Happening in HR
October 2024
Benefits & Risk Management
Flu Vaccine Clinic-Biometrics
Beginning October 2nd, flu vaccine/ biometric clinics will be returning to district sites.
Here is a list of dates. Registration is NOT required for flu shots. Registration is only required
for blood draws and biometrics. Register for blood draws/biometrics. CEBT covers the cost of flu vaccines, blood draws and biometrics for employees and dependents enrolled on TSD's UMR (Select 4 or PPO5) and Kaiser health plans. If you have questions, please contact either Tracy Dockter or Dorothy Barnhart.
Medical Leave Information
If you anticipate any upcoming medical leave, we want to ensure you are connected with the appropriate leave benefits such as FMLA, Sick Leave Bank, and Donate-a-Day. To facilitate this process, please complete the HR Benefits and Leave Request form.
If you have any questions regarding leave, feel free to reach out to Priscilla Hernandez at priscilla.hernandez@tsd.org or extension 5774.
TSD Pet Insurance
Thompson School District in partnership with American Fidelity and Nationwide administers our pet insurance, My Pet Protection. My Pet Protection is available in two reimbursement options (50% and 70%) so you can find coverage that fits your budget. All plans have a $250 annual deductible and $7,500 annual benefit. Coverage includes:
Behavior Treatments
Prescription Diets and supplements
And more
More information can be found by viewing Nationwide Pet Insurance Flyer and Nationwide Pet Insurance Plan Summary To enroll, please visit the self enrollment page.
HR Information
Top of Thompson/Community Champion Awards
Do you know an outstanding TSD staff member or a community member/business that should be celebrated with Top of Thompson or Community Champion Award?
Our Superintendent, Dr. Schaffer, recognizes these recipients at the second board meeting each month. These awards celebrate the success, hard work and dedication from TSD staff and community members.
Congratulations to our August Recipients:
Top of Thompson :
Dennis Pfauth - Bus Driver Transportation
Julie Sullivan - ELD TOSA
Chastity Stringer - Assistant Principal, Lucile Erwin Middle School
Community Champion Award :
Trevor Taylor
Nominate a TSD staff member for the Top of Thompson Award, or a community member/business for the Community Champion Award today!
Payroll Cutoff Dates
All extra hours forms, in-house sub reports or any other payroll forms must be completed and received in payroll by the 2nd Friday of the month* to be paid in the current month. Absence Management (AESOP) information will be transmitted to payroll on the 4th day of each month. Any changes to recorded absences for the prior month(s) will be made after the 3rd day of the current month, and need to be made through Rose Cortorreal, Substitute Technician.
*The exception to this is direct deposit changes which must be received by the 10th of the month.
*December 1st is the cutoff day for December payroll due to Winter Break.
Sick Bank Leave
Just a reminder that payroll will be deducting time from your annual leave for Sick Bank Leave *. You will see this deducted from your October check (see illustrations below). This information is also available in Employee Online. Click on Menu, under Payroll click on Leave Tracking.
*Unless you have opted out.
Please contact your payroll specialist with any questions:
Last Names (A -G) - Nancy Desrocher extension 5043
Last Names (H-N) - Sheryl Newman extension 5084
Last Names (O-Z) - Tina Nierman extension 5045
Professional Development
Specific requirements go into effect for educators renewing their licenses beginning July 1, 2025. The Professional Development Department can help support any educator in their renewal process. View Preparing to Renew a Professional License
Proven tools and support to help educators and multilingual learners succeed
24/25 New WIDA Courses You must have an account in order to access WIDA courses. If you are interested, please submit the following access form: WIDA Self-Paced Workshops
24/25 ELPD Pathway Courses coming soon - find them in Learning Pro Course #20871:
Equity, Culture, and Diversity - 11/6 and 11/20 in person with required asynchronous work .
Section #22903
Engaging Each Family - 11/4 and 11/11 in person with required asynchronous work.
Section #22927
CSU Job Fair
Licensed Staff Specialist, Dana Medich and Tom Texeira, Director of Human Resources, recently attended the CSU Job Fair to recruit potential employees. TSD was among many districts and businesses that attended this event.
Our human resources staff attends and holds many job fairs throughout the year to recruit the best talent possible. Our efforts align with the Thompson School District's Strive 2025 Strategic Plan: Focus Area 3 - Human Talent.