Wheatmore Athletics
Wednesday, February 05
4:30 PM Boys Junior Varsity Basketball West Davidson High School Away
5:00 PM Boys Varsity Wrestling OPEN 3rd Round - Dual Team Regionals Away
7:30 PM Boys Varsity Basketball West Davidson High School Away
Thursday, February 06 No events scheduled
Friday, February 07
4:30 PM Boys Junior Varsity Basketball Southwestern Randolph High Home
6:00 PM Girls Varsity Basketball Southwestern Randolph High Home
7:30 PM Boys Varsity Basketball Southwestern Randolph High Home
Saturday, February 08
TBA Coed Varsity Swimming OPEN Swimming State Championships @Triangle Aquatic Center
9:00 AM Boys Varsity Wrestling OPEN Dual Team State @ Greensboro Coliseum Away
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Sportsmanship Initiative
Hello parents and students of Wheatmore High School. This is Principal Johnson. Wheatmore High School and the Randolph County School System are looking forward to a successful year both academically and athletically. I am calling to share some important information with you regarding our school’s athletic programs and positive sportsmanship initiative.
At Wheatmore, we take good sportsmanship seriously for everyone involved which includes student athletes, parents, coaches and spectators. Participation in athletic programs is a privilege which comes with obligations as a representative of our school. Please take the time to review the RCSS Spectator Code of Conduct which can be found on our school’s website. The RCSS Spectator Code of Conduct also will be visible at RCSS athletic events.
Thank you for supporting this positive sportsmanship initiative and remember: When we show respect, everyone wins!