October 14, 2024
Dear Parent/Guardian
The past few days surrounding Milton have been difficult for our community and staff. There are still so many families without power and/or water.
Team Success has walked both campuses to ensure that we are prepared for the safe return of our students and staff. Therefore,
will reopen at their regular times tomorrow,
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
- Bus transportation is ready to pick-up your student. Please keep in mind that some roads might be still damaged and our bus drivers might face some difficulties sticking to their times. Therefore, please be patient with the pick-up and drop-off times until further notice.
- Please note: If your street is heavily damaged or still packed with debris, you may want to bring your child to school.
- If it is unsafe to leave your house, you may want to keep your student at home. Please use your best judgement.
- Breakfast and lunch will be served as usual.
- Due to Spectrum outages, phone lines are momentarily out. Spectrum has been working to restore them as quickly as possible.
- If you need to get a hold of someone at the school due to an emergency, please send an email to SOUTH CAMPUS (6th-12th grade): Lizet Reynoso - lreynoso@teamsuccessschools.com or NORTH CAMPUS (KG-5th grade): Gracie Martinez - gmartinez@teamsuccessschools.com.
Team Success appreciates your patience and support as we return to some degree of normal.
Thank you for being a part of our Team Success family!
Team Success - A School of Excellence
Email: nhowe@teamsuccessschools.com
Website: https://www.teamsuccessschools.org
Location: 202 13th Avenue East, Bradenton, FL, USA (K-5) OR 8231 Lindbergh Ct, Sarasota, FL 34243 (6-12)
Phone: 941 -714-7260 (NORTH CAMPUS, K-5) OR 941-444-4333 (SOUTH CAMPUS, 6-12).
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Team-Success-A-School-of-Excellence-170804836303984/