Thunderbird Update
"Where all Thunderbirds Thrive"
Week of July 29-August 2
Thunderbird Families,
We had an amazing start to the 2024-25 school year. Students were here each day with smiles on their faces and enjoyed interacting with their friends and teachers. Most students were tired by the end of the day, but as the days go by, they will once again build stamina and won't be as exhausted by the afternoon. Weather certainly worked in our favor this first week of school, however in case we are not as lucky and have lightening in the upcoming weeks, please review our "shelter in place" dismissal plan. It is our hope to get students dismissed as safely and efficiently as possible.
We were privileged to have Superintendent Ruiz, as well as other district support staff, join us Monday morning at the start of the day. Our students and staff were very welcoming and we had nothing but positive feedback. That is a true reflection of you as parents, you are raising amazing young men and women.
We did have a few hiccups with bussing at the end of the day, but hope we got that straightened out. Please be aware that bus 32, 47, and 60 don't arrive to the school until around 4:20. If your student rides one of these busses, they will be later getting home.
Open House is tonight, Monday, July 29th at 5:30. All students and parents will begin in the gym for a short presentation and then have an opportunity to walk their students schedule. If you have more than one kiddo, please feel free to spend time in both classes each period. 8th grade athletes and parents will have a parent meeting in the cafeteria at 4:30 prior to Open House to answer questions and provide RankOne support. It is a requirement that all documents are uploaded into RankOnce prior to the athlete being able to participate.
Please remember that school begins at 8:55. It is important that students are at school on time so that they don't miss out on valuable instruction. Please see drop-off and pick-up information below.
Parent Drop-off and Pick-up
- School Hours are from 8:55am-3:55pm
- Parents will drop off and pick up students in the parent drop off area on the East side of the school.
- East side gate opens at 8:00am. Students will report straight to the cafeteria.
- Please no drop-offs before 8:00am, as there is no supervision and we want all our students to be safely monitored.
- Please no check outs after 3:30pm as it is extremely disruptive to classrooms and office end of day responsibilities.
We are looking forward to another great week! If you haven't already, please sign and return both the Zia Expectations and Title 1 Compact to the students advisory teacher. Together, we can make a difference!
Go Thunderbirds!
Tisha Apodaca
Zia Middle School Shelter in Place Dismissal
In the event of a weather-related or other incident at the end of the school day that leads to us being in a shelter in place, the procedure below will be followed. Please note that only Parents/Guardians or Emergency Contacts listed in Synergy have authority to pick up students.
Shelter in Place Dismissal:
Your student(s) will remain safe in the classrooms.2
Parents/Guardians or Emergency Contacts who come to pick up their student(s) will be directed to enter the building using the EAST side Library door located near the south end of the parent drop off parking lot.
Parents/Guardians or Emergency Contacts will proceed to Library circulation desk where staff will check credentials and retrieve student location information.
Please make sure to have your identification/driver’s license ready.
Student(s) names and location will be written on the release ticket and given to Parents/Guardians or Emergency Contacts.
Parents/Guardians or Emergency Contacts will proceed to the classroom to pick up their student(s).
Staff will be available to direct Parents/Guardians or Emergency Contacts to appropriate classrooms.
Parents/Guardians or Emergency Contacts and student(s) will exit out the northeast gate for the east parking lot or the southwest gate for the west parking lot.
Note: Buses will run after the shelter in place has been lifted. Once the shelter in place has been lifted, any student remaining will be released to head home via their normal transportation method.
Progress Reports
Progress reports will be printed and sent home through advisory every other Tuesday. They are due with PARENT/GUARDIAN signature by Thursday. Please see exact dates below.
August- 8/6, 8/20
September- 9/3, 9/17
October- 10/15, 10/29
November- 11/19
December- 12/10
January- 1/21
February- 2/4, 2/25
March- 3/25
April- 4/8, 4/22
May- 5/6, 5/20
Zia Bell Schedule
Zia Expectations
Course, Attendance, & Behavior Expectations
Zia expectations will be coming home with students this week. Please review with your student, sign, and return. This will help us work together as a team to ensure our students have a safe, productive learning environment each day.