Lowell Library Newsletter
January 2024

April Was Poetry Month!
Hello Lowell Families and Caregivers!
April brought us lots of poems at all grade levels! We learned that many picture books we read are poems stretched out and illustrated and often include rhyme, repetition, rhythm, and many other poetic elements. Watching poems read by the poets themselves also let us see and hear how poets use their voice to emphasize certain elements. Some of our read alouds below were recordings of the poet's themselves reading their work.
Curriculum Corner
Our curriculum is a combination of library, digital learning , and computer science. Each year we build on previous year's work and expand our understanding in all three areas.
April 2024
- I can describe the structure of a poem.
- I can identify rhyming words in a poem.
- I can identify the rhythm of a poem.
First Grade
- I can describe the structure of a poem.
- I can identify rhyming words in a poem.
- I can identify the rhythm of a poem.
Second Grade
- I can describe the structure of a poem.
- I can collaboratively write a diamante poem.
- I can collaboratively write a haiku poem.
Third Grade
- I am learning that abstraction is way of categorizing groups of objects by one common characteristic.
- I can, individually, create a model of a system and explain what the model shows and does not show.
- I can use a digital tool to create an animation of a scientific process.
- I can move a file in and out of the cloud
Fourth Grade
- I can collaboratively create and design a solution to a problem. (Lego WeDo 2.0 Floodgate Project)
Fifth Grade
- I can organize the parts of my book talk.
- I can write a summary of my book.
- I can record my book talk using a digital tool.
Read Aloud Selection K-5 ๐๐๐๐
All the World
by Liz Garton Sacanlon
illus. Marla Frazee
The Undefeated
by Kwame Alexander
illus. Kadir Nelson
Hi, Koo! A Year of Seasons
by John J. Muth
illus. Michaela Goode
Dog on a Frog?
Rhyming words.
Nanette's Baguette
Rhyme, repetition, rhythm, onomatopoeia.
Student Individual and Class Poems๐๐ชท๐
Digital Citizenship @ Home
3-5 Media Balance and Well Being Home Activity
Helping kids learn what makes different media choices healthy or not is a good start. But how do we help them actually make responsible choices in the real world? Give your students the opportunity to create a personalized media plan.
Plugged in Parents: Grades K-8
How do we use media in balance as
a family, find quality content, set expectations around healthy use to prevent conflict, and raise media savvy consumers and creators?
Padres Conectados: Grados K-5
ยฟCรณmo balancear el uso de los medios en familia, buscar contenido de calidad, establecer expectativas sobre el uso saludable de la tecnologรญa para evitar conflictos, y criar jรณvenes que sean consumidores y creadores inteligentes de los medios?
Contact Lowell Library
Email: kelly.mccollum@watertown.k12.ma.us
123 Lowell Street Watertown, MA 02472
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