7th Grade Counseling Highlights
From Cairsten Keese
Career Exploration
This month the 7th grade students started career exploration in core classes and during flex time. In social studies, we looked at careers that use the mapping skills they were learning about and in math we discussed careers that use proportional relationships, scale models, scale figures, and ratios. For example, botanists use GIS mapping to plot the plant life they are researching and special effects artists use scale models to create sets. The goal is to highlight the relevance of the work they are doing in school with future options.
In Flex this month, we are learning about the 16 career clusters and finding out the pathways each one offers. Students also have the chance to take a self-assessment on Naviance to find out which career clusters are more closely aligned to their interests. We also play a version of charades/pictionary where students act out different careers and then connect the careers to the appropriate career cluster.
Click for more information regarding Career Clusters
Question Prompts:
If you had the opportunity to do any job for one day, what would it be?
What is a unique and/or unusual job you've heard of?
Callback Meetings
I plan to meet with all of the 7th graders in small groups during callback at least once per quarter. I am just now wrapping up my first round of meetings. During this time, I was able to introduce myself, show students my office, discuss my role, and get to know them a little better. The future callback meetings will focus on a variety of topics having to do with career exploration, friendship, communication styles, academics, etc.
Email: ckeese@u32.org
Phone: 802-229-0321 x4031
Cairsten Keese
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