St. Luke Weekly SMORE
September 5, 2021
Leadership Message
St. Luke Community,
Last week was full of excitement from both students and staff at St. Luke. The staggered entry days went exceptionally well. Having half our students over 2 days allowed teachers not only to discuss new protocols but to check in and reassure students.
As a school community, we understand that everyone has had a different experience when it comes to life during this pandemic. With this in mind, as we start the school year, we will continue to focus on student and staff mental health. Staff will be developing activities in the classroom that promote classroom community and focus on helping all students to integrate their learning. In addition, we will continue to listen to our students and we will help to support our students in the ways in which this support is required. Trusting relationships are key to a successful year, and our staff will be working hard to establish this foundation. If there is anything you feel that your child’s teacher or the office should know, do not hesitate to reach out.
We would like to welcome back all of our returning staff and welcome the newest members to our team. We are delighted to welcome Mrs. Sharilynn Shakeshaft our new Assistant Principal and Grade 5-8 teacher. Mrs. Elizabeth Driedger in Pre-Kindergarten and Ms. Monique Jean-Burns who will be teaching our early learning students. We are fortunate this year to bring back the sound of music with Mr. Larry Grudzinski leading our music program. Ms.Tracey Haubrich, our new Educational Assistant, will be assisting our students with various needs in the classrooms and look for exciting changes coming to the library as we welcome Mrs. Tracy Scoggins aboard. We are also excited to welcome Ms.Jenna Bracken from Strathcona County who will be working together with our staff to support the academic achievement by focusing on the whole student and their wellness. Promoting positive mental health, coping strategies and healthy relationships will be top priority as we work hard at providing a safe and caring school environment. The first step to improve student learning. Thank youTeam, for creating such a caring and welcoming school.
As we navigate through the challenges COVID continues to bring, our focus remains strong on the academic, social and emotional success of all our students. Together with our amazing school team and with the support from our parents community St. Luke will continue to be a fantastic place for all our students to become the best they can be.
We look forward to an exciting year!
Mrs. Cathy Hinger and Mrs. Sharilynn Shakeshaft
Chaplain's Corner: We are 'Called To More'
As believers, we are all God's servants and each one has been planted in a place of God's choosing.. to be used by Him as He forwards His redemptive plan. In an amazing way, each one of us could be challenged with the words: who knows whether or not you have been placed in this particular position for a time such as this? We may not be called upon to act as regent to a great and mighty king, like Esther.. but each one of us can be used by God to minister.. to a lost neighbor, a prodigal son, a straying daughter, a sick relative, a local catastrophe - a hurting heart.
Let us be ready and willing like Queen Esther to carry out the work that God has prepared for us to do, even when the task seems difficult, dangerous or daunting - for who knows whether or not you have been placed in this particular position - to play a little part in the history of man's redemption.
As we journey together this year we will explore opportunities to love, help, hope, serve, pray, forgive and listen more.
Madam Hayden
Welcome Back Message from Father Jim & Trisha Murphy
Principal: Mrs. Cathy Hinger
School Secretary: Mrs. Paula Rumley
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Sharilynn Shakeshaft
Pre-Kindergarten: Mrs. Elizabeth Driedger
Kindergarten: Ms. Monique Jean-Burns
Grade 1: Miss Michelle Suddaby
Grade 2: Mrs. Erica Odiobala
Grade 3: Mrs. Andrea Kroeker
Grade 3/4: Madam Donna Hayden
Grades 5 - 8: Mr. Brant Driedger
Grades 5 - 8: Mrs. Leanne Evans
Grades 5 - 8: Mrs. Sharilynn Shakeshaft
Music and Options: Mr. Larry Grudzinski
Educational Assistant: Mrs. Selene Sorenson
Educational Assistant: Ms. Tracy Haubrich
Ms. Yasmin Akhtar: Collaborative Response Coordinator
Mrs. Sarah McCann: Family Wellness Worker
Ms. Jenna Bracken: Mental Health Capacity Builder (MHCB)
IMPORTANT NOTICE! Elk Island Catholic Schools Changes Masking Requirement
Effective Tuesday, September 7th, 2021, Elk Island Catholic Schools will require all K-12 students and staff to wear masks in all schools throughout the division. This change comes about as part of a commitment of Elk Island Catholic Schools to keep our students and staff safe.EICS will be requiring all students and staff to wear a mask in all common areas, hallways, foyers, lunchrooms, libraries, and in areas where social distancing is not possible. Masks may be removed in classrooms when students are seated.
