Chesterbrook Academy
August News
Letter from the Principal
It is hard to believe but the start of a new school year is just a few short weeks away. The teachers are all looking forward to the new school year with great excitement and we hope that you are too!
Remember the first day of school is September 4th.
If there are any questions, please feel free to ask.
1. Lunches - Please remember to label your child's lunches with their name on the outside of the bag, Also, be sure to use the labels in the classroom to identify peanut butter substitutes.
2. Smilebox - We send out a smilebox every Friday during camp. Please let us know if you have not been receiving yours.
3. Pulse Check Survey - You should be getting a pulse check survey every other week. Please take a moment to fill out the survey. We get immediate feedback from them and that is how we ensure that camp is running smoothly. You may fill out the survey more than once a summer.
4. August 31st - Just a reminder that there is NO CAMP or care for school age children on August 31st. The last day of camp is August 30th.
Kindergarten Orientation will be held on August 31st from 10 to 11.
Important Dates
31st - Kindergarten Orientation
4th - First Day of School
11th - Back to School Night
We also have a new addition to the Chesterbrook family. Miss Meagan from our Intermediate Room had a baby girl named Peyton. She was born on August 1st. Both Meagan and Peyton are doing fine!
Hours - The school closes at 6:00. Please be sure to arrive for pick up prior to 6:00.
Toys - Toys from home should be left at home.