and/or to attend future schoolwide events.
Monday, January 6: School restarts
Thursday, January 9: PMAC Meeting (8:15-8:45 AM)
Thursday, January 16: Award Ceremony (9 AM for K-2, 9:45 AM for 3-5)
Friday, January 17: January Volunteer Cafe (10 AM-12 PM)
Friday, January 17: District Program Applications close (5 PM)
Saturday, January 18: STEM Explorer Fest (10 AM-2 PM) [Largo Central Park]
Monday, January 20: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day [No school for students]
Wednesday, January 29: ESOL Fair (5:30-7:30 PM) [Countryside High School]
Friday, January 31: Last Friday Family Lunch
Thursday, February 6: Ready Set Kindergarten (5:30 PM)
Family Reminders
- School hours are 8:45 AM to 2:55 PM.
- The Front Office is open from 7:30 AM until 3:30 PM.
- Students can come on campus starting at 8:15 AM for free breakfast. For safety reasons, students should not be dropped off and/or left unattended before 8:15 AM.
- If your student arrives late, you must come into the front office to bring your student in.
- If you need to pick up a student, you must bring your legal ID with a photo (driver's license or passport).
To Do: Update Contact Information in Focus
Please visit https://focus.pcsb.org and update all contact information for your student(s), including phone number, email, address, emergency contacts, and any additional people who may pick up your student(s).
Parent Portal Information
- Apply for special assignments and district application programs
- Change your address and provide two proofs of address to the school
- Link your student(s) and view report cards, schedules, grades, and attendance at https://focus.pcsb.org
- Please make sure you fill out the online forms for your student(s)
- Please complete all consent forms on Focus
Dismissal Process
Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Students may not be dropped off at school before 8:15 AM. Due to safety reasons, students should not be dropped off or unsupervised before 8:15 AM. You may pull your car to the end of the line and wait in your car until 8:15 AM; then, your student may come onto campus. Students may enter the cafeteria for breakfast or go to their classroom starting at 8:15 AM.
Students are expected to be picked up by 3:15 PM. Our car line has become more efficient and is ending earlier. Each day, we are often finished between 3:10 and 3:15 PM. At 3:15 PM, students who have not been picked up will be brought into the front office. At this time, the person who is picking up the student will need to come into the front office and sign out their student.
Please see the Programs List below if you need before or after-school care.
PSTA Buses
Pinellas County Schools students, teachers, staff, registered volunteers, and substitutes ride PSTA buses for free. Our PCS community can take advantage of the free rides any time of day, all year long! You can ride PSTA buses and trolleys for free during winter break and all year round just by showing your Pinellas County Schools ID!
Volunteer Cafe: Friday, January 10 (10 AM-2 PM)
STEM Explorer Fest: Saturday, January 18 (10 AM-2 PM) [Largo Central Park]
Last Friday Family Lunch: Friday, January 31
Spotlight on Success
Publix Super Markets Charities Donates $250 to PMAC
Belcher Elementary's PMAC received a donation of $250 from Publix Super Markets Charities. Congratulations PMAC!
PreK3 & VPK Corner
VPK Payments
Did you know you can pay tuition online for PK3 and VPK? Pinellas County Schools uses the service RevTrak to handle tuition payments in a secure and fast manner.
Clinic Updates
If your student has daily medication, emergency medications, or as needed medications that you would like to be given at school, please make sure to bring the medication and prescription to the Front Office to complete the necessary paperwork with our nurse.
Please make sure you have filled out all healthcare consent forms in Focus.
To fill out or alter forms in Focus:
- Log into focus.pcsb.org
- Click on "Form Packet Fields"
- Under "Healthcare Services Consent", select whether or not you consent to ALL school-based healthcare, OR only the specific services you select.
Healthy Snack Food Guidelines
Belcher Elementary is a healthy school. Sweet treats are NOT permitted on campus for birthday celebrations. Thank you for your understanding.
Parents who would like to send snacks should call the school office or teacher to ensure the items are within the guidelines. School provided snacks must comply with the fat and sugar limits of the Pinellas County Schools Nutrition Standards and may not be Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value (soda water, water ices, chewing gum and certain candies) or consist of candy or dessert type items (cookies, cakes, cupcakes, pudding, ice cream or frozen desserts, etc.).
All food must be in the original, unopened store packaging. Homemade food items are not allowed. In accordance with 64E-11.002 Food Code, all snacks or food must originate from an establishment that is under the regulatory authority of a state or federal agency.
Volunteers make a daily difference in students' lives and are the reason field trips, Great American Teach In, PTA, and so many other programs are possible.
