Weekly Update for Nov. 4 to 8, 2024

Dear Families,
With the temperatures changing and winter weather quickly approaching, please send your child to school with clothes for the playground. District policy states that students will remain inside if the temperature (with wind chill) is lower than 15 degrees. If there is significant rain/lightning, wind or heavy snow, we may remain inside as well. Otherwise, we love being outside when possible. Once we have snow on the ground, students may place on the playground and turf areas with boots, otherwise we ask that they stay in the plowed areas to keep their feet dry. Please send your child with coats, boots, gloves and hats, all labeled with their first and last name. This helps us return any missing items to your child. If you are in need of support with winter clothing, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thanks for your support!
Have a nice weekend,
Karen Hanford
Truscott Elementary School
Spanish Dual Language Immersion
November Events
6 Picture retake/repetición de fotos
11 Veterans Day Parade, 11:11am
12 Read aloud day/Dia de leer en voz alta
18 Yoga in room 154 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
20 4th grade Family Night-Craft and Dancing 4:30 - 5:30
25-29 No school-Thanksgiving break/No hay escuela-vacaciones de acción de gracias
Picture Retake Day is November 6th
Event Order Number: EVTGFMC4T
Attention 3rd, 4th and 5th grade families
Please see the attached flyer about the Destination Imagination learning opportunity. Contact me if your student is interested in participating. Spaces on the team are limited to 7. Team members will be determined by first responses to me.
Thank you,
Mary Chase
Social Emotional Specialist
A Note from the Health Office
Hi families,
As the weather gets colder and we start to see more moisture and precipitation, please be aware that playground equipment may be wet, which means your child's clothing may become wet. We have a limited supply of clothing in the health office to support toileting accidents, so it would be helpful if your child had a set of dry pants and socks in their backpack just in case. Please also remember to send your students with appropriate clothing including coats, jackets, hats and snow boots as the temperatures continue to drop. We have a few spares here, but not many.
Please also remember that cough drops and throat lozenges, while helpful during cold and flu season, are not allowed to be brought to school. Any medicines, including cough drops and lozenges, must have a doctor's permission for administration and have to be kept in the health office.
Thank you for your understanding.
Stephanie McNutt
Truscott Elementary School SHOA
Gratitude Newsletter
Please read the gratitude newsletter below.
Thank you,
Tanya Brown
Truscott School Counselor
Show your School Spirit and Dress up
Student Leadership has met and they planned out spirit days for the school year. Here are the days from Please have your child dress up in the following themes, if they would like to.
11/8 Farm Day -Dia de granja
11/15 Favorite Sport Day- Día de deporte favorito
11/22 PJ Day- Día de pijamas
Elementary District Spelling Bee
If your student is interested in participating in the District Spelling Bee this year, please have them come see Maestra Brito as soon as possible to get a spelling list to begin practicing at home. All words from the District written test are taken from this list. The written test to see who qualifies for the District bee will be held in December. If you have any questions, please contact Jill Brito at jill.brito@tsd.org.
Truscott will be hosting a yoga class for adults. Donations for the class will go directly to Café con Leche to support our students/teachers. One of our Truscott parents is leading the class. Please read the flyer for details and the dates for November and December.
Sale on Truscott Spirit Wear
Holiday Sale Info
Truscott Links:
Forum for Families of Students Identified as Gifted
The Gifted Family Forum is hosted by the Colorado Department of Education in partnership with the North Central Region school districts.
~Submitted by Michelle Stout
With Field Trips Starting up, Do you Want to be a Volunteer?
If volunteers and chaperones can go on a field trip, do you want to be one? If so, you need to go to the Thompson School District website and fill out a volunteer form. You must be an approved volunteer to go on the field trip. If you are not sure if you are an approved volunteer please call me and I can look you up in the system.
Here is the website you need to go to and this needs to be done at least two weeks prior to the field trip.
Truscott Elementary School
We are here to help you! If you are in need of support, please contact your classroom teachers, Mrs. Mueller, Mr. Bessey or Mrs. Hanford. As a team, we will work to find the answers to your questions and help the best that we can. Please email us at
todd.bessey@tsd.org, karen.hanford@tsd.org, or
Email: michelle.mueller@tsd.org
Location: 211 West 6th Street, Loveland, CO, USA
Phone: 970-613-6900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/truscottelementaryschool/
Twitter: @ourschool