There will be circumstances in which individuals will be eligible for mask accommodations or exemptions. This would include:
- persons who are unable to place, use or remove a non-medical face mask (i.e. developmental and or physical reasons)
- a medical condition or disability (i.e. mental or physical) Anyone unable to wear a mask due to a medical condition will require a medical exemption letter from an authorized health
“We realize the impact that this will have on our EICS community and as always are so appreciative of the support and compassion that we all share during these challenging times. Our priority remains ensuring that our students and staff have a safe school start-up in each of our communities and that will continue to guide future decisions” explained Superintendent Haggarty.
COVID Daily Health Check
As a parent/guardian you are required to complete a daily health screening check for your child each day before they come to school. We need everyone's help and commitment to these health checks, as well as making sure that your child stays home if they are feeling unwell or displaying any symptoms. This is the most important measure we can all do to keep our school safe.
Children: Children under 18, including all students who attend kindergarten through Grade 12 and high school students over 18, must complete the Alberta Health Daily Checklist for Children under 18 before going to school, child care or other activities.
- isolate if they have core COVID-19 symptoms or test positive
- follow best practices to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses
Adults: School staff and visitors must review the Alberta Health Daily Checklist to determine if they may enter a school.
A back-to-school tool kit provides information for parents and school staff on what to expect when students head to their classrooms.
Student Drop Off and Pick Ups
Please update all Medical Forms. If your child has a medical alert that we should be aware of please indicate this on your Powerschool account.
Data Verification Forms as well need to be updated on Powerschool. According to Alberta Education these forms are to be updated each year.
Powerschool link:
Computers Available for Grade 1 - 3 Families
As your child moves into grade 4, technology as a tool becomes significantly integrated into their learning. Students will be expected to have some type of chromebook/computer to use during the school day.
For the upcoming 2021/22 our school has replenished some of our school chromebook carts. The used chromebooks will be factory reset and inspected to ensure good working condition.
These devices are 5 years old and will no longer receive software updates from Google. Devices are sold “As Is” and come with no warranty and no support.
If you would like to purchase one of these chromebooks please contact the school at 780-922-5920. The cost will be added to your PowerSchool account. NOTE: There is a limited supply of each device and will be sold on a first come first serve basis.
There are some Yearbooks left to purchase. If you would still like to purchase one please call Mrs. Rumley at the School
Our first School Council/Parent Association Meeting will be held virtually on Monday, September 27th at 6:30pm. If you have any questions about the school council , please do not hesitate to reach out at:
If you haven’t already, please join our School Council and Parent Association Facebook page! We are excited to offer this official space to share news and updates about events, fundraising, and more! Link to join:
Alberta Health Services
As announced by the Chief Medical Officer of Health earlier this month, Alberta Health Services will be providing COVID-19 immunizations in all Alberta schools for grades 7-12 beginning in September. Attached is an information letter from AHS outlining this program and the second document is the actual COVID-19 School Immunization Consent.
AHS Covid 19 Immunization Letter - August 2021
AHS Consent Form Covid 19 - August 2021
If you would like your eligible student to receive this immunization, we would ask that you fill out the consent form and return it asap to your child's school. We will place additional copies of the consent form on each of the applicable school websites and
If you have any questions regarding this immunization program, we would invite you to contact Health Link by calling toll-free 811.
Upcoming Dates
September 6: Holiday for Staff and Students
September 8: Early Dismissal 2:00pm for Students
September 9: First Praise and Worship Virtual Link *All are welcome to join!
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link.
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacremental preparation.
Read the lastest bullitin from OLPH or visit
St. Francis of Assisi parish is administered by Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Sherwood Park. Please contact the parish for confession times and more information.
Clergy: Reverend Jim Corrigan, Pastor
Mass Time: Sunday 11:00
Email Address: StFrancisAssisi.Tofield(at)
5523 - 50 Street Tofield, AB T0B 4J0
See map: Google Maps
Phone: 780-467-5470St. Luke Catholic School
Location: 22139 South Cooking Lake Road, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-922-5920
Twitter: @stlcs_EICS