Register as a Volunteer
To volunteer in any capacity, you must have an active volunteer account. Volunteers can chaperone field trips, assist with school events, and help out in classrooms. The process of registering takes ~5-15 minutes and is very simple. You will need to upload your government issued photo ID. Your application will be processed through the Office of Strategic Partnerships of Pinellas County Schools. You will receive an email with your volunteer ID and password. This will be used to log your volunteer hours and access the calendar. Note: Please use a desktop computer or a laptop to register, not a mobile device.
Reactivate Your Account
Existing volunteers must reactivate after every summer to ensure their information is correct. Please use a desktop computer or a laptop, not a mobile device.
Link: https://focus.pcsb.org/volunteer/
Volunteer Focus Log-in Information:
Please use your assigned v.account and password.
Example: Login: v.smitha (usually last name, first initial, not case sensitive)
Password: Smith1973 (last name with the first letter capitalized, 4-digit birth year)
Entering Volunteer Hours:
Every volunteer is asked to record ALL their volunteer hours in the Focus Volunteer System. EVERY hour counts whether you are in the classroom, helping at a special event, working on a project from home or participating in our PTA! These hours are reported twice a year and show the level of community support at our school.
Interested in becoming a Level 2 Volunteer?
This is an optional additional level of background screening that is required when volunteering in a situation where you may be unsupervised with students such as field trip chaperones who are driving, overnight field trips, etc. View the locations and hours of our approved fingerprinting vendors, then follow up with our Family & Community Liaison at lamontj@pcsb.org 7–10 days after fingerprinting to verify your status.
Volunteer Café
The first Friday of every month from 10am to 12pm, our volunteers get together to work on various classroom projects. Coffee, juice, and snacks are provided. It is a great time to meet other Belcher volunteers while helping our teachers stay focused on education by completing their busy work. This program is occasionally adjusted to a curbside pick-up event as needed. Registered volunteers will receive invitations, reminders, and updates via email.
Belcher School Advisory Council (SAC)
SAC is a team representing various segments of the community: Parents, teachers, students, administrators, support staff, business and community partners. The SAC is responsible for strategic planning for the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and working jointly with the principal and staff after analyzing relevant data. The SAC helps determine goals within the plan and how best to achieve those measurable goals.
If you are interested in joining, please email lewisda@pcsb.org
The Adopt-A-Class Program allows an individual, business or organization to sponsor a class or a department of their choice, with a tax-deductible donation. By becoming an Adopt-A-Class sponsor, you will help ensure that the children in your class or department have the resources they need to succeed. Your investment in this program goes beyond the satisfaction of meeting our current needs. You can take pride in knowing you are molding the future leaders of our community.
Benefits of being an Adopt-A-Class Sponsor:
- A certificate of partnership
- Thank you letter from the sponsored class or program
- Tax-deductible receipt letter for your donation (if requested)
- An invitation to our appreciation event
- The knowledge and good feeling that you have made a difference!
Be a Mentor!
Your help is needed! Just 30 minutes a week can make a difference in a child's life. Listen, encourage, be a friend to a child at a school closest to where you live or work. The Lunch Pals mentorship program pairs students with PCS volunteers who meet for 30 minutes once a week during the student’s lunch. Through one-on-one interaction and attention, this program encourages students to be more communicative, practice good behavior, and invest in their learning by having an additional adult to chat regularly with. Programs like Lunch Pals are not possible without empathetic, supportive adult volunteers. Mentors must be registered volunteers. If you are interested in being a mentor, please email lamontj@pcsb.org or call (727) 538-7437 ext. 2001.
Mentors must attend a 1 hour long workshop prior to being matched and meeting with students.
ESOL Information
Free Virtual Tutoring for English Learner Students
No registration is needed.
The tutoring is free and will be held via Microsoft Teams. Each grade-level tutoring session will include a mini-lesson followed by time for homework help. This tutoring is available until the end of the school year.
To join a session, simply click the appropriate grade level/content area link listed below:
Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grade
Meeting Time: Tuesdays from 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Meeting Link: https://shorturl.at/dlIMR
3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade
Meeting Time: Wednesdays from 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Meeting Link: https://shorturl.at/dlIMR
PMAC meets on the second Thursday of every month at 8:15 to 8:45 AM. Students in grade 3-5 are welcome to join and help plan school events.
Donate New or Gently Used Clothes
We are currently in need of new underwear and gently used socks and shoes
Families, we are in need of new or gently used clothing for our closet. Right now, we are completely out of boys' and girls' pants and underwear. We are always accepting clothing donations, ranging from toddlers up to adult medium. We are also accepting closed-toe shoes. Any clothing not within the size range or dress code will be donated to Clothes for Kids.
Address: 2215 Lancaster Dr. Clearwater, FL 33764
Phone: (727) 538-7437
Fax: (727) 538-7255