Finn Hill Falcon Flyer
September 10, 2021
From the Desk of Dr. Smith
First of all, I want to thank everyone for a successful school opening. We had a fun assembly. Students are getting familiar with their lockers and teachers are doing amazing lessons on building connections.
Here's what I observed:
- During my visit to Ms. Crawford's math class, I observed students working on building relationships using hexagonal shapes. Students had to write six things about their personal selves and share with a peer.
- During my visit to Mr. Wood's ELA class, students were engaged in creating a classroom constitution.
- I visited Mrs. Lynch's class and they were sending rockets into space. They were learning a lot about gravity.
- During my visit to Ms. Churchill's class, students were engaged in a Zoom lesson based on their identities.
We know that space is at a premium at FHMS. However, we need to mindful of parking near the bus loop. Right now parked cars are preventing the bus from turning into the school entrance. Thanks for your attention to this.
PTSA president Sarah Martel and I met yesterday to collaborate on bringing volunteers into the building to support us during lunches. As you know, it has been challenging to safely bring volunteers into the school, so more information will be forthcoming on this.
My first Java with Joseph of the year will happen on Thursday from 11:00-11:30 am. Look for a link to be sent out on Wednesday that you can use to join this event. For new families, the purpose is to access the principal, learn about what is going in the school, and to stay current and updated. Java with Joseph is also an opportunity for me to get input about what the Finn Hill community needs.
Just for your information, we will be having our first fire drill next week on Tuesday.
As we plan for our first full week of school next week, we hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Dr. Joseph Smith
Good Things
- Shout out to Ms. Holland, Mr. Decker, and Ms. Stephens for getting Finn Hill athletics up and running for season 1!
- Kudos to our fabulous library team and much gratitude to all of the staff who pitched in to contribute to a successful student laptop distribution week!
- Thank you to the PTSA for rallying again to help us with volunteers for laptop distribution. We appreciate you!
This Week at FHMS
Monday, September 13
- Practice begins for co-ed cross country
- PTSA Meeting (online), 7:00-9:00 pm
- Yom Kippur
- Early release at 1:35 pm
Thursday, September 16
- Yom Kippur
- Java with Joseph (Principal-Parent Coffee), 11:00 am, via Teams online
Coaches Needed
We have several openings for season 1 coaches:
- Two boys' basketball coaches (regional level)
- Three boys' tennis coaches (all levels)
Boys' basketball and boys' tennis practices have been postponed due to a lack of coaches. The season will begin on 9/20/21 and end on 10/29/21. If we cannot hire coaches, then we will have to cancel boys' tennis.
Please note that coaches will need to be vaccinated, have a background check completed, and be CPR certified. Other training may be required.
If interested, please get in touch with Ms. Holland, Ms. Stephens, or Mr. Decker.
Upcoming Events
- Practice begins for boys' basketball and boys' tennis
Friendly Reminder-Student Water Bottles
Washington State Fair Tickets
First Quarter AVID Focus
Finn Hill Middle School
Each student will graduate prepared to lead a rewarding, responsible life as a contributing member of our community and greater society.
Every student future ready: Prepared for college, Prepared for the global workplace, Prepared for personal success
Location: 8040 NE 132nd St, Kirkland, WA, USA
Phone: (425) 936-2340
Twitter: @FinnHillMS