The Berg Bulletin
May 2023
Greetings from Principal Lecoe!
It is hard to believe that we are in the last month of school. It has been a blessing to work with all of you and your child(ren) this year. Each year seems to be full of new experiences for all as we navigate the world we live in today. It is so fun to see the students grow, learn and mature from the beginning of the school year until the end. I wish you all the best and most enjoyable summer as we finish the school year and move into some fun and relaxing time. Thanks for a great school year and I hope to see you enjoying yourself during the summer days! 🙂
Contact Information
Principal: Tracy Lecoe
Administrative Assistant: Julie Henderson
Location: 307 3rd Avenue West, Dickinson, ND
Phone: (701) 456-0010
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Dates to Remember
May 1-15: NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association) Math & Reading Testing for Grades K-5
May 6-17: DIBELS End of Year Assessment
May 1: Reading Rodeo @ Berg from 4:00-5:00 PM
May 6-10: DPS Staff Appreciation Week! (see below)
May 7: 2nd Grade Dinosaur Museum Field Trip
May 16: Annual Title I Meeting @ 12:00- face to face and zoom
May 16: 4th Grade Live Statue Museum @ 2:15
May 17: Gateway to Science at Berg for ALL grades! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - please contact office.
May 21: DHS Senior Walkthrough @ 9:45 AM
May 22: 5th Grade Graduation @ 8:30 AM in the Berg Gymnasium - guests are invited to attend!
May 23: Last Day of School - EARLY DISMISSAL @ 1:00 PM
May 26: DHS Graduation
Join us for the Reading Rodeo on May 1st!
Education Appreciation Week
DPS Staff Appreciation Week is 6-10! Please help us honor teachers and staff for going above and beyond, and making a positive impact on your child's learning and development. We encourage you to let your child’s teacher and other staff know how important they are during this special week.
You can send a thank you using this link:
Gateway to Science STEMzone is Coming to Berg May 17th!
North Dakota’s Gateway to Science (GTS) on the Go (STEMzone) will bring exciting educational experiences to students at Berg Elementary on Friday, May 17th from 12:15-2:45. This amazing opportunity offers engaging, hands-on learning experiences for K-12 students that cultivate interest and 21st-century skills. STEMzone events allow students to engage in hands-on, high-energy learning experiences in science, technology, engineering, and math.
STEMzone is a carnival-style event designed to engage everyone! NDGTS staff members will be on-site to deliver hands-on activities! To make this event possible, GTS requires that we have 15 ON-SITE VOLUNTEERS to assist students with activities. If you have the time, please join us for an afternoon of fun and learning!
To see the amazing opportunities Gateway to Science offers we encourage you to look at their website. Please contact our administrative assistant, Julie with any questions. She can be reached at 456-0010 or
NWEA Testing May 1-15
Beginning today and going until May 15th, all grade levels will be taking the NWEA Reading and Math tests. Please make sure that your child is getting a good night's sleep and eating a healthy breakfast during this time.
iPad and Chromebook Damages & Fees
As we near the end of the school year, I will begin inspecting student devices and their associated chargers for damage. Please be sure to read the information below.
If a device (or device accessory) repair or replacement is required due to negligent use or intentional damage, all repair or replacement costs are the responsibility of the student and their parent(s)/legal guardians. The district will have the damage(s) repaired or replaced and bill the parent(s)/legal guardian(s). Examples of device and accessory damage include, but are not limited to cracked or scratched screens; broken or lost cases; damaged keyboards/missing keys; stripped or broken charging cords; lost charging cords, etc. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the school and ask to speak with me -- I am here to help! You can also email me at
Please see below for a list of damages and their associated costs.
Thank you for helping safeguard our devices!
Ms. Simek
Library Books are Due
Student library materials are due back at school by Monday, May 13th. We also ask that you pay for any lost/damaged book fees ASAP. If you find a library book over the summer, please keep it safe and return it to Berg when school starts in August. Once returned, we can update your child’s account and delete the fine. Thank you for your help!
Mr. Kuntz & Mrs. Mathiason
Outstanding Lunch Bills Due
Outstanding lunch bills are due ASAP. All students with outstanding lunch/breakfast balances will be sent home with an invoice next week, so please keep an eye on your child's backpack and/or take-home folder. This information can also be obtained by calling the front office @ 456-0010. All outstanding fees are due on the last day of school, May 23rd. We kindly ask that outstanding balances be paid ASAP. Thank you for your help with this.
Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year
Don't forget to register your child for Kindergarten if you haven't already done so!
Online registration for returning students will be available closer to the start of the 2024-2025 school year. More details, including school supply lists, will be shared in August.
Counselor Corner with Mr. Ascheman
Hello Everyone,
Happy last month of school! This month we will be focusing our attention on responsible decision-making. Students will learn about choosing honesty over dishonesty, handling friendship problems, choosing right from wrong, etc.
As this school year comes to a close, I want to thank all of you for the great school year and I am excited to see you all in August! Have an awesome summer everyone!
Gym and Music Collaborate in May!
Last week all students were treated to a live performance by the DMS Marimba and Drum ensembles as part of their elementary school tour. It was a wonderful concert, and it was great to see so many students who attended Berg performing in the ensembles!
Beginning May 6th, all grade-levels will participate in “Drums Alive”, a combined PE and Music unit that combines drumming and movement. It is something we look forward to every year! Please be sure students have PE shoes every day from May 6 - May 17.
The 5th Graders tested band instruments at DMS and attended a concert by the 8th Grade Band. In the next few days, students will bring home information about joining the DMS band program next year. Included will be a letter indicating which instrument worked best for your child, as well as information on the instrument rent-to-own program through Eckroth Music.
Title 1 Tidbits
May is National Speech, Language, and Hearing Month
May is National Speech, Language, and Hearing Month (formerly known as Better Hearing and Speech Month), and a time to celebrate and acknowledge the dedication of individuals in Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) and Audiology career fields. Speech, language, and hearing assist us all in communicating with one another. But did you know that an estimated 5% to 10% of Americans have a communication disorder that affects one or more of these areas?
In light of this, May has been declared Speech-Language-Hearing (SLH) Month. Each May, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and countless SLH professionals join together to educate the general public about the prevention and treatment of various communication disorders. ASHA believes that this message is more important in 2024 than ever before: more children are manifesting communication delays and disorders; the World Health Organization has put out a warning regarding hearing loss from loud noise exposure; and the aging U.S. population is expected to experience communication challenges.
Bethany Leier is Berg's Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP), and has planned fun activities throughout the month for staff and students. If you have any questions, please reach out to Bethany at